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2013 - La Grande Armada, Rouen, France - 14 June - REPORTS/PICS/VIDS


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Thanks for all the amazing pics!


I think it's fair to say that sometimes gigs take you by surprise and this one certainly did as far as I was concerned. I was looking forward to it yes, I love open air summer gigs and it's a wee while since I had seen Mika so I was ceratainly looking forward to it, but I didn't really expect it to tuen out to be one of my favourites, one which will stick in my mind as an amazing experience....but it will.


Before I go any further I will say that as has been said many times before on here, in the end, no matter how good or bad a gig is, ones enjoyment of it comes down to ones personal experience and in this case, that was good for me. Not so good for my companions so I appreciate that they have a different view.


We arrived just after 8 30pm. We had never intended to be there early, preferring to hvae a nice dinner and then just arrive before the start of the gig. However, I think we were a bit taken aback by the volume of people. Never the less we were able to make our way up the side and get quite close to the front. After a bit of discussion about where we wanted to satnd we opted for far left a few rows back. However, the lure of the barrier is always great to me, no matter how far out it is....and in theis case it was VERY far out....right at the very end.....but I still worked my way towards it. I am no good at setlists I am afraid but during Blue Eyes which was song three or four I think I got lucky and some children moved from the barrier and I was able to get in. True enough, I couldn't really see an awful lot of Mika 'live' but I was right under the big screen, could hear everything very well and could see Mika when he came to the front of the stage. I was certainly happy with that given the time we had arrived. I thought that it took Mika three or four songs to find his stride. He didn'tseem to be connecting with the audience brilliantly at that point - but maybe it was just that I couldn't hear their reaction from where I was. Anyway, after a few songs he really seemed to get into it- his voice settled down and from then on I thought it was brilliant. I think it was one of the best 'Big Girls' I have ever heard.....personlised to 'Rouen you are beautiful'. I loved his boots btw! I was delighted that he sang 'Karen' as I love that song. I was sad to not hear Stardust but very happy that he did Origin as he hadn't done it last time I saw him.

During Love Today Mika spotted my Union Jack flag. He waved, then a couple of minutes later he jumped off the stage and ran right along in front of the stage and stopped right in front of me. I reached out and held his arm and said Hi. I guess that is why this will always be a special gig for me, I was so delighted. :mikalove:

Afterwards we waited for ages but we didn't see Mika. I can understand people's disappointment (it wasn't the same for me as I had already had my 'Mika moment') but I can also undersatnd why he would want to get away after such a big gig.


As ever, it was great to meet up with other MFCers. The atmosphere in Rouen was incredible. It was the most amazing walk home alongside all the tall ships.


I really enjoyed my trip. :thumb_yello::mikalove:

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Amazing show, 70,000 people it was very impressive, he was so happy to be here. Such a great atmosphere, people were dancing like crazy. :wub2: He sang live your life, it was amaaazing ! (he changed the part in spanish to english) I love so much to see the reaction of people after the show, hearing everywhere such great comments about his performance and see people happy :mikalove:

(and enjoyed so much to attend an outside show without rain :aah:)



Here my pictures, will post my videos later :thumb_yello:


The ships :wub2:






























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(Sorry for the very bad quality of the sound ! :sneaky2::doh:)

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Thanks for all the amazing pics!


I think it's fair to say that sometimes gigs take you by surprise and this one certainly did as far as I was concerned. I was looking forward to it yes, I love open air summer gigs and it's a wee while since I had seen Mika so I was ceratainly looking forward to it, but I didn't really expect it to tuen out to be one of my favourites, one which will stick in my mind as an amazing experience....but it will.


Before I go any further I will say that as has been said many times before on here, in the end, no matter how good or bad a gig is, ones enjoyment of it comes down to ones personal experience and in this case, that was good for me. Not so good for my companions so I appreciate that they have a different view.


We arrived just after 8 30pm. We had never intended to be there early, preferring to hvae a nice dinner and then just arrive before the start of the gig. However, I think we were a bit taken aback by the volume of people. Never the less we were able to make our way up the side and get quite close to the front. After a bit of discussion about where we wanted to satnd we opted for far left a few rows back. However, the lure of the barrier is always great to me, no matter how far out it is....and in theis case it was VERY far out....right at the very end.....but I still worked my way towards it. I am no good at setlists I am afraid but during Blue Eyes which was song three or four I think I got lucky and some children moved from the barrier and I was able to get in. True enough, I couldn't really see an awful lot of Mika 'live' but I was right under the big screen, could hear everything very well and could see Mika when he came to the front of the stage. I was certainly happy with that given the time we had arrived. I thought that it took Mika three or four songs to find his stride. He didn'tseem to be connecting with the audience brilliantly at that point - but maybe it was just that I couldn't hear their reaction from where I was. Anyway, after a few songs he really seemed to get into it- his voice settled down and from then on I thought it was brilliant. I think it was one of the best 'Big Girls' I have ever heard.....personlised to 'Rouen you are beautiful'. I loved his boots btw! I was delighted that he sang 'Karen' as I love that song. I was sad to not hear Stardust but very happy that he did Origin as he hadn't done it last time I saw him.

During Love Today Mika spotted my Union Jack flag. He waved, then a couple of minutes later he jumped off the stage and ran right along in front of the stage and stopped right in front of me. I reached out and held his arm and said Hi. I guess that is why this will always be a special gig for me, I was so delighted. :mikalove:

Afterwards we waited for ages but we didn't see Mika. I can understand people's disappointment (it wasn't the same for me as I had already had my 'Mika moment') but I can also undersatnd why he would want to get away after such a big gig.


As ever, it was great to meet up with other MFCers. The atmosphere in Rouen was incredible. It was the most amazing walk home alongside all the tall ships.


I really enjoyed my trip. :thumb_yello::mikalove:


So fantastic to read your report Kath!! :thumb_yello: I'm really happy for your experience with MIKA - suppose you can have a great summer with this in mind!!:wub2::thumb_yello:




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(Sorry for the very bad quality of the sound ! :sneaky2::doh:)


Thank you for report, lovely pics and vids !!:thumb_yello:

I so love to see "the norwegian flag" hanging down MIKAs legs! - forgot the word for this - sorry! :wink2: Must have been a special gig with this huge audience, and MIKA has surely got a lots more fans!! :thumb_yello::wub2:




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Ok ... here we go. After having a very difficult time in RL, I only decided a few weeks ago to go to this gig. I had no expectations at all, just wanted to clear my mind for a while and try to have some fun.


My boyfriend and I arrived in Rouen the day before the gig where we did some sightseeing in the city. In the evening we had a nice dinner before going to the cathedral where we met Theresa and Sharon and watched together a beautiful lightshow of the cathedral. Then we went back to the hotel and agreed to meet again the next day. I didn't want to queue because there were so many other things to see and neither did Theresa and Sharon, so we decided to have dinner together before going to the venue.


So the next day we met again together with Kath, SonjaD and her friend Patricia, had a quick dinner (thanks to Sonja who asked the waiter to hurry because we had to work later that night :naughty:) and walked to the venue. There were already a lot of people but we tried to get as close to the front as was possible. We found a spot but it was difficult to watch directly to the stage with all those people in front of us. Luckily there was a big screen in front of us that we could watch.


I'm not very good in remembering set lists, but I remember that Mika started with Comme une soleil mal luné. He did most of the usual songs except for stardust and stuck in the middle. Instead he sang Karen and Live your life. As always I loved Underwater. :wub2: The show was good but I had the impression he had less interaction with the audience as normal, which is understandable with a crowd of 60.000-70.000 people. :teehee:


Afterwards we waited for Mika but he didn't come out. People told us he had left already but we waited anyway until there were almost no cars passing by anymore and even the security guy left. Then we walked back to our hotel, said goodbye to the others and went to sleep.


Although smaller gigs where Mika has a lot of interaction with the audience are still my most favourite gigs, I really loved this gig too, even if I couldn't see everything very well. My boyfriend liked the gig too, but he still doesn't understand the 'waiting for Mika after the gig' part and thinks we're all crazy. :naughty:

This gig showed me that after being away from Mikaland for a while I still have my :mikalove:, of which I was a little bit afraid to have lost the last months. :blush-anim-cl:. I had a wonderful time, not only because of the gig, but also because of meeting Theresa, Sharon and Kath again and meeting SonjaD and Alireine for the first time. :wub2:

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So fantastic to read your report Kath!! :thumb_yello: I'm really happy for your experience with MIKA - suppose you can have a great summer with this in mind!!:wub2::thumb_yello:





Thanks mamiam. Yes indeed. A very happy memory. :mikalove:



Thanks everyone for the fantastic vids and pics. :thumb_yello:

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Ok ... here we go. After having a very difficult time in RL, I only decided a few weeks ago to go to this gig. I had no expectations at all, just wanted to clear my mind for a while and try to have some fun.


My boyfriend and I arrived in Rouen the day before the gig where we did some sightseeing in the city. In the evening we had a nice dinner before going to the cathedral where we met Theresa and Sharon and watched together a beautiful lightshow of the cathedral. Then we went back to the hotel and agreed to meet again the next day. I didn't want to queue because there were so many other things to see and neither did Theresa and Sharon, so we decided to have dinner together before going to the venue.


So the next day we met again together with Kath, SonjaD and her friend Patricia, had a quick dinner (thanks to Sonja who asked the waiter to hurry because we had to work later that night :naughty:) and walked to the venue. There were already a lot of people but we tried to get as close to the front as was possible. We found a spot but it was difficult to watch directly to the stage with all those people in front of us. Luckily there was a big screen in front of us that we could watch.


I'm not very good in remembering set lists, but I remember that Mika started with Comme une soleil mal luné. He did most of the usual songs except for stardust and stuck in the middle. Instead he sang Karen and Live your life. As always I loved Underwater. :wub2: The show was good but I had the impression he had less interaction with the audience as normal, which is understandable with a crowd of 60.000-70.000 people. :teehee:


Afterwards we waited for Mika but he didn't come out. People told us he had left already but we waited anyway until there were almost no cars passing by anymore and even the security guy left. Then we walked back to our hotel, said goodbye to the others and went to sleep.


Although smaller gigs where Mika has a lot of interaction with the audience are still my most favourite gigs, I really loved this gig too, even if I couldn't see everything very well. My boyfriend liked the gig too, but he still doesn't understand the 'waiting for Mika after the gig' part and thinks we're all crazy. :naughty:

This gig showed me that after being away from Mikaland for a while I still have my :mikalove:, of which I was a little bit afraid to have lost the last months. :blush-anim-cl:. I had a wonderful time, not only because of the gig, but also because of meeting Theresa, Sharon and Kath again and meeting SonjaD and Alireine for the first time. :wub2:


It was lovely to see you again Annie. :huglove: I am so glad you enjoyed the gig.

It was also great to be in Rouen and see all the amazing boats. Good weather too. :thumb_yello:

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Thank you for your videos and pictures!


So, I was at the show too, and as the others said, it was really great!!

I was with DoReMi from friday morning (we shared a room in Rouen for friday night, also with ArtemisArco), we waited at the "venue" from 11:30 AM, so we were front row :wub2:

I was happy that i could left the venue one hour to be able to visit one of the wonderful boat and to walk a bit around. Then back to waiting, and we met a nice korean girl, that was great to meet new people.

Then the gig started :wub2:

Even if it was really great, I must say that it was not so wonderful for me than my first Mika concert in Bourges. I think that's the "second show syndrome" :wink2: And of course it was a bit disapointing not to meet him after the show.

But the concert itself was very nice, Mika had a lot of energy, and I enjoyed dancing, singing and shouting with everybody!

After the show, when waiting for Mika, i met other MFC fans who were with Teresa so it was really great. Nice to talk with everybody!


I have a question:

My 2 experiences of Mika's gig were festival shows. Can someone try to explain me how it is different from a normal "Mika concert"?

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Thank you for your videos and pictures!


So, I was at the show too, and as the others said, it was really great!!

I was with DoReMi from friday morning (we shared a room in Rouen for friday night, also with ArtemisArco), we waited at the "venue" from 11:30 AM, so we were front row :wub2:

I was happy that i could left the venue one hour to be able to visit one of the wonderful boat and to walk a bit around. Then back to waiting, and we met a nice korean girl, that was great to meet new people.

Then the gig started :wub2:

Even if it was really great, I must say that it was not so wonderful for me than my first Mika concert in Bourges. I think that's the "second show syndrome" :wink2: And of course it was a bit disapointing not to meet him after the show.

But the concert itself was very nice, Mika had a lot of energy, and I enjoyed dancing, singing and shouting with everybody!

After the show, when waiting for Mika, i met other MFC fans who were with Teresa so it was really great. Nice to talk with everybody!


I have a question:

My 2 experiences of Mika's gig were festival shows. Can someone try to explain me how it is different from a normal "Mika concert"?


Hi :bye:


There isn't much difference between the gig in Rouen and a 'normal' gig.....except that this one was free. :thumb_yello: Normally the main differences would be that at a festival there would be several other artists also performing on the same stage - usually before Mika as he is generally the headline act. His set would usually be a bit shorter and would mainly be a 'greatest hits' type set rather than new stuff. The audience is also slightly different as it is more of a mix rather than just Mika fans.


But Friday night was pretty much like a normal Mika gig. :thumb_yello:

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Thank you Kath!


Oh, and I'm sorry but I have no pics from the show: I can't enjoy a show when I'm taking pictures, so I usually don't take any.


No............. I am afraid I am the same....I basically gave up taking pics a long time ago as mine are rubbish anyway and there are always so many good quality ones which people very kindly share. :huglove:

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Thanks everyone for the pics and video's. The gig was great and so was Mika but just to many people. It was nice to meet Theresa, Sharon and Kath again and Annie who I met for the first time. Hope we can have dinner once again before work. :wink2: Thanks guys. :huglove:

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Thanks everyone for the pics and video's. The gig was great and so was Mika but just to many people. It was nice to meet Theresa, Sharon and Kath again and Annie who I met for the first time. Hope we can have dinner once again before work. :wink2: Thanks guys. :huglove:


:lmfao: indeed! :wink2: I like that kind of work!


Lovely to see you. :huglove:

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Thank you for the reports, it must have been the biggest crowd there has ever been for Mika. Nobody seems to have filmed OOL? It's still one of my favorits live and I always search for the new versions of it on YouTube. :blush-anim-cl:

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Thank you for the reports, it must have been the biggest crowd there has ever been for Mika. Nobody seems to have filmed OOL? It's still one of my favorits live and I always search for the new versions of it on YouTube. :blush-anim-cl:


No, sorry, I don't have any vids. :no:


Yes, I think it must have been the biggest crowd for a Mika gig, ie not a festival. :thumb_yello:

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