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Official - Dreams about MIKA thread =)


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come to think of it i have no idea why the cover was just a hand :huh:


some of the rings were very pretty though. :naughty: but not quite what i was expecting.


I don't :mf_rosetinted:


Well dreams aren't really supposed to make sense :naughty:




I do :original:


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Well dreams aren't really supposed to make sense :naughty:




I do :original:



:lmfao: and what, pray tell, are you planning to do with it?


umm yes, if you read some of my past mika related dreams in this thread you would understand that dreams don't make sense. mostly becasue i've never had tea with mika with my cat serving the tea, mika has never taught my geography class, mika hasn't been shot and he most certainly does not own a antique rainbow-painted car. :naughty:

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:lmfao: and what, pray tell, are you planning to do with it?


umm yes, if you read some of my past mika related dreams in this thread you would understand that dreams don't make sense. mostly becasue i've never had tea with mika with my cat serving the tea, mika has never taught my geography class, mika hasn't been shot and he most certainly does not own a antique rainbow-painted car. :naughty:


Use it for a song, poem, story, etc. :naughty:

(If you don't mind)


Wowwwww. I miss not having Mika dreams :no:

I haven't had one FOREVER. :thumbdown:

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:lmfao: and what, pray tell, are you planning to do with it?


umm yes, if you read some of my past mika related dreams in this thread you would understand that dreams don't make sense. mostly becasue i've never had tea with mika with my cat serving the tea, mika has never taught my geography class, mika hasn't been shot and he most certainly does not own a antique rainbow-painted car. :naughty:


Do you know for sure what colour his little Fiat is???:roftl:


*goes to read back in this thread*:naughty:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so this week, I've dreamt a lot about Mika but I don't really remember anything lol. The only thing is that he was doing a 2nd secret gig in LA and that I was going, but I didn't dream about the concert:thumbdown:

And last night, I started panicking about this summer, feeling I would never get to see him live. You know, I have loads of exams coming, but I panic about Mika lol. Crazy.

And also, I was wondering if I would speak to him in French or in English if I have the chance to meet him. Result: I couldn't sleep!!! lol

And today, when I entered a food shop, guess what? Lollipop was playing!!! haha And it's really rare to hear Mika playing here:punk:

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Ok so this week, I've dreamt a lot about Mika but I don't really remember anything lol. The only thing is that he was doing a 2nd secret gig in LA and that I was going, but I didn't dream about the concert:thumbdown:

And last night, I started panicking about this summer, feeling I would never get to see him live. You know, I have loads of exams coming, but I panic about Mika lol. Crazy.

And also, I was wondering if I would speak to him in French or in English if I have the chance to meet him. Result: I couldn't sleep!!! lol

And today, when I entered a food shop, guess what? Lollipop was playing!!! haha And it's really rare to hear Mika playing here:punk:


I have that too! I'm afraid that I will not see him, but actually I should be more worried about school! :naughty:

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I have that too! I'm afraid that I will not see him, but actually I should be more worried about school! :naughty:


Cool, so I'm not the only one ^^. And I really should be worried about uni now yep. Back to work :naughty:

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I had a dream last night that Mika was doing a bunch of secret gigs in the most random places and somehow I managed to go to all of them :lol3:

I was so convinced it was real and then I woke up :thumbdown:

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oh yeah I few days ago I had a mika dream :wub2:

I was going to my first mika gig, and then after the show I was talking to mika (I keep thinking that if I do meet mika, I wouldn't be able to say anything because I would be too nervous :naughty:) so yeah I was talking to him for a long time, and then I think he asked a really cool question or said something really cool, annnnd I woke up :no:


but I thought it was real until I remembered I never been to a mika gig :roftl:

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except i didn't see mika!


so here goes:


there was a concert in quebec, on top of a mountain. one of our members, Fannie had come all the way from france with her 3 babies (girls) we had to climb the mountain to get to the concert. so i was helping her up the mountain. once we got there, we purchased our tickets. we had to wait quite a while, as the tickets were drawn by hand :blink:

once we bought our tickets, fannie decided that it was too cold for a concert and decided to leave! and it wasn't cold out! i couldn't believe that she had come all the way from france & she wasn't staying for the concert! then i got a call from sophie & robie, they got lost at the bottom of the mountain. i know that sunshine 931, cassiopee & claudine were there, but i didn't see them either.


i didn't even get to hear one song or see mika. :thumbdown:

i think i need my dreams to be better organised... it was a mess! :roftl:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I had a dream last night that Mika was doing a gig at some local college, so I went. My sister ended being there and was passing out lollipops on sticks made of taffy, and ice cream as well, I think. Then it fast-forwarded to the end where MFCers went to meet Mika. I was chewing taffy and he came up next to me and I was like "Oh god, how embarrassing, I have taffy all in my braces" and he was just like "Aww". Then I asked him if I could be his keyboard player and he looked almost scared. :naughty: He said he already had one, but that he'd let me audition the next time, but I didn't believe him. Then later he came back to say goodbye and he looked so sad. I wanted to go after him and cheer him up, but I couldn't follow him, obviously.

So yeah, that was pretty much it.

It was pretty depressing:tears:


There's nothing that makes me more sad than an unhappy Mika :no:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aww, that was adorable Fmbm. poor Mika.


I had a really great Mika dream last night, thank god too cause it's been a while.

My family and I (mom, sister, dad, aunt and uncle) were out to lunch at some resturant and my dad was texting a friend of his that knew Mika and this friend was telling my dad that Mika was supposed to be at that resturant at around 10am (i dunno why we were eating lunch that early). So we all went looking for him and had no luck finding him. On our way back tot he table I was upset because I wanted to see him and I glanced at the clock and saw that it was 10:30. I figured Mika was already gone but when I looked at our table Mika was there playing air piano (I could hear the music though, it was Any Other World :bleh: ) I rushed to the table and though "thank god he played the music so I could find him."

He was sitting at the table with 3 or 4 friends hanging around him waiting to leave but Mika was waiting for us to get back. He saw us and looked up and smiled with that adorable smile of his. His hair was incredably clurly and shiny and he was wearing that blue shirt he's wearing in the new video :wub2:

For some reason I was wearing huge baggy pants made of the same material wind-breakers are made out of. They had a white stripe on them and looked awful. Mika got up to take pictures with us, me first of course. In the dream he was only a few inches taller than I am while in real life he's a foot taller than me. But that was fine with me cause I could see his gorgeous face better :naughty:

Anyway, we were standing together, his arm around my shoulder and mine around his waist. He asked me to take the stripe off of my pants because he didn't know thatit was part of my pants and he thought it was something else. When I explained that it was part of my pants he started using his free hand to reach across me and tug playfully on them and made fun of me. I burried my head in his shoulder and laughed. He continued to make fun of my pants then said something really funny and I put my head against his shoulder and chest again and and this time he started laughing really hard too and put his face against the side of my face and the both of us collapsed into each other giggling. :lmao::wub2:

I made him straighted up and playfully told him to shut up so we could get our picture taken. I got my picture then my sister got hers then suddenly buth Mika's friends and my family (except for my sister) disppeared.

I thought Mika had left too so I said "Where did Mika go?"

He leaned over the chair he was sitting in and waved his hand to get my attention and waved his fingers a little when I saw him. He was sitting in a chair sideways, meaning the back was against his side and his arm was hanging over it. His legs were crossed and he was bouncing his foot. I saw him and said "Oh, I thought you had left without saying goodbye."

He closed his eyes a little and shook his head "No, never love." with that incredably adorable accent of his. He was waiting for his friends to come back I guess.

I was waiting with him and notices a table full of cookies. I wanted one but I didn't want to look stupid. I also wanted to offer him one but didn't want to look stupid because he had just ate lunch. So I grabbed a cookie and tried to look sexy while eating it but crumbs fell everywhere, Mika giggled at me then I woke up.


Throughout the whole dream my relationship with Mika was kinda weird cause it was like I kinda knew him. Not like he was a friend or anything but like I had seen him around before and we knew each other well enough to have a small conversation while we were woth each other.

When I woke up I could still feel him. I could feel his arm around my shoulder and his hair tickling the side of my face. I could still hear him giggle andsee his gring and feel his body leaning against mine. And I missed him. I woke up missing him the way a newlywed might miss her husband if he got called away to war only a couple months after they were married. I missed him and I don't even know the boy. I love him. :tears:

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Throughout the whole dream my relationship with Mika was kinda weird cause it was like I kinda knew him. Not like he was a friend or anything but like I had seen him around before and we knew each other well enough to have a small conversation while we were woth each other.

When I woke up I could still feel him. I could feel his arm around my shoulder and his hair tickling the side of my face. I could still hear him giggle andsee his gring and feel his body leaning against mine. And I missed him. I woke up missing him the way a newlywed might miss her husband if he got called away to war only a couple months after they were married. I missed him and I don't even know the boy. I love him. :tears:


What a great dream.. so sweet !!:wub2:

I understand how you felt when you woke up.. I've had that.. it's so strange! I dreamed that he hugged me and when I woke up I could still feel him hugging me and picture it.

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So the morning after I had my latest Mika dream, I was all set to turn on my computer and write about it so I didn't forget--but that was over a week ago. :sneaky2: Anyway, I remember parts of it: I remember I was on stage with Mika. It was sort of like the Parc des Princes stage, like that size (minus the fancy decorations) but there were those acrobats... and women flying in on ropes and wires in flowy skirts. And I was just chillin' on stage. I'm not sure which song was playing but I started to interpretive dance to it. One of my friends was there (who's a guy) and he was dancing too :roftl:. Mika just kept on singing. But the most vivid thing I remember is me and my friend doing interpretive dance moves to one of Mika's songs. On stage in front of thousands of people.:aah:

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This morning I had a dream and it went like this:


There was an acoustic show at a carnival and after the show let out, everyone was walking around the fair grounds. I saw this tall, skinny guy with curly hair, that looked kind of homeless, so I ran up to him and it was Mika. When he turned around he was smoking a cigarette (:tears::no:). So I asked Mika if I could take a photo with him and he said "yes". So I pulled out my camera and gave it to someone else to take a photo of us. I hugged Mika, but for some reason when I hugged him my arms were around his knees and my head at his chest level (I dunno why :aah:) and at that moment I thought it was the best fan photo ever. But when the person went to take the photo, my camera ran out of battery. So I had to run up to someone else and ask them if their camera could be used, and they said "yes". So then Mika and I "posed" for another photo but this time he was on his knees and I was behind him with my arms over his shoulders.


That's it. It was a bit strange. :lol3:

Though a show at a carnival is an interesting idea. :naughty:

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Dont remember what just know 120% it was him and it wasnt only for 2-3 sec. in it.... he was just there... :blink: Havent seen and heard anything with him for some time. If i had seen or heard him before i went to bed, then i wouldnt find it strange... But im here (member) cos of it :)

And strange enough a friend of mine invited me to a show with Mika the day after. She didnt know about that dream thingy...

Edited by Dark Angel
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On Saturday, I nearly bought this really awesome rainbow-star-thing tshirt in Topman and I had a dream that night where Mika was walking down Putney High Street, in the rain, wearing the tshirt and white skinny jeans. A car was following him and it was playing Rain on the radio. It was one of the best dreams I've ever had :)

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On Saturday, I nearly bought this really awesome rainbow-star-thing tshirt in Topman and I had a dream that night where Mika was walking down Putney High Street, in the rain, wearing the tshirt and white skinny jeans. A car was following him and it was playing Rain on the radio. It was one of the best dreams I've ever had :)

Aww, that dream actually sounds pretty awesome. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had a dream that Mika, Mana, myself, and my sisters were all in a submarine....I don't know why. But Mika was being very playful and had a wet suit on and went swimming out in the water and stuff :lol3:

We were all sitting next to each other on a couch or something and Mika decided to stretch out and lay across us, putting his foot on my sister's face :lmfao:

That was the gist of it. :dunno:



It was a nice dream :wub2:

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