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2013 - Rock Oz'Arènes Festival, Avenches, Switzerland - 17 August - REPORTS/PICS/VIDEOS


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Finally finding time to write my little report :teehee:


I know everything has already been said, even more than necessary actually :aah:, but as this day was whithout any doubt the best "mika day" I've experienced so far, I feel like writting about it :naughty:


Woke up at 11 am (:blush-anim-cl:), packed my stuff and arrived at the venue around 3 pm to find everyone patiently waiting for the doors to open. Just had time to give the tickets i had for some people and everyone rushed to the barriers to get ready to enter the arenas. From my point of view it was quite funny to watch to be honnest as we saw people moving from one point to another several times before everyone finally rushed against the barriers again and stayed there until the doors opening. I have to apologize to people to who i've told several time that no one appart MFC would be there at the doors opening as it's usually the case in Switzerland 'cause this time there were actually a few people more. Anyway, everyone managed to find a place at the barriers wo it's great :thumb_yello:


As my friend and I were not in a "let's wait for ours in the sun" mood, we had a drink with a french fan who was in the same mood and we finally got in the venue eround 6pm.


We saw the 1st group from the very top of the arenas and I have to say I really liked it! I knew their music already but it was very special to hear them live and I loved seeing people dancing and having fun in the arena. After that we had somthing to eat, made a little visit to our "first row friends" to make sur they had water to drink and everyone was OK despite the sun and we then went away from 1st row to find a seat and watch Sexion d'Assault. Behind us was a group of friendly people working for the festival and we had a little talk with them. I gave one of them a pill against her headaches and the gig started. It was great to see how the audience was on fire. Tbh their music is not really my cup of tea, especially because i know their "homophobic" past. But my friend and I had lot of fun trying to understand what they were singing (yes because even for native french speakers it's impossible to understand what they say :aah:).suddelny during the gig, the women I gave a pill before gave us 3 pass to go at the "artists bar" to thank us. We were quite happy to find and excuse to leave and went down to the bar which was under the stage, inside the arena. Of course there were absolutely no artists there (I discovered afterwards that it was right next to the loges though) but we had a drink there while watching the end of the show on TV which was just fine :teehee:


When the gig ended we went outside to have a look at the situation and see if it was possible to reach one of the first row and we were happy to discover there still was plenty of space right behind some of our MFC friends, at 2nd row so we stayed there. This is what I like the most in Swiss festival: people always move between gigs and it's not rare to find free spaces at the front row.


We were all quite excited before the gig started and we rapidly discovered mika was too when he got on stage :naughty: As much as i had doubts about the fact of begenning a gig with Un Soleil Mal Luné at Caprices festival, this time I felt it was just the best choice! I can't really explain why but the emotions already got so intense even if it was the first song. As a lot of you already explained, the rest of the gig was just perfect! Mika was in a very joyfull mood, there were a LOT of different emotions and I loved it. I've been really touched to see his reaction to our little surprise on Origin (was too busy watching him, the venue in general and playing with my balloon to film anything though, so a huge THANK YOU to people who managed to do it :thumb_yello:) and I went completely crazy with the balloons on Celebrate :teehee: i also thought i was going to die when they threw the confettis because I was right under the canon and there were so many of them :aah:

I loved how Mika looked amazed everytime he was hearing the audience sing his songs. He said that, due to the configuration of the venue, he could hear us very well and that he loved it and played with us making us sing loud or not, etc. It was great!

Basically: the venue was amazing, Mika was amazing and the audience was amazing too = A PERFECT gig!!


at the end of the gig, we made our best to follow the other MFCers to the entrance of the backstages to go to the M&G. Unfortunaltely there were still many non MFCer people when people went to the entrance and many of them tried to get in also. I was right behind a group a 4 girls who did not let me make any move to try to get in with my friend, so we first saw a lot of MFCers go away in the backstage without being able to move at all. I tried to call them but no one heard me, which is just normal regarding the general noise. After a minute or so, I saw Nina coming back and trying to let some other MFCers get in. I tried to call her but there was too much noise and it was still impossible for me to move with those girls in front of me so Nina didn't see me either (Nina, please be sure I'm not angry against you AT ALL. The confusionn was horrible and you could not see or hear everyone in the mess! Thank you for trying though, I know how difficult it is to deal with this kind of situation).


In the end, out of the M&G were only a young french fan with her sisters and mother and my friend and me ( and several non MFCer). The security guy rushed to put the barriers back and was constantly saying that it was over and we had no chance to get in... Of course I was a bit disappointed (and a bit frustrated because somehow I always manage to be first among the "left outside" at those special M&G's :naughty:) but I did take the whole situation pretty well and tried to comfort the poor young french fan and her sisters instead of being angry against I don't know who for smthg no one was really responsible of.

After very looong minutes of awaiting, my friend and I went back and decided to just wait here for people to get out of the M&G when we saw Mama P. coming out of the backstages and have a look at the situation. I went to her and explained her we were from MFC. I don't know if she recognized me or anybody else but she let us enter with only a few hesitation. I must have thank her dozen times on our way to the VIP area!


Anyway, we finally got in the M&G area and arrived just as Mika was watching the video from Korean fans. We unfortunately missed his reaction to the MFC present though :no: But we were happy to be there with everyone. At first the whole situation was very strange for me because as soon as we got in the M&G, a sister of the young french fan who got in with me felt bad and i had to call for help so my vision was on one side mika and his fans smiling, having fun and looking extremely happy, and at the back of the tent the poor girl lying on the floor with 2 first aid men trying to make her feel better and her mother looking extremely anxious. the contrast between thos 2 scenes was really weird :blink:


I did not try to talk to Mika or even to get closer to him 'cause there were already so many people calling him and giving him presents and I felt he was quite tired because he did not have any break between getting down of stage and the M&G. But I enjoyed the champagne very much instead :fisch:


Finally the girl who felt bad left the place with her family and the first aid guys (I hope everything went fine for her afterwards but as she was on her feet I suppose she was). And I enjoyed staying for a while at the M&G and having a drink with people I only see at gigs. When the man came out and "asked" us to leave the place i thought he was quite rude actually but of course I had no idea some people were trying to take pictures into Mika's tent which is so stupid :sneaky2:


We went back to the venue with some french fans and my friend and we were offered some free ice-cream because they were closing the festival and they wanted to get rid of what they still had. What a perfect way to end this perfect day :teehee:


(OMG looks like my small report is finally a very long one :doh: I'm sorry about that but i couldn't just say "Ive had a brilliant day" and move on to something else :teehee:)

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I want to thank everyone who posted their lovely videos/fotos and reviews . Don't bother about some people who are dissapointed (I do feel sorry for them) but it will be the case on every M&G I think. I for one never do any M&G or get in the front row out of principle but I do respect everyone who does (great pics and videos :wink2:) I'm a bit claustrofobic so I'm happy with every Mika gig I can go to. All said and done aren't we ALL loving Mika for his music and the person he is ? MFC or not, that is the most important thing isn't it ? At least that is my opinion, where is this all leading to ? Should we get a tattoo with MFC on our forehead? I mean, hey let's all behave and love him the way he deserve, everyone on her/his own way without 'biting' eachother :naughty:! Let's all have a lot of fun in the future together :thumb_yello:

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I say, why always the same mod. the focus of the concert? Why is this person give always about the gifts? everywhere.? (They always! ) never makes she take a step back so others to give their gifts. it is clear that I speak the truth, to see the person getting in the video. please control. to see. it is the selfish person in the world. other mod. Please think about it. I'm curious how long it actually deleted my post ... but it is the truth


heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.

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heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.


I don´t think it´s about you Daeni, don´t worry. It´s only the opinion of one person here and she is new on MFC knowing nothing about our community. You deserved it so so much to give Mika the gift and we are all happy how it went. :huglove::huglove::huglove:. I really love all the vids, seeing your happy face, watching him.......

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heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.


Please don't fell bad for anything! You had an amazing opportunity and responsibility for all of us and you did very well. Concentrate on the good memories of that moment cause you know that you did nothing wrong :huglove:

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heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.


You did an amazing job, don't worry :wub2: We are happy for you and we are grateful that you delivered our gift to Mika. :huglove: You were an ambassador for the MFC, be proud and don't listen to nasty people. :wink2:

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heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.


Daeni, do not for one minute let this troll ruin your special moment.

You did nothing wrong and you do not have to prove anything.

You do not even have to justify yourself.


That post is obviously written by a "person" who decided to come troll on MFC because inside, they are being eating alive with jalousy.


C'est la vie! :huglove:

Edited by guylainem123
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heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.


Daeni I was delighted it was you who gave the gift to Mika and you did it so elegantly and looked so lovely. :huglove:

You did the MFC proud. :thumb_yello:

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heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.


All I can say is that I was really glad you were there to present this gift while many of us couldn't...


All jealous people should just go to hell:thumb_yello:

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Yes it was important to us that it was a Swiss fan. We had briefly discussed giving the gift in Colmar for logistical reasons and in that case we would have asked a French fan. Nothing to do with "mods".



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In the end, out of the M&G were only a young french fan with her sisters and mother and my friend and me ( and several non MFCer). The security guy rushed to put the barriers back and was constantly saying that it was over and we had no chance to get in... Of course I was a bit disappointed (and a bit frustrated because somehow I always manage to be first among the "left outside" at those special M&G's :naughty:) but I did take the whole situation pretty well and tried to comfort the poor young french fan and her sisters instead of being angry against I don't know who for smthg no one was really responsible of.


:aah: i'm so sorry this happened to you and vanessa (i guess it was her with her sisters...)! that's the bad thing if everything has to be organized in such a rush. :sad: really glad that joanie was there to let you in.

thanks for your report! :flowers2:


heeei? it's about me? wow! okay, it was the first time I was allowed to pass something mika. it was a special honor for me and it's a nice unforgettable moment. heeei,and now I have to atone for? I'm not always there.after handing over the gift of Swiss fans, i and keepme leave the room. We were not nearly at longest in space.this is also seen in the video, as we leave the room. 've Experienced a lot, no one has ever said I was selfish. 'm really sad! it is not fair.

I also have absolutely nothing to do with the mods!


with the contact for ok, I only wanted to do good. I never had a bad intention. and that's the thanks for all the effort, time, and nerves work.


if that is the opinion of all other mfc's, please notify me.


daeni sie meint nicht dich, keine sorge. :huglove: und wie du siehst, sind alle mfcer dir dankbar! es gibt doch immer mindestens einen der meint er müsste meckern, ignorier sie einfach. :wink2:


(daeni she doesn't mean you, no worries. and as you can see, all mfcers appreciate what you've done! there's always at least one who thinks they have to moan, just ignore her.)

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That trolls so called truth is a crock of **** if you ask me ... I think she should go back in the hole she came out of ... might be a tad harsh but I really really don't like people who try to make others feel bad about something that was flipping amazing for those who took part in it :aah:

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Thanks to everyone for the reports, vids and pics. Lot of good memories :wub2:

Here is my little report. I was very happy to be able to go to this gig and to discover the beautiful country which is Switzerland :wub2:


I had a nice day in the queue with my friends and other fans.


For the gig, I was in front row, on the left. The weather was very hot, but fortunately the security guards watered us regularly and gave us some water. The first two groups before Mika were not too much my cup of tea.


Mika’s gig was one of the best I’ve seen. It was full of emotions, surprises. The venue was so beautiful and the audience was cool and participated a lot.


During the m&g, I was behind other fans. I was worried for Vanessa’s sister who felt very bad. She was just behind us, with her mother and the first-aid workers :emot-sad:


It was difficult for give my gifts to Mika, I managed to give him his presents just before he leaves us.

After the m&g, it was fun to see, speak and make pics with Mika’s musicians. We had a lot of fun with them :naughty:


Thanks to Christine, Dcdeb, Mellody and Daeni, you did a great job, and thanks to all the people who organized the surprises during the gig and the m&g :thumb_yello: Never I shall forget the reaction of Mika when he discovered his present from the MFC. I can’t watch the video of this moment without crying :blush-anim-cl:


Here are some of my pics :wink2:























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Daeni, you have no reason for be ashamed! You have done a great job and nothing was wrong:huglove::huglove. Also Ingie the week before in Colmar:thumb_yello:. I will never understand why people react in that way, Life is too short for that:wink2::wink2:

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Thanks to everyone for the reports, vids and pics. Lot of good memories :wub2:

Here is my little report. I was very happy to be able to go to this gig and to discover the beautiful country which is Switzerland :wub2:


I had a nice day in the queue with my friends and other fans.


For the gig, I was in front row, on the left. The weather was very hot, but fortunately the security guards watered us regularly and gave us some water. The first two groups before Mika were not too much my cup of tea.


Mika’s gig was one of the best I’ve seen. It was full of emotions, surprises. The venue was so beautiful and the audience was cool and participated a lot.


During the m&g, I was behind other fans. I was worried for Vanessa’s sister who felt very bad. She was just behind us, with her mother and the first-aid workers :emot-sad:


It was difficult for give my gifts to Mika, I managed to give him his presents just before he leaves us.

After the m&g, it was fun to see, speak and make pics with Mika’s musicians. We had a lot of fun with them :naughty:


Thanks to Christine, Dcdeb, Mellody and Daeni, you did a great job, and thanks to all the people who organized the surprises during the gig and the m&g :thumb_yello: Never I shall forget the reaction of Mika when he discovered his present from the MFC. I can’t watch the video of this moment without crying :blush-anim-cl:





Love this pic :naughty: Thanks for the report :thumb_yello:

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Fab pics Stephanie. :thumb_yello: I think these may get some use on Friday nights in the Oldlings. :wub2:


That's what I was thinking too :mf_rosetinted:


Thank you for your report and pics Minie :thumb_yello:


And Daeni, even if I don't know you (yet), I'm really happy that you gave the gift to Mika, thank you!! :huglove:

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@Silver : On this pic, he laughed at the korean fans :naughty:


@Mellody : Yes, it's a pity that the photo is not clearer and Mika's face more enlightened. I was lucky that the balloon passed in my field of vision as I took the photo.


@Treasa : Be careful with those pics, not good for the health of Oldlings :naughty:

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Thanks to everyone for your reports,pix,and vids :thumb_yello: I'm finally at home,and my trip to Switzerland seems now like a dream :wub2: Like everyone said already,it was one of the best gig,at least for me.I like the Swiss audience,they are very cool and civilized,no pushing,no hysterical screaming,you can really enjoy the show properly,which I did :teehee: Thanks again,Nanou,for making this possible for me,two days before I didn't know if I'd find a ticket :huglove:

I didn't want to queue (too hot :aah:),so I was walking around the beautiful venue until the band before Mika left the stage.Around 10pm I remember I was sitting on a rock,watching at people's legs wandering around,when in front of my eyes appeared a familiar golden retriever,walking very gracefully :wub2:

As for the m&g,now that was a real m&g indeed,and I wanna thanks to everyone who made it possible,I'm sure it wasn't easy to organize that.Big thanks to all the people involved in the bday gift project and the surprises during the show and afterwards :thumb_yello:


There's my videos,I recorded the whole m&g,and all I said during those 30 min. was "Aaahhh" when Mika was almost to burn his chest with the candles :doh:

Warning! :some frames can be closer than you'll expect it! Enjoy! :naughty:




I think I forgot to say thank you for this video and report.

And I still don't know which DVD he received! I'd like to know cause he said the first one was great

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