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aww thanks :)


Wellllll, it's a long story (literally) There's this girl named Lucia and she's absolutley lost... kind of confined in her world... It's set in the early 1900's, and there's definatley a love story...only it takes place somehow in her past life...she spends the time trying to find the reincarnation of this guy that she had a vision of...and all along he was right in front of her eyes... BUT, there's a BIG twist:naughty:


:shocked: :shocked: I have to know the twist!!!!! :shocked: I'm dying with this cliffhanger and I haven't read it yet! You really are good! :naughty:

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I will be the first purchaser of this book, i know it.!!


HA! you'll have to wait a few years... I started this story when I was 16


I'll leave you with a line from the book though:naughty:


"Come with me"

"I don't even know you, let me go!"


The boy turns her roughly toward him, " You know me..."

He eases up... suddenly discovering the blue abyss in her eyes.


His voice softens "Trust me Lucia, you know me...I know you need me tonight."


She has nothing left to lose, the rebellious streak in her has not run its course completley on this night.

"What's your name?"

" It's Gabriel... you'll remember it."

"How did you know my name?"


He breaks off, pretending to be absorbed in trying to find the place he is taking her. The woods are dark and all she can see is the moon above her and the frequent blinking of Gabriel's eyes as he turns to look at her every once in a while.

He is tall, exotic...his eyes seem to be soaked in honey and his voice is deep and comforting. His unruly curls are tied at the nape of his neck.. His hands are rough around hers, but there's a softness to him that she trusts.

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HA! you'll have to wait a few years... I started this story when I was 16


I'll leave you with a line from the book though:naughty:


"Come with me"

"I don't even know you, let me go!"


The boy turns her roughly toward him, " You know me..."

He eases up... suddenly discovering the blue abyss in her eyes.


His voice softens "Trust me Lucia, you know me...I know you need me tonight."


She has nothing left to lose, the rebellious streak in her has not run its course completley on this night.

"What's your name?"

" It's Gabriel... you'll remember it."

"How did you know my name?"


He breaks off, pretending to be absorbed in trying to find the place he is taking her. The woods are dark and all she can see is the moon above her and the frequent blinking of Gabriel's eyes as he turned to look at her every once in a while.

He is tall, exotic...his eyes seem to be soaked in honey and his voice is deep and comforting. His unruly curls are tied at the nape of his neck.. His hands are rough around hers, but there's a softness to him that she trusts.

*is officially inlove with a book* We plan to elop in march :biggrin2::wub2::wub2:

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aww thanks :)


Wellllll, it's a long story (literally) There's this girl named Lucia and she's absolutley lost... kind of confined in her world... It's set in the early 1900's, and there's definatley a love story...only it takes place somehow in her past life...she spends the time trying to find the reincarnation of this guy that she had a vision of...and all along he was right in front of her eyes... BUT, there's a BIG twist:naughty:


We need to know the twist!!!:roftl:


And you'd better sign my copy. And I'm not standing in line for eight hours for you to do so, either. :sneaky2:


Us too! Us too! We can't wait for you to finish. You have a sale!


HA! you'll have to wait a few years... I started this story when I was 16


I'll leave you with a line from the book though:naughty:


"Come with me"

"I don't even know you, let me go!"


The boy turns her roughly toward him, " You know me..."

He eases up... suddenly discovering the blue abyss in her eyes.


His voice softens "Trust me Lucia, you know me...I know you need me tonight."


She has nothing left to lose, the rebellious streak in her has not run its course completley on this night.

"What's your name?"

" It's Gabriel... you'll remember it."

"How did you know my name?"


He breaks off, pretending to be absorbed in trying to find the place he is taking her. The woods are dark and all she can see is the moon above her and the frequent blinking of Gabriel's eyes as he turns to look at her every once in a while.

He is tall, exotic...his eyes seem to be soaked in honey and his voice is deep and comforting. His unruly curls are tied at the nape of his neck.. His hands are rough around hers, but there's a softness to him that she trusts.



WOW!!! This book sounds awesome Mel!!!!

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:tears: *Group hug* this made my teary eyed haha...

Today is my one year anniversary of joining the fan club and pretty much finding the man that changed my life, like you said Melanie....

Well... Thank God for March/April 2007 :wub2:

Basically, you said what I feel (and pretty sure all of us feel)!!

I hope he can someday understand and feel the love that we have for him... :wub2::tears:

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*steps in to join in the group hug*


It's been a year since I first stumbled upon MIKA as well. I was going through a very tough time in my life( sadly still am) and ran off to a movie theatre to be alone and to just try and gather my sanity when Grace Kelly appeared on the screen. From that moment I was locked in instantly and I felt something that I really can't explain. I bought Grace Kelly off of iTunes and then bought Live in Cartoon Motion. I felt a connection with every song. Some more so than others, but one in particular that pretty much tells my story as it is right now and has been for years. But looking at the aspects of MIKA's life and how he has grown into such a respectable, admirable, inspiring.......etc. human being has me taking a second look at my life and how things can look up for me. One day!!!


I'm thankful for MIKA and his music, for MFC and for all of you fantastic people. LOVE LOVE<3

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It takes a long time to write a book, it'll be a while:blink:

But I'll send you a copy and you can read it before I get it published:wink2:


You better send me it too :naughty:



I'm a sucker for a well written love story :wub2:

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HA! you'll have to wait a few years... I started this story when I was 16


I'll leave you with a line from the book though:naughty:


"Come with me"

"I don't even know you, let me go!"


The boy turns her roughly toward him, " You know me..."

He eases up... suddenly discovering the blue abyss in her eyes.


His voice softens "Trust me Lucia, you know me...I know you need me tonight."


She has nothing left to lose, the rebellious streak in her has not run its course completley on this night.

"What's your name?"

" It's Gabriel... you'll remember it."

"How did you know my name?"


He breaks off, pretending to be absorbed in trying to find the place he is taking her. The woods are dark and all she can see is the moon above her and the frequent blinking of Gabriel's eyes as he turns to look at her every once in a while.

He is tall, exotic...his eyes seem to be soaked in honey and his voice is deep and comforting. His unruly curls are tied at the nape of his neck.. His hands are rough around hers, but there's a softness to him that she trusts.


i am SO buying this book!:mf_lustslow:

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