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How the Dutch celebrate Mika's Birthday


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Can I ask you to put a photo and tell us who is who?



I recognised Ingie, Linde, and Starrats (of course :naughty:), JoseOle, Sina, Diana and a dark haired woman that I think it's Babbz but I'm not sure...

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Can I ask you to put a photo and tell us who is who?



I recognised Ingie, Linde, and Starrats (of course :naughty:), JoseOle, Sina, Diana and a dark haired woman that I think it's Babbz but I'm not sure...


And me? :tears:


(I'll look for a picture.. give me a second :wink2:)


me like curls too, but for some special boys I can make an exception :mf_rosetinted:


Then all I can say is .. take your chance .. Jeroen is waiting! :mf_rosetinted:

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Picture ..




Well uhm ...

(left to right)








Jeroen :roftl:






Missing: Sinas :tears:


But you can see Sinas on this picture..




And I just need to post this one .. Mika was there!!





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Yeah I had to push him off of my lap, everyone wanted to get going but he insisted to stay there:mf_rosetinted:


Yeah, you're right ... :mf_rosetinted:








The actual truth is ..




nobody wanted to sit next to you ...




So we said .. we'll photoshop Mika in .. to make you feel better ..



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Yeah, you're right ... :mf_rosetinted:








The actual truth is ..




nobody wanted to sit next to you ...




So we said .. we'll photoshop Mika in .. to make you feel better ..





There...another dream crushed:mf_rosetinted:

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