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660 Wendy


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...I know I have the evidence... but it WASN'T me :roftl:


Sorry to hear about your freaky news Wendi, hope you and your Detective Agency soon discover the real culprit :biggrin2:


Keep smiling





p.s. This photo was taken at the wonderful exhibition at The Blink Gallery :wub2:


He might of had some left over from the blink gallery:naughty:


What type of lollipops were they?



Tee hee - don't worry Jems - I believe you only had 499 of their lollipops in your bag, so that rules you out :roftl::wink2:

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Tee hee - don't worry Jems - I believe you only had 499 of their lollipops in your bag, so that rules you out :roftl::wink2:


or Bilbo........




(a very big party coming soon apparently***)




:roftl: :roftl:

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260. Zsina

261. Evelina

262. Believe In Fairies

263. Heineken22

264. Andi

265. Santorofille

266. kamayuen

267. haru

268. suzie

269. Niki27

270. lindemfc

271. greta

272. Aurelien

273. Johnny06

274. xlindee

275. Leator

276. AnnaMariaPetra

277. vonnic

278. SoFi_89

279. Coco

280. celestee

281. Shezzy12

282. Dewi

283. PhotoJenic

284. Lollipop-kid

286. Crina


288. libbylovesMika

289. Stien

290. mikas_gal07

291. elanorelle

292. hana

293. sheik

294. mellody

295. Konijntje

296. marlau_20zr

297. Jodi_Ice

298. lollipopski

299. Mika3Maniac

300. tomomi

301. Kwan

302. Reni

302. Lollipopgirl83

303. Humphrey

304. gizeh_pr

305. alisa

306. Leila

307. OhMyMika

308. DS Nightly

309. lindor_love_today

310. lovelove_mika

311 dusty2502

312 RosinaKiwi

313 starrats

314 bettasan

315 buttnugget040

316 Christine

317. MikaObsessed_

318. Jolanta Rozanska

319. Katiee.xo

320. *Claudia*

321. cathij0269

322. yooligan

323. DavidM

324. Shaza!

325. Akim

326. ola

327. M.I.K.A

328. pampini

329. La_Grinch

330. mikaaloverr

331. Valelia

332. JimE

333. backflip_76

334. Mika_baby

335. MikaRMS

336. Sarah_Lollipop

337. [:.bACrAC.:]

338. tauruslady

339. leonita

340. pop_girl

341. mjoshi

342. LadyLivs

343. marianalop

344. ~Ana~

345 Tia

346 kymlaaaa

347 Romis

348 charlottechristy

349 ricki

350 Karolin'

351 Mika4Life13

352 DANI56

353 anto

354 flopii*

355 sotku<3mika!!!!


357 flor_arg_16

358 MaRy_MikaFans

359 yoyoJ

360 mika_lover123

361 calicojasmine

362 Hayley & Megan Meyer

363 allegra

364 kelzy

365 mici

366 Daisylou

367 lea_uk

368 im_stuck_in_the_middle

369 mika's girlfriend

370 femifrosk

371 Nika

372 Poty_Chile

373 closetchild_

374 mercurygirl

375 monami

376 arkarian

377 Lilly

378 Aurelien

379 cmc1112

380 3wings

381 nyo

382 mikasbestfriend

383 Liorhelen

384 Barunka

385 natie

386 I've been 'Mikafied'

387 smilelikeyoumeanit

388 Mina

389 M!Ka RoX mY sOx

390 armande

391 ana8892

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418 Tara2007

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421 Nicoleta

422 Romy_arg

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435 Noric

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442 chopotte

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444 harryluvsginny

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446 mika_is_so_sxc

447 kiekediefje

448 cath_21

449 sunembracingjoy

450 MIKAFreak

451 zie-nab

452 karen_:>

453 LoveLove

454 Madeleine

455 Yavanna

456 Mikalina

457 laura*

458 vickylovesmika

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460 GioGio

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463 edgar_rwtb

464 loveandpeace

465 Shari

466 Vinnie

467 Bienie

468 Guylainem123

469 Jolijn

470 Martinibaby

471 Riick

472 Sweet Knees

473 inhye812

474 stine88

475 debster

476 Heaveninordinary

477 Jodie



Have you checked me already? (268.)

I hope I am recognised and approved:wink2: :biggrin2:

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Hmm, I'm just watching Gordon Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares and he has just found loads of cockroaches in the kitchen. Now, that's infestation......


Our college has a ladybird infestation in the library...its the strangest thing!

Hey babs...fancy coming up the road and giving blood with me today?



There were four large sealed bags. My daughter opened one of the

bags - there were 165 lollipops in it - so we multiplied by 4 = 660!! :thumb_yello:


But in the picture (that you posted before the counting)....Hazel was already eating one.....so maybe its 663?

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Our college has a ladybird infestation in the library...its the strangest thing!


:lmfao: Ladybirds are cute :original:


But in the picture (that you posted before the counting)....Hazel was already eating one.....so maybe its 663?



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Now does everyone stop posting at 659 or 658 because the post numbers in the thread include the thread starting post inself....but the forum doesnt include it...so there is 1 in it!


:doh: :doh: :doh:


Is this going to be another "millionth post"-style dilemma??


*I* say go by what the forum says. Like, the one that says #660.

No one agreed with me with the millionth post though, so don't listen to me :fisch:

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I'm sorry to say so but I can't find this all so funny. At all.


Not because of Wendi receiving strange stuff, I can see that things like these may cause confusion and upset people.

But because of the consequencial actions taken by random forum members. The enthuisasm with which people are keen to set up sort of a criminal research by posting 'official lists' of suspects and then proudly trumpet how they are about to find and stalk people's myspaces in order to find out about their home countries just freaks me out.

I can very well see now, that there probably ARE people on the forum proceeding in a similar way when it comes to the acquisition of information about Mika/ his home address/ his former classmates and their dogs. Sad.

It also makes me cringe to see how all of a sudden people start sweating and feel in need to affirm that they had nothing to do with ... erm... lollipops (?!)


I'm sorry, this isn't where I parked my car.


But apparently nobody besides me is finding that strange or not all that normal. Scary again. Even funnier that I didn't even sign the petition but still was listed as suspicious until somebody hinted that I'm not from the UK (for whatever reasons that might be of any interest)


Oh and on another note: Papparazzi??? Please. Papparazzi are interested in celebrities. They take pics of them in more or less compromising positions and get money for that. They don't buy lollipops for fanclub members.

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Grow Up!

Lollies and candles are not in the same category as AK47s and bombs!

Its obviously some harmless fun...and yes...a few people have raised concerns, but in this day and age, people just need to bear things in mind... not rant about diversity and the moral disappointment in clicking on someones profile to see if they are from the uk!

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I say we go by the thread so we def cant be wrong....

if we go by the forum...we might be wrong...


So just so we're on the same page, this post here (the one I'm quoting) is #386, right?


I'm sorry to say so but I can't find this all so funny. At all.


Not because of Wendi receiving strange stuff, I can see that things like these may cause confusion and upset people.

But because of the consequencial actions taken by random forum members. The enthuisasm with which people are keen to set up sort of a criminal research by posting 'official lists' of suspects and then proudly trumpet how they are about to find and stalk people's myspaces in order to find out about their home countries just freaks me out.

I can very well see now, that there probably ARE people on the forum proceeding in a similar way when it comes to the acquisition of information about Mika/ his home address/ his former classmates and their dogs. Sad.

It also makes me cringe to see how all of a sudden people start sweating and feel in need to affirm that they had nothing to do with ... erm... lollipops (?!)


I'm sorry, this isn't where I parked my car.


I haven't even seen it as *not* funny. At all :blink:

In the first place, if someone was trying to be threatening or scary ... lollipops? I would've gone for the blood-signed death threat letter myself :fisch:

And the "investigation" is all in good fun. I don't think it's expected to be able to narrow down a list of 500 people, most of which come from the Uk to 1 person. As funny as it is to call myspace-stalking myspace-stalking ... it's not really stalking - you choose whether or not you put your myspace/profile info up, and you put it up *for* other people to see. :blink:

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Ok folks - MI5 need not be called now.

The people involved have contacted me - and I am quite

happy to let it rest now. There was NO malice involved,

it was a joke, which would have run for a bit, but realising

people, including my girls, were getting a bit freaked out, they

have contacted me. I am not going to give their names for two


1. I said in previous posts that I would not disclose names, and

2. I do not want them getting any nasty PM's, or comments

made about them on threads because of this.


If nothing else - this thread has passed a few days, and got people

thinking. It was very touching to see how many folk were genuinely

concerned - thanks for all the good wishes posted here!! :thumb_yello:

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I wanted to know who it was!

Well glad its solved and you arent about to be murdered in the moors....wait...the moors are no where near you...told you my geography is crap


And I do have moors here - 20 miles up the road - the wildest

and most desolate place in Scotland!!! :naughty:

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still not knowing who was?? :(


Me, I was the 347 to sign the petition...I have no idea where Wendy lives, I don't know anyting about scotland...I don't know someone interested in getting the address, nobody asked me for that...

If you want to know something about me, just PM me. I live in Argentina, and sending so many lollipops would cost a fortune, so I think it was someone who can travel not so far from Scotland.


Just trying to be helpful :)


But anyway, you're OK wendi, that's the important thing

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