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REPORTS/PICTURES/VIDEOS: Mika@Arena della Regina - Cattolica - Italy: 19-08-2010

Blue Sky

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I love all these reports, and it is so good to hear that all the organising of this big birthday event went successfully. :biggrin2:


I think the more Mika gigs you can attend, the greater your chance that one day, somewhere, you will finally get the M&G of your dreams. Clearly this happened for many of you in Italy.


I wish I could say a M&G happened for those of us in Japan too, but sadly, there are always factors beyond anyone's control that affect these decisions, and even with 4 gigs in Japan, there was no M&G.


I often think...what is fair? Is it fairer for locals to get the M&G passes, when it may be their first Mika gig, or their only chance ever of a M&G in their city?

Or is it fairer for the people who spent money on travel and accommodation for their 15th Mika gig to get the M&G... as the more dedicated fans? There is no answer, because when there are limited numbers of passes, how can distinctions be made? We all want that piece of Mika pie (or cake in this case:naughty:)


What I think is fair, what you think is fair, heck, what Mika's mother thinks is fair....all of these will be different. It is always some random moment in time, where spot decisions have to be made, and someone will always be happier than someone else.


Mika looks so happy with the cake and everything. He probably was anticipating that something would happen...he looks so relaxed and happy in the videos and photos...what an excellent present from his fans for his birthday. :fangurl:

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Sincerely nobody of us know why there were random people on the backstage, we suspect they are friends of local promoters, in Italy there are always people who know people who obtain vantages :( :

It is not only Italy, so I know what you mean :wink2:


Unfortunately everytime there is a M&G someone remain outside :no:

yes, that is a problem with organised m&gs. It is probably more fair if all fans just wait outside but at larger venues it is usually too many people turning up so you can't expect him to much spend time with fans. However, with all these presents and surprises organised you absolutely deserved your own m&g and also to have a piece of his / your own cake...:teehee:


I often think...what is fair? Is it fairer for locals to get the M&G passes, when it may be their first Mika gig, or their only chance ever of a M&G in their city?

Or is it fairer for the people who spent money on travel and accommodation for their 15th Mika gig to get the M&G... as the more dedicated fans? There is no answer, because when there are limited numbers of passes, how can distinctions be made?


My thoughts, exactly. Also, local fans in certain countries might not be so keen to join forums, especially foreign language forums, but it does not mean that they are less of a fan and should not have the right to meet Mika. Actually, he did make it possible for anyone to meet him on this tour: if you decide to volunteer as a LG /BG, you normally get a chance to meet him and have your pic taken with him...etc. And it is not only for girls - even guys can join him on stage. So to me, it is not really worth being frustrated about m&gs since sooner or later everyone will have their chance - at least as far as Western European fans are concerned.

Edited by suzie
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:bye: everyone


Re: afterparty


I wanted to know more about what happened right after the show before writing about it, since I wasn't informed about it at once.


I wanted to ask Allegra, but she already explained what she knows, thanks Allegra!


And I'll ask the girls who organized the cake for more details.


But, as you're already talking about it, I'd like to express my opinion, as I was involved.


@ Mellody: As Allegra pointed out, I risked not to be there myself and I agree with her, of course nobody had anything against foreign fans, the problem was that there weren't enough passes for everyone.

I'm happy you and Statue were there, coz you worked hard to organize the flowers, but a few Italian dedicated fans, who contributed for the cake as well, remained outside and I understand and feel their disappointment.

If I'm not mistaken, even Piperita Patty, who helped with the flowers, wasn't there.


@ Blue Sky: IMHO the more dedicated fans should have access priority at M&Gs/ Afterparties, especially those who help and organize.



As Allegra pointed out, the main problem is that when they are organized last minute, there's confusion, things go really fast, and there's no time to do the right thing, to decide who should enter first, especially when, as it happened here, there are random people who shouldn't be there.


IMO, as it was already discussed and as Christine suggested in the Colmar thread, at least other fans could work with the persons who distribute passes, making sure that they're given to the people that Mika wants to receive them.

It's very difficult for Mika's people to do this directly because they don't know us as well as we know each other.



What about talking about that with TM in advance, so that when M&Gs are arranged last minute, they already know how to act, and whom to inform/contact and work with (Reps and/or other dedicated fans, who know the community well)?

Edited by mari62
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hi guys!

I was there! on the left first line!


I would like to be a Lollipop Girl but Mika's mom told me I'm too short.. I cried and cried.. :crybaby:


the gig was perfect and Mika too!:wub2:

this have been my 4th and last (for long time) gig :crybaby:


in front of me during the show there were Yasmine, Zuleika and.. Fortunèe :wub2: what a sweet guy!:wub2:


after the show I wasn't eating the cake in the back stage.. but when he went out I met him, and I touch him and make narrower to Mika's hand :wub2:


he told me "see you next time".. I've got the video when he said it!

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I'm not at home, but I left my videos uploading, if someone wants to check my youtube chanel? I can't do it myself. Sorry I couldn't name them, and I don't have a connection for that at the moment. I have no idea what they are like, but they were large files so give them some time if the quality is not good, especially in last ones (I'm also a bit worried about the sound because bubbles made my camera all wet in Tallinn, but hope it didn't ruin it, lol...).


I have also a vid of Mika eating his cake at M&G, I will upload that one tomorrow, filmed it using another camera. Will also read the whole thread tomorrow, thanks everyone for reports!


I keep checking your channel, I didn't watch all of your videos completely because I don't have time right now and I'm waiting for the birthday video :teehee:. But I can tell you that everything I got to see so far is brilliant as always :thumb_yello::wub2:

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I'm not at home, but I left my videos uploading, if someone wants to check my youtube chanel? I can't do it myself. Sorry I couldn't name them, and I don't have a connection for that at the moment. I have no idea what they are like, but they were large files so give them some time if the quality is not good, especially in last ones (I'm also a bit worried about the sound because bubbles made my camera all wet in Tallinn, but hope it didn't ruin it, lol...).


I have also a vid of Mika eating his cake at M&G, I will upload that one tomorrow, filmed it using another camera. Will also read the whole thread tomorrow, thanks everyone for reports!


The last video on your youtube chanel is this one http://www.youtube.com/user/tibsu14#p/u/0/5f_mbI8yjis :biggrin2:

But is not de M&G video.

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I uploaded the following video on megavideo, coz it's too long for Youtube (13 min)


Over my shoulder + cake + Happy Ending



d/l link (571 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QPMS0WKX


is anyone able to split it without losing quality?


I've split them for you. Will upload them now, but the files are still quite big (221 MB, 99 MB and 250 MB)

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@ Blue Sky: IMHO the more dedicated fans should have access priority at M&Gs/ Afterparties, especially those who help and organize.


Marina, I do understand what you mean, but it would actually lead to fans trying to organise random things just to get Mika's attention. In fact, I am not sure if it is happening already (and here I am not talking about this awesome b-day cake project at all - well done to ALL Italian fans -, just talking about things in general).


There are people I know who were organising certain "happenings" at gigs so that they can put a smile on Mika's face and claiming no credit for that at all. They never even posted a word on it on MFC, did not expect any reward for that and, consequently, felt no disappointment after not even having had the chance to meet him after the concert, let alone meet him at some private m&g. Most people go to gigs to have fun and prepare surprises for him only to make him happy not because they expect any recognition for that.

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I don't wish to detract from the reviews on this thread, but Suzie I also see a situation where dedicated fans could get to make repeat appearances at M&Gs in various countries, which could mean that local (dedicated) fans who cannot travel get excluded.

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I uploaded the following video on megavideo, coz it's too long for Youtube (13 min)


Over my shoulder + cake + Happy Ending



d/l link (571 MB) http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QPMS0WKX


is anyone able to split it without losing quality?


thank you so much for posting :thumb_yello:


it's a nice video it's great what the fans are done!:thumb_yello: the cake is beautiful! He looked happy:wub2:

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This gig was really amazing ! :biggrin2: I'm happy to be gone at Cattolica !

Thank you so much for your reviews, photos, videos!


The sounds of my videos isn't really good so sorry about that.


- Before the gig in front of the stage...


- The End of Stuck in the Middle + trumpet + and flying cockroach :naughty: !


- Mika throws confetti


- The cake on stage with the 3 italian girls


- Band's presentation


- Flowers on Happy Ending

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Thank you all for sharing all those lovely moments :wub2: That cake is just amazing with all the piano keys and the mini Mika on top of it! I want one :biggrin2: And the sunglasses made me :roftl: Love them! want a pair as well :naughty: Well done everybody! :thumb_yello:

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Okay, you want me to add things, I'll do the best I can. :


many thanx for that, love it how you recalled that conversation, i understood only half of it while we were there, lol! :roftl:


Some italians (and we must thank them) obtained the M&G but they knew it last minute with a strictly limited number of passes


thank you for clearing that up. i thought it had been organized by the girls who organized the cake, and had been because of that cake surprise... since i was told italian fanclub, and mika on stage also had said italian fanclub - which in fact was totally new to me, since in all those e-mails we exchanged with the 3 girls during the organization, there never was any talk about an italian fanclub. i actually thought the cake etc. was an mfc surprise, by the mfcers plus the other italian fans on local mika-forums, who came to cattolica. but if the m+g was a last minute thing by some locals who knew people, then of course it's something different, and you're absolutely right that if the number of passes is limited, it's very difficult to decide who can join and who can't. i didn't know that other italian fans who took part in the cake project weren't able to go in, really sorry for them. :sad: and i'm even happier now that john gave us the chance to join! :wub2:

so, sorry, if i had any wrong suspicions... i just was confused by this "italian fan club" thing. :wink2:


If I'm not mistaken, even Piperita Patty, who helped with the flowers, wasn't there.


she came in with our group, all of those who helped with the flowers were inside. :wink2:


Marina, I do understand what you mean, but it would actually lead to fans trying to organise random things just to get Mika's attention. In fact, I am not sure if it is happening already (and here I am not talking about this awesome b-day cake project at all - well done to ALL Italian fans -, just talking about things in general).


There are people I know who were organising certain "happenings" at gigs so that they can put a smile on Mika's face and claiming no credit for that at all. They never even posted a word on it on MFC, did not expect any reward for that and, consequently, felt no disappointment after not even having had the chance to meet him after the concert, let alone meet him at some private m&g. Most people go to gigs to have fun and prepare surprises for him only to make him happy not because they expect any recognition for that.


agree. it was the same with our flower thing, all we wanted was a lovely surprise for mika, and bring a smile to his face. :wub2: of course i hoped i'd get to give him my personal bday presents after the show, but that had nothing to do with the flower surprise... i didn't expect a special m+g at all, and was very surprised and happy that it happened. :wub2:


but i don't see that danger of people organizing random things to get a m+g. most has been done already, and just doing something random won't get anyone a special treatment. but if someone has a really original idea and works hard to organize it, i agree with mari, that those should be preferred if there are special treats, though of course no one can expect it.


i think it's really fun if some fans organize special things for gigs, whether it's something original or not - like mika said (see statue's report), he loves it if his fans do this, and the rest of the crowd thinks "WTF?!" :lmfao: that's the reason why i'm thinking of doing something like that at the arbon festival as well - nothing big, nothing to surprise mika because i don't have any original ideas for it, but something that shows the other festival goers that mika is special. like the soap bubbles, i think it was a fab idea by those in tallinn, and could be repeated at other festivals, since it's a fantastic effect which gets noticed by the whole crowd and takes only little effort. :thumb_yello: it's like a replacement for the costumes thing - in 2007, everyone was wearing crazy costumes at mika gigs, there's much less of that meanwhile, but instead there are special happenings... i think it just shows how much mika's fans feel as a part of the show, instead of being just spectators. :wub2:




- Flowers on Happy Ending


many thanks for this! :flowers2: i really loved those huge paper flowers that a bunch of people had made, they looked so beautiful! :wub2:

Edited by mellody
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