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woah, that's make me a disturbed schizophrenic

who sing with me I've gone identity mad?!:punk:



:roftl:Are you trying to be like Grace Kelly?? mmmmm??

Oh the teeage years diaries... *goes way back in memory lane*.. am glad back in the old days they were not linked online! guess I was lucky my crushes were never linked to celebrities...

I guess that makes us lucky that we didn't grow up publicly on the internet. I can think of a few embarrassing crushes I've had :blush-anim-cl:

and am a witness, you were not the woman who was crying on the 28th.. though am not going to mention names... I could swear I did not see any tears... it was all funny and sureal in a way

I wish I was a fly on the Brixton Gig wall.. :naughty:

mad, mad, mad, maaaad...


You know, if you listen really closely, it almost sounds like he sings "Mad Mah Maahh Baahh" :roftl:

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This also makes me feel uneasy. Only because I couldn't do that myself. I can't write ":mf_lustslow:OMG MIKA:mf_lustslow:" all over the MFC. It just isn't the way I express myself.. It doesn't mean I don't have moments where I think that, I just choose to keep it to myself 99% of the time. :naughty:

I guess I've learnt the lesson that things you write can come back to haunt you


Funny the things that come back to haunt me are not the OMG Mika :mf_lustslow: type things.


It's more like "I would never follow Mika halfway round the world..." :blush-anim-cl:


Sure things could've gone differently, but unless given another chance for things to run smoothly, we won't know if this was just an unorganised, chaotic, not gone as planned one-off occurrence or how it will always be.


My point is that the chaos, and anything else that occurred that day, is no excuse or even explanation for why people behaved the way they did.


Yes we can all act crazed in a moment. When Mika jumped down off the stage and into the audience at the first Brixton show I moved towards him as quickly and without thought as hundreds of other people did because it happened unexpectedly and was over within seconds. But when you're invited to a party several hours ahead of time and you're there for an hour, you have more than enough time and opportunity to check your impulses and get yourself under control.


I agree that we can't continue to harp on about this one particular event. But the afterparty was a culimination of some distasteful behaviour that has been escalating recently as Mika becomes more inaccessible and there are more people competing for his attention.


I think the reason it needs to be discussed on MFC is because it is in large part the MFC culture and discussions on these boards that has generated the problem in the first place.


There's nothing wrong with Mika fantasies but I think it's time to start discouraging some of the real life expectations where he's concerned. I think the expectation that he is always going to be available to give autographs and take photos with you after a gig (even now that there are 200 people there competing for his attention) is leading people to resort to inappropriate behaviour when they feel their chance slipping away.


There also appears to be a sense of entitlement among some long-time fans that they always deserve access to him regardless of the changing circumstances of his availability. They openly disregard other fans by hogging his attention everywhere he goes and just contribute to the mob by being on top of him instead of giving him space and a chance to talk to people who are not always up in his face.

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Racha I totally agree with you on the dignity issue and mentioned that in the after party thread. I've also been to many social events with celebrities and cannot relate to the kind of behaviour I witnessed in Brixton. Even at 17 years old I had more sense and pride than to go to such lengths to get someone's attention.


The excuses I've heard to explain the behaviour are not acceptable IMO. If you are an adult there is no reason to act like that. A couple of older teens I was with at the gigs acted appropriately at all times so there is no reason women in their 20s, 30s and 40s should let their emotions run away with them at the expense of the people around them, especially Mika.


If fans cannot muster up enough self-respect to restrain themselves, then at least do it for Mika's sake. If anyone thinks he enjoys or at least doesn't mind that kind of harassment they are deluding themselves.


*worships Christine*


I wouldn't cry if I didn't get a wrist band because that's not in my nature, but I think it's perfectly normal to be upset in that situation. Especially since the wristbands were going to be given to them until they were literally snatched out of John's hands by the wrong people.


I doubt I wouldeither... I'd be disappointed sure, but cry? I don't think so...


i agree 100% with you! people are WAY to obsessive, including me, not that i cried because i didnt meet mika, but mika is basically my life! and the poking is just...wierd! but i would do anything to be able to poke lukas on the other hand....


I have such dirty thoughts with that bold comment... :das:


You know, I've been thinking about this lately; the psychology of being a fan. I have an obsessive personality, I really do. But I've also been doing yoga for 13 years, and when you do it for that long, you really move past what everyone thinks yoga is--the "exercise" and the poses--and look inside yourself and figure out who you are and what you want in life. It helps me think (and I just became a certified yoga instructor, so woo!) And it helps calm me down, and brings me back to reality.


Anyways, I am a Hanson fan as some of you have read before. I used to be an obsessed crazy fangirl. I was never the type to grab them or poke them or do anything to hurt them, but when I first saw them in concert, I sobbed, and screamed hysterically through the entire thing. (Granted I was 15 and my two friends were doing the same thing next to me, so we encouraged each other.) The MFC sort of encourages the Mika obsession in a similar way.


But the strange thing is that I thought I was over the crazy obsessiveness I had with Hanson. I still like them, but it's all about the music now. They're married, I'm happy for them, and I've calmed down. Mika's a different story. For some reason, I connected to his music, what he says in interviews, his charisma, etc, in a way that made me regress again. I'm on the MFC every day, and watching YouTube videos, and trying to find out as much as I can about him. I'd never do anything to make him uncomfortable, though. I met him this year, shook his hand, and thanked him for the best show I've ever seen. He agreed to take a picture with me, I thanked him again, and that was about it.


Still, I wish I could care less, I really do. I think part of the reason we do care as much as we do is because music touches people on such a deep emotional level, that when we connect with something that's so personal to him, we feel connected to him. He created the music, and it touches our hearts and souls. That undoubtedly creates deep emotion in the fans. And I think if someone is in any way lonely, or unhappy with their own life, they'll latch on to the hope of something more. Of being with Mika. Of being with someone that can create that emotional connection they feel when they listen to his music.


I'm not the same person I was at 15, and I have matured a lot. I'm very aware of the emotions I feel when I listen to Mika's music, and I'm sure that creates a need to know him. But I can also step back and see that becoming his best friend isn't going to happen, and isn't important. He's living his life, and I'm living mine. My role is a fan, and it's an important one. We all support him by buying his music and going to his shows, and that allows him to do what he loves. He does appreciate it, but that doesn't mean he wants to be friends with every one of us. A part of me still daydreams sometimes, but it's harmless. I've always been a daydreamer.


I don't understand fandom psychology completely, but it does interest me. I have friends that have never become obsessed with anyone. They love bands, musicians, and actors, but to them it's just about the music, the entertainment, and not about getting to know the person or people behind it. They know their role as a fan, and are content. Obsessivness comes from discontent. At least that's my theory.


I was the same... obsessed Hanson fangirl... though I've never gone to a concert... mostly cause I couldn't have afforded it... and was 14 when they first came and was living 5 hours from Sydney and they only did a promo tour then... wait a minute...


I'm less obsessed now... I didn't listen to Hanson at all for years, but with Underneath I fell in love with their music all over again...


Just cause I love their music doesn't mean I would turn down Isaac if he offered (and was single! :das:)... honestly, the man is hot! :mf_lustslow:


Anyays... :fisch:


This also makes me feel uneasy. Only because I couldn't do that myself. I can't write "OMG MIKA:mf_lustslow:" all over the MFC. It just isn't the way I express myself.. It doesn't mean I don't have moments where I think that, I just choose to keep it to myself 99% of the time.

I guess I've learnt the lesson that things you write can come back to haunt you

*Points to embarrassing diary from when I was 16*

I shuddered when I read that years later. And I was the only one that read it..


On a forum it's there for anyone to read. Years Later.....


I know what you mean.. my diary was shocking when i was younger... ask Zoe!

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*goes back again down memory lane* last time i saw him he had 2kids and trying to patch up his second marriage! glad that crush did not materialise

Very lucky!!! That would've been a nightmare!

a fly on Brixton wall... LMAO!!

well, there was plenty of human juice marks all over the walls..


now seriously, you would have loved it! it was a great gig..

Juice marks!!!! :lmao:

I've heard it was excellent, and I would've loved to be there.. Mostly only at the gig though.. Reports tells me I wouldn't have wanted to be at the after-party.. I'm uncontrollable at times and probably would've made a scene telling people to "Leave Mika Alone" :crybaby: a.k.a. Chris Crocker style.. :wink2:

I swear, if it wasn't for the lyrics sheets, half of what he says can be heard in a completely different way.. is there anything called "audio dyslexia"? I think I suffer from it!

:roftl: please elaborate!!!!!!!!


Funny the things that come back to haunt me are not the OMG Mika :mf_lustslow: type things.


It's more like "I would never follow Mika halfway round the world..."

What?? No way. You're to sensible to do something like that.:mf_rosetinted:

My point is that the chaos, and anything else that occurred that day, is no excuse or even explanation for why people behaved the way they did.


Yes we can all act crazed in a moment. When Mika jumped down off the stage and into the audience at the first Brixton show I moved towards him as quickly and without thought as hundreds of other people did because it happened unexpectedly and was over within seconds. But when you're invited to a party several hours ahead of time and you're there for an hour, you have more than enough time and opportunity to check your impulses and get yourself under control.


I agree that we can't continue to harp on about this one particular event. But the afterparty was a culimination of some distasteful behaviour that has been escalating recently as Mika becomes more inaccessible and there are more people competing for his attention.


I think the reason it needs to be discussed on MFC is because it is in large part the MFC culture and discussions on these boards that has generated the problem in the first place.


There's nothing wrong with Mika fantasies but I think it's time to start discouraging some of the real life expectations where he's concerned. I think the expectation that he is always going to be available to give autographs and take photos with you after a gig (even now that there are 200 people there competing for his attention) is leading people to resort to inappropriate behaviour when they feel their chance slipping away.


There also appears to be a sense of entitlement among some long-time fans that they always deserve access to him regardless of the changing circumstances of his availability. They openly disregard other fans by hogging his attention everywhere he goes and just contribute to the mob by being on top of him instead of giving him space and a chance to talk to people who are not always up in his face.

I've bolded the bits that really concern me. Even though I'm relatively a new Mika fan, (joined September) and never been a forum junkie before - I'm old school when it comes to fan conduct. Competing for Mika's attention is just not on. That's a selfish behaviour that needs addressing. Ditto with the expectations and the "we deserve this because" mentality.


In 20 years time, all the members that are here at the moment will be classed as Mika's original fans because it's all within the debut album time frame. So, considering that, we shouldn't be boxing and labeling fan dedication and worth based on what month we joined MFC or attended our first gig. We are all still New Fans because Mika is still a New Artist. Some of us are just able to access him more than others.


I guess I'm lucky Mika hasn't toured here, because I'm yet to experience such snobbishness behaviour. I hope it doesn't happen here.. I'll be disappointed if it does..


The disregarding of other fans needs to end. It's shameful, absolutely barbaric and completely opposite of what I believe we try 99% of the time to achieve on this forum..


Either be a part of the MFC family and try your best to make it a happy place for all involved or get the hell out and stop ruining it for others.. :thumbdown:

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I've experienced a very similar event also last year..so I understand well Racha's pow, although in the party I was slightly out of mind{forgive me plis}:blush-anim-cl:


when I saw MIKA live for the 1st time in Florence I met with a small group of mfcrs and after the gig I felt bad for him coz there were italian fangurls of others italian forums that were acting like mad when he came out to cheer some{probaly the old fans=mfcrs i was with} but that was prevedible..the thing that disturbed me was another..I thought "I don't wanna be confused with them" too!

There were us, the quite and disgusted group mixed with the excited one and other ppl walkin around {not there for Mika} who were laughing hard and mocking all the presents for the "amusing" scene of Mika trying to tell ppl to calm down and the screaming jumping grrrls armed with cams and pens...


why hystory has to be repeating?:boxed:

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I've experienced a very similar event also last year..so I understand well Racha's pow, although in the party I was slightly out of mind{forgive me plis}:blush-anim-cl:


when I saw MIKA live for the 1st time in Florence I met with a small group of mfcrs and after the gig I felt bad for him coz there were italian fangurls of others italian forums that were acting like mad when he came out to cheer some{probaly the old fans=mfcrs i was with} but that was prevedible..the thing that disturbed me was another..I thought "I don't wanna be confused with them" too!

There were us, the quite and disgusted group mixed with the excited one and other ppl walkin around {not there for Mika} who were laughing hard and mocking all the presents for the "amusing" scene of Mika trying to tell ppl to calm down and the screaming jumping grrrls armed with cams and pens...


why hystory has to be repeating?:boxed:


Wow, that's insane.. And I would've been standing back going :blink:


Greta, I can't imagine you being a psycho crazy fan, and if you were being that way at the after party, then I'm guessing it was a one-off for you..

I think the problem was people who had met Mika lots of times, had already gotten photos and autographs off him - or after getting another one that night still hovered on top of him trying to get more out of him and blocking other people from getting near him.. or should I say blocking Mika from getting near other people.. ?? Someone will say if I'm right there.


I just re-read my last post and it ended a bit harshly, and I'm trying to think of how to explain what I meant in a common day-to-day situation.


All I can come up with is a Supermarket/grocery store example.

You know when you're standing in line to pay for your 5 or so items and it's busy, and then finally another register opens up, and people behind you, with a trolley full of food, RUN for the new register, completely disregarding you were in front of them and that you have less items than they do and would be quick..

Yeah, well that really annoys me.. :thumbdown:

They could say "here, you go first... blah blah blah"

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very interesting interpretation and POV.. though personally I can't see how this can be controled by anyone other than the organizers.. people will be people.. it is very difficult to change them or "educate" them...


I disagree because I think many people have been "educated" to have these expecations in the first place and they resort to inappropriate behaviour when their expectations are not met easily. I'd be willing to bet that when the majority of members joined MFC it had never even occurred to them that they could meet Mika so easily or that they should even want to.


They have been indoctrinated and encouraged by hundreds of stories of Mika making fans feel special, inviting them back stage, adoring their gifts, engaging them with clever banter, giving endless hugs, autographs and photos, etc. The people who tell these stories make it sound like it's the most natural thing in the world and that Mika seeks out these moments as much as we do because he enjoys it.


That may have been the case at one time, but now that the demands on his attention are increasing it is becoming less pleasant for everyone involved. The reality is that the majority of fans are not going to receive that quality Mika time we heard about so often months ago. Poking him and shoving pens and cameras in his face is not going to change that.

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Thanks for your post Racha!


As for the whole "fancy" thing, I include myself in that :blush-anim-cl: but I think that a lot of girls and boys do, too. While you, I and others understand that this is a normal emotion, that crushes aren't harmless...it depends how much you can control it. I think everyone jokes around a bit, you know like..."well that's not what Mika told me last night :mf_rosetinted: " and stuff like that. Personally I think that's okay because we're laughing with each other and just acting silly, but I know that sometimes it can go too far, especially at the after party where people were harrassing him *I was not there, I am merely basing this on the reports that I have read and some videos that I have seen*


However, I was at the Hammersmith concert and I definitely felt a difference in status. Mika was up there, I was done here. He's a superstar and I'm a fan. That barrier in between the both of us really symbolised that. I know that sounds a bit silly, but for me, seeing him that night really let that hit home. I am a fan, nothing more and nothing less, and probably will not progress to something else. Sure, I'd like to somehow consider Mika as a friend if I ever got that privilege *which I never will* because he seems like such an interesting and wonderful guy, but now I realise more than ever that he's out of my reach. Sure it's sad, but life goes on.


I think...that the more people start to realise that themselves, the better. IMO.

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There also appears to be a sense of entitlement among some long-time fans that they always deserve access to him regardless of the changing circumstances of his availability. They openly disregard other fans by hogging his attention everywhere he goes and just contribute to the mob by being on top of him instead of giving him space and a chance to talk to people who are not always up in his face.


I know that I have said things like "i've been a fan since last february, I even won his myspace dress up competition and i've not even met him..." and I'll admit that it does make me a bit sad to see more recent fans meet him before I do, but fans are fans and I don't think there's any status difference. I was meant to go to the afterparty at Shepherds Bush May 14th last year but was unable to, therefore unable to meet Mika, and I just feel that my moment was stolen. That's all...it's a selfish emotion, it really is and I do not disagree, but I can't help how I feel. I know that some of you don't understand the "need" to meet the big man himself and that's fine, but I do. He made 2007 the best year of my life so far and I know that I've expressed myself in projects, but I'd love nothing more to say it in person. To meet the man that changed my life, unknowingly, for the better...to meet the man who is so important to me...it would be a huge honour and privilege.


However, at Hammersmith, unlike others (i know the majority were non-MFCers, i don't know/remember if MFCers were involved) but when that car came to the other side of the "correct aka Security given queue" I didn't run like a maniac to see him. People pushed in front of me and was unable to see a thing. I kept voicing this, but people just ignored me. I tried to go on tiptoes but all I saw was a curly mop of hair. I don't recall even shouting his name. I wasn't waving my arms around and going "MIKA! MIKA! MIKA!" or jumping up and down or climbing on top of cars. I stood there and hoped that the crowd would disperse and get my turn.

In the end I discovered that this would not happen and decided to walk round the car to try and get a better view, to see if Mika would see me, but heard "move your feet!" and saw that Mika was already in the van and I jumped out of the way so I wouldn't get run over, and gave a smiling, waving Mika a sad, crushed small wave back. I'm disappointed that I never met him, but I'm glad that I didn't act an animal. If I were to finally meet Mika, I'd rather he knew I was a normal human being.

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I disagree because I think many people have been "educated" to have these expecations in the first place and they resort to inappropriate behaviour when their expectations are not met easily. I'd be willing to bet that when the majority of members joined MFC it had never even occurred to them that they could meet Mika so easily or that they should even want to.


They have been indoctrinated and encouraged by hundreds of stories of Mika making fans feel special, inviting them back stage, adoring their gifts, engaging them with clever banter, giving endless hugs, autographs and photos, etc. The people who tell these stories make it sound like it's the most natural thing in the world and that Mika seeks out these moments as much as we do because he enjoys it.


That may have been the case at one time, but now that the demands on his attention are increasing it is becoming less pleasant for everyone involved. The reality is that the majority of fans are not going to receive that quality Mika time we heard about so often months ago. Poking him and shoving pens and cameras in his face is not going to change that.

so it's true, the whole world reads the MFC!:naughty:

seriously, these kind of fan=mad behaviours have always happened since the Beatles, with the evolving medias & tech contributing to get things gone worse..I mean, what do the common ppl addicted to perez site want from a celeb? just a piece of celebrity, sharing with your friends the proofs of your meetings with the famous...so you think is perfectly normal to scream and push for a pic that your mate already keep on her myspace..you've to collect many more to show for being appreciate..


ok i'm rambling, i could go on for ages{I like sociology}.. the world we live in is crazy and i feel a bit of fool too:cool:

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I just noticed that the following is pretty off-topic but I spent so much time on writing it that I'm going to post it now anyway.


I'm pretty sure that the person Christine was talking about earlier was me because I cried after/during that whole wristband disaster. However, I didnt cry because I didnt get a wristband or something - it was simply because of that whole situation.

It started with John turning up and telling us that Mika wanted to thank us all for our dedication & support and invite us for a glass of Champagne after the gig. So he started handing out the wristbands and he was more or less directly mobbed; however, he said that he would come down the queue (is that English?) and that we ALL would get a wristband (he really said it. And he said it more than once!!!). He told us to just wait in our place and not push and that he would come TO US and give us all a wristband. So stupid me (who had been standing behind him to listen to what he said before he handed out the wristbands) moved back to my place in the queue, together with my fellow MFCers because he had SAID that we'd all get a wristband. Maybe the experience from the days before (Mika being mobbed when coming out of the venue after the gig and thus only those people that pushed their way to him got an autograph or whatever they were longing for) should have taught me a lesson but being pushy and mobbing someone for something is simply not me.

John said that we'd all get a band and I believed him and so I moved back to my place. I'm not sure how many meters John was actually able to move "down the queue" (in case that IS English) but it wasn't much. It came the way it had to come - John ran out of wristbands because the mob around had taken all (I think he had around 60 or so) and then he left in direction to the stage door, saying that "There will be more" of the wristbands. John never returned.


However, a girl turned up later (the one that had given out hot chocolate and donoughts - I was told it was Anna (or so), Mika's PA) and we asked her about more wristbands and she said that she was pretty sure that there weren't more because there was simply not enough space upstairs in the VIP-room where that party was supposed to be. It would be more a question of space than of Mika not wanting us ínside.

It is not easy to describe the way each of us felt. I know that I have never ever in my whole life felt that frustrated, disillusioned, angry and sad before. This whole situation was such an absolute mess that it is impossible to describe if your name is not JK Rowling. We stood there, after queuing for already 7 or 8 hours, being the ones that had played according to the rules, that hadnt been pushy, that hadnt mobbed John, that had not done anything wrong here, that had listened to what we were told, that had believed what they were told. And then we were obviously destined to be the ones that end up "without anything" (lack of words, sorry). It was just so absof*ckinglutely (sorry) unfair and there is no smiley here to describe it. It was absolutely frustrating. Everything we could do was shake our heads in absolute disbelief. I'm not sure if I had ever been that angry and sad before. We were close to tears, exhausted, angry,... it's hard to explain. Absolutely despaired. I mean, this - THIS - was the (probably) one and only chance to meet Mika or at least to be there, at an aftershowparty! hello? We had been travelling from all over Europe for this guy and now we shouldnt get the possibility to be there simply because we had done as we were told? Where is the fairness? I guess there is no such thing as fairness here. I'm sure that there IS fairness somewhere in that damn world but there is definitely none when it comes to Mika gigs.


However, Anna (in case that was her name) was sososo lovely!!! She said that she was sorry and that she understood what situation we were in now and that she'd try everything to get more wristbands. So she went away.


Anna, this lovely, wonderful Anna :wub2:, came back later (at about 5PM) while we were sitting on the pavement, not even willing to talk or do anything. I got up when I saw her because she was carrying something pink in her hand. And as I had been the one who had been talking to her about us being not pushy and thus not getting wristbands, she came to me and said that she had found some more. Oh, how much I loved her in this very second! Well, in this very second before she apologized and said that she just had three more wristbands. :boxed: and then she apologized again because she was sorry to put me into that situation now and handed the wristbands over to me.

I mean, ok, what else could she have done? it is a completely right thought that one of us, in this case poor me, was probably better at giving the wristbands to other members than someone who didnt know us at all (meaning her). But please - you simply CANNOT put me into a situation like that. I was just standing there, totally petrified with the wristbands in my hand while suddenly roughly 15 pairs of eyes looked at me and at the wristbands that were their tickets to meeting Mika.. Suddenly people that hadnt wasted a look at me before smiled at me.

So what was I supposed to do??? I am not able to handle such a situation. I CANNOT tell a bunch of people that I have decided NOT to give them a wristband, not to meet Mika, not to be part of the aftershow party. People that had already been frustrated (just like us) because 10 other people "simply" got backstage passes. People that had probably spent a huge amount of money and effort to come to London. Why should I, how could I be the one that had to tell them that they were finally not to meet Mika?!? And so I cried. Hurray.


I'm thankful that there were people who finally managed to get more wristbands (and Andy even asked us in the venue if we all had some. It was really lovely!) but that does not lessen what had happened before :thumbdown: .


I cant really remember what happened next.. I know that we all finally settled down again and that shortly afterwards Mika arrived at the backstage door which made people run there and mob him and play paparazzi. and then it was like on Monday and Tuesday - suddenly people were so stitched up (right word?) that they started queuing although it was still about 2 hours to go until the doors were opened. So people pushed in until they stood like sardines. :yay:

The sorting with the numbers worked much better than on the days before but anyway - once the gates are open there is no guaranteed first row centre even if you have the #1 on the back of your hand. But here we are again - it's the same problem as before. Those of us that actually listen to the security guys ("WALK!! DON'T RUN!!") are the ones that end up on the left/right/in the back while those who disobey are first row centre.


Anyway, that queuing is total stress :boxed::thumbdown: because you can queue for the whole day and then it's finally just a minute or a few seconds that decide what is going to happen with you.

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Damn the 10,000 characters.




After the concert (which was great!) we all ended up in the bar of the venue which had a door to the VIP-room upstairs where, according to what we had heard and what the securities believed, that party should be. I don't know how many people were in that bar but I think it was about 100 and thus we were by far too many people to fit into that VIP-room (which had according to Anna just space for about 70 people) and so we stayed in that bar.


I guess we waited for 45min or so until first John turned up and then Mika, Andy, the whole family and some others I didn't recognize. (Although I was sure I had seen Colin Farrel :blink:).


Anyway, Mika was almost mobbed directly. I was standing with another MFCer a bit to the side near the bar and we waited what might happen next. Mika finally managed to get a glass of champagne and told us that our support over the whole 19 months had been "f*cking amazing" and that he was so grateful etc.pp. and then he said that he'd walk around. That he would walk around the room and talk to all of us. This guy is so polite and nice and gentle! I had the impression that he doesn't have a single bad bone in his body. I just wish that the fans were only 1% like Mika because then they wouldn't have done what they did. Mika was totally mobbed again. He couldnt even move because he had about 5 rows of people on every side. Everybody wanted a photo. And a hug. And an autograph. An autograph on everything. And another photo. And when all these things were done they didnt move away but stayed there and held their cameras under is nose. I have no idea how Mika could bear that (he either has the patience of an angel or he was on drugs. Who knows.). He was so polite and so gentle to everyone although the people were almost climbing on him.


It was posted in another thread that we are all just fans and that Mika should please forgive us because we all have never learned how NOT to act like fans (or something like that). However, I consider myself a fan as well, a truly and deeply devoted fan, but I did not mob him. I was standing there with fellow MFCers and we were simply shocked and disgusted by the behaviour too many people showed.

Everything that was happening there was so absolutely not me! I dont mob people! After about 45min Mika almost begged that he needed to get something to drink and so the whole crowd moved to the bar. This was actually the first time that Mika was able to move for more than 20cm to the left or right. It was disgusting, really. Everybody was touching him, trying to hug him, photographing him and treating him like a zoo animal or a pet (not that I think that zoo animals should in any way be treated like that - it's just the first thing that came up my mind). I mean- he is a human being! With the same thoughts we have and... I would have totally panicked if I was him.

After Mika had been videoed and photographed while drinking his champagne, it went on like that for another 20min. They didnt leave him a single second on his own! It could have been so wonderful and nice!!! Although it was obviously not really planned by him to have this aftershow-thing, I'm sure that he had wanted to make the best of it. His whole family was there and it actually WAS the end of a 19-month-long tour. And I am sure that he really WANTED to celebrate with his fans and that he really meant it when he said that he wanted to talk to everyone and that he was thankful for our support. But in the end he got annoyed by all this. He was nice & polite but you could see that everything was getting on his nerves (IMO).

Suddenly Mika said that he would leave in about two minutes and that he would otherwise be fined by the venue-owners and that we could all take ONE more picture with all of us in it. "All" was a bit exaggerated as those that had been standing around him for the last hour suddenly obviously started to panic because they feared that they didn’t have enough high-definition-photos yet or something (I don’t know) and crammed themselves around the man to get on that last photo. Well, and then Mika left together with the rest and we were (more or less) thrown out of the building by the security guards. I'm sorry if this here sounds like I am an angel who didn’t do anything. I'm not saying that I was the only one who was shocked by the behaviour of, sadly, far too many of us but please believe me – I didn’t even get close to Mika. I didn’t do anything because I felt so bad for that man. He meant well and then people behave like this. It is madness.


I'm not sure whether we will have such a possibility ever again (if Mika is intelligent he doesn’t do it again but I also didn’t think that he'd get the fans on stage again after what happened on Tuesday, so.. you never know :blink:). It makes me pretty sad.


What is also bothering me is that I have the feeling that people like me are now associated with the mobbers. This here is usually the point where I'm told that Mika knows the difference; ok, I'm sure (I hope) he knows that there are decent, nice, friendly fans around him but he doesn't experience it that way. If I ever met him and if I was asked whether I'm on the MFC, I would definitely not answer with a simple "Yes." but with a "Yes, BUT…".


So, was the "party" worth being there? Maybe. I don’t know. I'd definitely kick my ass if I heard from the others that there was such a party and then I would have read the reviews which said how wonderful and great it was. Oh yes, I would have probably killed myself. But I was there and seeing the things myself is really different from reading about them. I'm glad I was there to see that I didn’t want to be there. I didn’t meet him, I didn’t get a photo, a hug, an autograph or the possibility to talk to him and I was, to put it nicely, angry. Not at him but at the others that had destroyed it. (They destroyed it for ME. I don’t know what Mika thinks about all this and I'm sure that a lot of MFCers had the time of their life there.) What I have learned from this week is simply that, if you act according to the rules, you are the one who loses. This is sad. Very very sad indeed.



Sorry, back to the topic again.

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Thank you for posting that Petra, I'm so sorry to hear that what should've been the highlight of your first year of being a Mika fan was destroyed like that. It's 100% unfair.

I'm hoping one of the advantages of being official, is better organised events, if Mika should ever chose to do something like this again. But, I too will be surprised if he does.


I want people to realise that behaving like hungry wolves is ruining it for others in the future :tears:


AND, worse of all - disrespecting Mika. Treating him like prey. That should never have happened. What really disappoints me is not that people lost control of themselves so quickly, but that they didn't pull themselves back from that moment, even when Mika requested it.

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Thanks for that Petra. That's certainly how I saw the party.

At least we are being allowed to talk about it here without being told to look on the bright side. :mf_rosetinted:


One good thing that has come out of this is that I noticed that most of the people I really like who were there, thought the same was as you and I did, so we must have the same values and ideas which is encouraging.

But that's it.

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Thanks for that Petra. That's certainly how I saw the party.

At least we are being allowed to talk about it here without being told to look on the bright side. :mf_rosetinted:


One good thing that has come out of this is that I noticed that most of the people I really like who were there, thought the same was as you and I did, so we must have the same values and ideas which is encouraging.

But that's it.

A bright side indeed.

And Bab, I'm sorry I gave you such a nasty look when I went to the ladies in that bar. It wasn't meant like "Eww, Bab." but "Oh Bab, it's awful, please rescue me." :huglove: (I know it's already 20 days ago but it just came up my mind again.)

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Thanks for that Petra. That's certainly how I saw the party.

At least we are being allowed to talk about it here without being told to look on the bright side. :mf_rosetinted:


One good thing that has come out of this is that I noticed that most of the people I really like who were there, thought the same was as you and I did, so we must have the same values and ideas which is encouraging.

But that's it.


Aww - Babs do you wet yourself too ;)


Next round of gigs I am bringing an economy box of tena ladies :) and thats just for me - the rest of you can fend for yourself!! :roftl:

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A bright side indeed.

And Bab, I'm sorry I gave you such a nasty look when I went to the ladies in that bar. It wasn't meant like "Eww, Bab." but "Oh Bab, it's awful, please rescue me." :huglove: (I know it's already 20 days ago but it just came up my mind again.)


Lord, I didn't notice!


Note to self - be more sensitive. :naughty:

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Thanks Petra..


am sorry this turned into another "Brixton" thread.. I know that evening brough lots of frustrations to a lot of people.. Thank you for your story...


I was there during the whole wristband episode and witnessed the whole saga...

I feel sorry that so many people had to go through those emotions .. and they have every right to cry, vent out.. and say their POV... I saw how friends had to decide among themselves who gets to go and who doesn't... and some actually were noble enough to offer their place although they had a samller number on their hands...


I saw you, and I saw others that cried.. and I spoke to all of you... hoping it will make you feel better... it was very dramatic couple of hours before the numbers and additional wristbands were resolved.. I was standing right next to you when John handed out the wristbands..


Just to clarify things... I know you know that I was not reffering to you... or to another fan-friend that I befriended there.. the other one is amazing and she went through the same drama that you did...


When I mentioned the woman crying in the Q.. I was talking about someone that did not come in early.. did not Q with us.. pushed herself into the front of the Q right before doors where about to open.. and started faking a crying tantrum which i found quiet helarious and could not restrain myself from laughing behind her back as there were no tears and she was literally acting like a child.. she wanted to be front row.. and she manged to do so with a lot of pushing and sympathy puppy eyes... she is well in her late 40s using an 8 year old tone of voice... and that's all am going to say about it..


Again, seeing that "lady" fake that tantrum.. made me wonder... if I see me and her in the same level of class and self respect.. which obviously I do not..


I think there was the need of a second Brixton thread anyway as the first one was close to 3,000 posts :lmfao:


I know you didn't mean me with that 40-year-old. (At least I hope you didn't :badmood:. I'm doing all I can to hide my real age :naughty:.)

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I do understand what you mean when you started this thread. I was actually at the after show party. He shook my hand as he came in, then did his speech. What I was annoyed about was that after his speech, even though he said that he would talk to everyone, people were pushing, shoving, sticking things in his face to sign, and generally acting like he was their property.

I stood still and waited. Eventually he turned to me and I gave him a present I'd bought him, and said it was in appreciation of all his hard work, and the happiness he's brought to the world. He said "Awww, thank you." and I said "God bless you Mika." Then he signed my DVD.

I'd had my moment and I moved away, talked to Cherisse and Mikey, enjoyed the champagne and the party, talked to other people, and didn't bother Mika, who was surrounded all the time by people.

So, I do understand that fans can get obsessive, and I think what some of the fans need to realise is that he gives a lot to us, with his music, performances, and as much as possible, with his presence. But he is a person, not our property, and when people get upset because they may not see as much of him after concerts in the future, or they put their lives on hold hoping to get with him and have little Pennimans, that's where it is going too far. That's when, in some cases, it can get a bit creepy. People just need to put their fanship into perspective, and love the music, but also respect the man at all times.

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I hope in ways he doesn't tarnish all his fans with the same brush. Because I'm certainly no fangirl. Yes I find him damn attractive, but that's as far as it goes for me. I'd never want to look like an idiot in front of fellow fans let alone the man himself.


Then again it wouldn't even have a chance of happening. I'm far too reserved lol.


Even when I was a teenager and liked all my teeny bands (ummmmm who shall remain nameless) I was never a mad fangirl. Don't think it's gonna happen now.



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Thank you Petra!


and thank you Racha as well... thank you all of you who also feel like you need to walk around with a "wasn't me!!" sign after that week and have the guts to say so, at least I don't feel as alone now...

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