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9.16(wed) MIKA 特集 Part.1

9.16(mon)の【Disc Of The Day】では…待望の2nd アルバムが日本先行発売に!!

MIKA のニューアルバム『THE BOY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH』をピックアップ!



( 17 (thu) の【Disc Of The Day】でも

アルバム『THE BOY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH』特集&インタビューオンエアしますよ ~☆)

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Hitomi Abe

はじめまして! ひとみと申します。 以前からこちらのMIKA FCで登録はしていたんですが、英語の難易度の高さに幽霊部員となっていました。   元々は2013年辺りの新木場公演に行って益々MIKAワールドに引き込まれ、それ以前のライブに行かなかった事にとても後悔して それまでを取り戻すかのように笑 2015年のライブでは大阪、東京2公演を見て、ライブ後のMIKAがファンの方達の前に来て


こんにちは、NaoMikaです。日本語スレは、はじめましてです。よろしくお願いいたします。 今ごろになってしまいましたが、欧州Heavenツアー4公演に参加してきました。(Limoges,Caen,Paris,London)   今日は10月13日Limogesのライブのレポートをさせていただきます。   まだMIKAファンになって半年のひよっこなので、内容の浅いものですがご容赦くださいませ。

Hitomi Abe

こんにちは!コメント沢山ありがとうございます!   英語力だけでなく、コメントのつけ方とか、色々とハードルが高いです(;^_^A コメントの下のとこにチェックを入れるとレスが出来るんですかね? サイトの使い方、難しいですね。 MIKAの大阪公演後に海外のファンの方が話しかけてくれて、私たちは色んな国から来たMIKAファンクラブなのよって教えてくれたのが印象的でした。 日本のファンも色ん

Posted Images

Blue Sky and MIINA , finally you got the album!!


How is it?

I don't listen to most of his new songs yet. Even when I watched YT, I have put off the sound for TOMORROW:biggrin2: I'm so excited to get it tomorrow.


And congratulations, Blue Sky!!!

Is that yours that Mika replied on Twitter?

I'm so happy too:wink2:


Thank you for the info, MIINA!!!

I have lots of funs tomorrow. I can't sleep tonight:biggrin2:

Edited by vinorosso
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Yes, that was his tweet to me when he saw our pictures!:wub2:


I watched space shower tonight with Mika's interview.

Wasn't such a special interview, but I did record it from the TV. I will try to post it.


I am so tired and emotional, I can hardly type!!:aah:

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Yes, that was his tweet to me when he saw our pictures!:wub2:


I watched space shower tonight with Mika's interview.

Wasn't such a special interview, but I did record it from the TV. I will try to post it.


I am so tired and emotional, I can hardly type!!:aah:


Sweet dreams , BS:wink2:

otsukaresama desita !! oyasumi ☆☆☆

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I know Miina couldn't get Space shower channel, so just in case anyone else couldn't see the show/interview, here it is in 3 parts.


I had to record directly from the TV, sorry. We are technologically backward in our house. At the beginning it said MIKA in LONDON, so this was not filmed in Japan.


Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3

Edited by Blue Sky
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MIKA : 2009-09-15



MIKAが先日、Twitterにて「(ロンドンにある)Ground Floor Barで今夜パーティーだ。僕が飲み物代をおごる。午後6時30分に店で会おう。これは本気だよ」と書き込んだ。


どうなったか。当然のように次々と人々が集まり、約300人ものファンでいっぱいとなったという。MIKAは気前よく、すべてのファン達にお酒を振舞い、 支払いはなんと380万円。全て自腹でご馳走したんだとか。MIKA、きみは凄い男だ。繊細でデリケートなイメージが前面に出ていたMIKAだが、この 男っぷりに、これまでのイメージが180度ひっくり返ったという人も多いことだろう。




そんなMIKAの待望のセカンド・アルバム『ザ・ボーイ・フー・ニュー・トゥー・マッチ』は、9月16日に日本先行発売となる。リリース前のため編集部で も音の確認は出来ていないが、煌びやかでカラフルなサウンドは、このアートワーク同様、健在のことだろう。前作を超えるともっぱらの噂の『ザ・ボーイ・ フー・ニュー・トゥー・マッチ』、前作を上回るセールスが期待できるところだ。



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Yes, just listened to it.


For such a technologically advanced country, the lack of internet radio, & lack of podcasts is crazy!


I don't even have the set up to record from an actual radio. But they gave Mika's new album lots of airplay, GGG, Dr John, BIOTG, I see you, WAG...forgot the others...and tomorrow they will do the other half of the interview.


She said Mika answered the questions with about 5 minutes talk per question, so they couldn't fit it all into one show:naughty:

He talked about everything we know about the album already, but he was talking during July when the album still had one more week until the final changes were finished.


He said how as a family they had lost everything 2, no 3 times in their lives, their home, their TV etc. He talked about how sad his teenage years were with bullying etc. And how that continued till he was 18 or 19...or even now...

He sad WAG is actually a very sad song. But with happy music...


Maybe some other Japanese fans heard it?? They can fill in the gaps. I will let you know if a recording appears...


Don't be deceived by the sweet face of the DJ, she was playing Kings of Leon, Prodigy, Muse etc as well as Mika. http://www.interfm.co.jp/eve/

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I know Miina couldn't get Space shower channel, so just in case anyone else couldn't see the show/interview, here it is in 3 parts.


I had to record directly from the TV, sorry. We are technologically backward in our house. At the beginning it said MIKA in LONDON, so this was not filmed in Japan.


Pt. 1

Pt. 2

Pt. 3


Thank you Blue sky!

first I thought this was an old interview in Japan...he was wearing orange clothes again.:teehee:



Yes, just listened to it.


For such a technologically advanced country, the lack of internet radio, & lack of podcasts is crazy!


I don't even have the set up to record from an actual radio. But they gave Mika's new album lots of airplay, GGG, Dr John, BIOTG, I see you, WAG...forgot the others...and tomorrow they will do the other half of the interview.


She said Mika answered the questions with about 5 minutes talk per question, so they couldn't fit it all into one show:naughty:

He talked about everything we know about the album already, but he was talking during July when the album still had one more week until the final changes were finished.


He said how as a family they had lost everything 2, no 3 times in their lives, their home, their TV etc. He talked about how sad his teenage years were with bullying etc. And how that continued till he was 18 or 19...or even now...

He sad WAG is actually a very sad song. But with happy music...


Maybe some other Japanese fans heard it?? They can fill in the gaps. I will let you know if a recording appears...


Don't be deceived by the sweet face of the DJ, she was playing Kings of Leon, Prodigy, Muse etc as well as Mika. http://www.interfm.co.jp/eve/


I've just heard it:thumb_yello:

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I guess Universal thinks Icecream and MIKA go together now???




MIKAの新アルバム『THE BOY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH』をオススメCDにしてくれています!







宮城県 仙台パルコ店


東京都   六本木ヒルズ店




神奈川県 横浜ランドマークプラザ店


埼玉県 越谷イオンレイクタウン店


千葉県 ららぽーと東京BAY店


栃木県   佐野プレミアムアウトレット店



静岡県 静岡パルコ店


岐阜県 土岐プレミアムアウトレット店

三重県   三井アウトレットパークジャズドリーム長島店


愛知県 名古屋パルコ店




兵庫県 阪急西宮ガーデンズ店


福岡県  キャナルシティ博多店

佐賀県 鳥栖プレミアムアウトレット店 coldstone.gif 2009.9.16更新



and the official release announcement:









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Finally I got the album today!

I fully realized Mika's talent again.


On the TRANSPORTER, Marty Freidman said about Mika, ' he knows how to use his fantastic voice. And he also knows what is the pop music. He can express the best way of the pop music.' And he said ' I like Mika. I'd like to talk with Mika, especially about J pop:biggrin2:' His words to Mika made me so glad.


As I was concentrated on the album too much around 8:00pm, I completely forgot to listen to the interFm. Can we listen to the #2 tomorrow? I will !

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Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Dani Desu, Nihon ga daisuki desu!! :D


Hello! My name is Dani, I love Japan!! :D


I hope I said that okay, I'm currently learning to speak Japanese, so I'm not very good :blink: I don't live in Japan, but I really love their culture and language, and of course their music! <3 :aah:

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I guess Universal thinks Icecream and MIKA go together now???




MIKAの新アルバム『THE BOY WHO KNEW TOO MUCH』をオススメCDにしてくれています!







宮城県 仙台パルコ店


東京都   六本木ヒルズ店




神奈川県 横浜ランドマークプラザ店


埼玉県 越谷イオンレイクタウン店


千葉県 ららぽーと東京BAY店


栃木県   佐野プレミアムアウトレット店



静岡県 静岡パルコ店


岐阜県 土岐プレミアムアウトレット店

三重県   三井アウトレットパークジャズドリーム長島店


愛知県 名古屋パルコ店




兵庫県 阪急西宮ガーデンズ店


福岡県  キャナルシティ博多店

佐賀県 鳥栖プレミアムアウトレット店 coldstone.gif 2009.9.16更新



and the official release announcement:










WOW! They recommend TBWTNM at the shops and use his album for BGM! :woot_jump:

AND they give us MIKA's sticker at the shops!! :mf_lustslow:



Finally I got the album today!

I fully realized Mika's talent again.


On the TRANSPORTER, Marty Freidman said about Mika, ' he knows how to use his fantastic voice. And he also knows what is the pop music. He can express the best way of the pop music.' And he said ' I like Mika. I'd like to talk with Mika, especially about J pop:biggrin2:' His words to Mika made me so glad.


As I was concentrated on the album too much around 8:00pm, I completely forgot to listen to the interFm. Can we listen to the #2 tomorrow? I will !


It started after 8pm. I think you can hear it if you make ready to listen around 7:50. :thumb_yello:


Konnichiwa! Watashi wa Dani Desu, Nihon ga daisuki desu!! :D


Hello! My name is Dani, I love Japan!! :D


I hope I said that okay, I'm currently learning to speak Japanese, so I'm not very good :blink: I don't live in Japan, but I really love their culture and language, and of course their music! <3 :aah:


Konnichiwa Dani!

Please feel free to ask questions about Japan you want to know.

We(I think BS is the best solver:teehee:)will help you if we can.:thumb_yello:


I uploaded the Music on TV show which is recorded direct from the TV again (sorry, but better than nothing!)


Thank you! I understood how important made this PV for him.

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■Bay FMで特集!!












Don't miss it! we have the chance to get MIKA's original goods!(sticker again?):naughty:








[販売サイト] ユニバーサル ミュージック公式携帯サイト / レコチョク / Music.jp / dwango.jp / [音楽をモーラ]mora(着うたフルのみの取り扱い)/ JOYSOUND / オリコン / TSUTAYA プレミア/ YAMAHA My Sound

[待ち受け画像が付く販売サイト] ユニバーサル ミュージック公式携帯サイト / レコチョク / Music.jp / dwango.jp / [音楽をモーラ]mora(着うたフルのみの取り扱い)/ TSUTAYA プレミア / YAMAHA My Sound




I already got this flash for my mobile phone.

It's a jacket of the album but some characters are moving in there. lovely! :thumb_yello:

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So I listened to Part 2 of Inter FM's Evening session Interview with Mika.


In summary:

Touring taught him the importance of an effective beat and so the bass line and beat is much stronger now.

The chorus is bigger and harder.

Much more conscious of embracing pop, unapologetically pop.


The new album has the gamut of feelings, very happy and very sad.

It sounds like multiple people singing on the album, but it is "only me" singing in different styles, he said. He loves to make very hard hitting lyrics with joyful music, which is kind of his signature.

He is fascinated with the magic "in between"; In between childhood and adulthood (adolescence), in between happy and sad...but if the sadness is set to a catchy tune it has hope, and all sadness needs hope...

The interviewer asked about musicals!!

He said he was approached by a big US studio to do a musical, but he will most likely turn it down, because his show is his musical.

Now that he has a combination of 2 albums he will be able to create an interesting show will all the theatrical things he has wanted to do since he started working at the age of 12....etc....

He wants to bring the big show to japan, with all its theatrics.(no mention of dates:sneaky2:)

It will be a show of his youth, from childhood, through adolescence, complete with all its dreams and nightmares.


They played Rain, Blue Eyes, Dr John and I can't remember what else, quite a few tracks were running as BGM during the interview.


[end report]



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Yes, just listened to it.


For such a technologically advanced country, the lack of internet radio, & lack of podcasts is crazy!


I don't even have the set up to record from an actual radio. But they gave Mika's new album lots of airplay, GGG, Dr John, BIOTG, I see you, WAG...forgot the others...and tomorrow they will do the other half of the interview.


She said Mika answered the questions with about 5 minutes talk per question, so they couldn't fit it all into one show:naughty:

He talked about everything we know about the album already, but he was talking during July when the album still had one more week until the final changes were finished.


He said how as a family they had lost everything 2, no 3 times in their lives, their home, their TV etc. He talked about how sad his teenage years were with bullying etc. And how that continued till he was 18 or 19...or even now...

He sad WAG is actually a very sad song. But with happy music...


Maybe some other Japanese fans heard it?? They can fill in the gaps. I will let you know if a recording appears...


Don't be deceived by the sweet face of the DJ, she was playing Kings of Leon, Prodigy, Muse etc as well as Mika. http://www.interfm.co.jp/eve/


So I listened to Part 2 of Inter FM's Evening session Interview with Mika.


In summary:

Touring taught him the importance of an effective beat and so the bass line and beat is much stronger now.

The chorus is bigger and harder.

Much more conscious of embracing pop, unapologetically pop.


The new album has the gamut of feelings, very happy and very sad.

It sounds like multiple people singing on the album, but it is "only me" singing in different styles, he said. He loves to make very hard hitting lyrics with joyful music, which is kind of his signature.

He is fascinated with the magic "in between"; In between childhood and adulthood (adolescence), in between happy and sad...but if the sadness is set to a catchy tune it has hope, and all sadness needs hope...

The interviewer asked about musicals!!

He said he was approached by a big US studio to do a musical, but he will most likely turn it down, because his show is his musical.

Now that he has a combination of 2 albums he will be able to create an interesting show will all the theatrical things he has wanted to do since he started working at the age of 12....etc....

He wants to bring the big show to japan, with all its theatrics.(no mention of dates:sneaky2:)

It will be a show of his youth, from childhood, through adolescence, complete with all its dreams and nightmares.


They played Rain, Blue Eyes, Dr John and I can't remember what else, quite a few tracks were running as BGM during the interview.


[end report]




Thank you for the updates! Idd too bad there aren't podcasts or anything...


Wow, I can't wait to see the show, I think it's going to be very... big, way more stuff going on than the first tour!


And I guess the musical he's been talking about was the one with Hugh Jackman? :teehee: Too bad!

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So I listened to Part 2 of Inter FM's Evening session Interview with Mika.


In summary:

Touring taught him the importance of an effective beat and so the bass line and beat is much stronger now.

The chorus is bigger and harder.

Much more conscious of embracing pop, unapologetically pop.


The new album has the gamut of feelings, very happy and very sad.

It sounds like multiple people singing on the album, but it is "only me" singing in different styles, he said. He loves to make very hard hitting lyrics with joyful music, which is kind of his signature.

He is fascinated with the magic "in between"; In between childhood and adulthood (adolescence), in between happy and sad...but if the sadness is set to a catchy tune it has hope, and all sadness needs hope...

The interviewer asked about musicals!!

He said he was approached by a big US studio to do a musical, but he will most likely turn it down, because his show is his musical.

Now that he has a combination of 2 albums he will be able to create an interesting show will all the theatrical things he has wanted to do since he started working at the age of 12....etc....

He wants to bring the big show to japan, with all its theatrics.(no mention of dates:sneaky2:)

It will be a show of his youth, from childhood, through adolescence, complete with all its dreams and nightmares.


They played Rain, Blue Eyes, Dr John and I can't remember what else, quite a few tracks were running as BGM during the interview.


[end report]




Thank you so much for your report, Blue Sky.

I was looking forward to listning to the interview, but I could't go home from my job in time:tears: So I'm so happy to find your report. Thank you:thumb_yello:

We can see his theatrical show in Japan before long . WAH---Y!! We want to know the tour date soon, don't we?:wink2:

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■Bay FMで特集!!












Don't miss it! we have the chance to get MIKA's original goods!(sticker again?):naughty:










[販売サイト] ユニバーサル ミュージック公式携帯サイト / レコチョク / Music.jp / dwango.jp / [音楽をモーラ]mora(着うたフルのみの取り扱い)/ JOYSOUND / オリコン / TSUTAYA プレミア/ YAMAHA My Sound

[待ち受け画像が付く販売サイト] ユニバーサル ミュージック公式携帯サイト / レコチョク / Music.jp / dwango.jp / [音楽をモーラ]mora(着うたフルのみの取り扱い)/ TSUTAYA プレミア / YAMAHA My Sound




I already got this flash for my mobile phone.

It's a jacket of the album but some characters are moving in there. lovely! :thumb_yello:


Thank you for the infos, MIINA:thumb_yello:


I won't miss to listen it this time:biggrin2:

ps Our 2nd Golden week has come!!!! (from 19th ~ 23rd of Sep:biggrin2:)

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Thank you for the infos, MIINA:thumb_yello:


I won't miss to listen it this time:biggrin2:

ps Our 2nd Golden week has come!!!! (from 19th ~ 23rd of Sep:biggrin2:)


Silver week!:yay:



MIKA『Songs For Sorrow』EP直輸入盤が限定1000枚発売開始!!




本日MIKAの『Songs For Sorrow』EPが発売されます!






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こんにちは みなさん!

I wonder what bonus track does the Jp ver. have?

The last time was Your Sympathy right? I love that track but I unfortunately missed it, I'm not going to let myself missing any great bonus tracks again. :sneaky2:


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こんにちは みなさん!

I wonder what bonus track does the Jp ver. have?

The last time was Your Sympathy right? I love that track but I unfortunately missed it, I'm not going to let myself missing any great bonus tracks again. :sneaky2:



Hi, Space!

Japanese edition's bonus track is WAG acoustic version.:thumb_yello:

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