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2009 - New York, NY at United Palace Theatre Oct 16 - reports, pictures and videos


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There are no words, you guys! It was such a high-energy show. The "after show" had like 200 people though :blink: It was so nice seeing dcdeb, Lucy, natalie923, and others I recognized. Mika personalized my lithograph :biggrin2: The security at the show was less than fabulous attitude-wise. Everyone kind of rushed to the edge of the stage at the very beginning and then were rudely yelled at to move back to the seating area. Although it was annoying that the staff weren't very nice about it, it was good in a way to have some order since people were SO jammed up there and pushing a lot. At one point Mika even seemed to notice what was going on down there (with security pushing people away), made a face, and shrugged. Anyway, I'll post some more things later... sorry for this disjointed post! I'm delirious from being so tired.

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dcdeb: @mikasounds What a wonderful show NYC got tonight. Shame about the security guys, but YOU absolutely never disappoint! Thank you! xxx 1 minute ago from TweetDeck


dcdeb: @mikasounds Also: Thanks for being so sweet to the MFC, too. You must have been exhausted, but we appreciated that you took the time! xxx less than a minute ago from TweetDeck

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I'm baaaa----aaaack! Is anyone still awake?


I only took one video that is uploading now SLLLLLLOOOOOWLY on this

slow internet connection.


And I got the biggest bunch of crap photos -- that darn smoke makes

everything look blurry and grainy.


HOWEVER, it was the BEST show... I've never seen Mika smile so much or

so big, and he's got all these cute new moves, and the music is so

high-energy, and and and... I don't think I could gush any more

about it if I tried.


MIKA, it was fantastic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :wub2:


Like Rilo said, the security guys were brutal. They would NOT let us

near the stage, after the initial rush -- I think some women to the

left of me got a little persistent and grabby and so they sent us ALL

back to our seats. We completely missed Blue Eyes -- Mika kept

singing while everyone got pushed back and had to turn away from the

stage. :sneaky2:


And like Rilo also said, Mika definitely wanted us closer and kept motioning

for us to come forward. As soon as we did, Security ran up to push us

back -- I mean they got physical! *sigh*


Well, Mika knew we were crushed up against the stage in spirit.


Afterward, I managed to get a bunch of after-show passes for the MFCers

there -- we had hoped for a private meeting with Mika, but he had had

such a long day, plus there SOOOO many people there, instead they

had us sit in the seats in the theater, then he came out and signed

something for everyone. No individual pics, we couldn't even get a

group pic. :( But we did get to wait for him inside instead of out in the cold

-- I'm not even sure he was going to go outside, to be honest. He looked



Oh, we also had a couple MFCers as Big Girls tonight -- but I'll let them

tell you about that. :naughty:


OK, enough of my randomness -- if the video finishes uploading, I'll

post it, and I'll try to post a few pics, if any are salvageable. And maybe

I'll do a better, fuller report tomorrow. Today has been a loooong day.


But a spectacular one.

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I was in FF and far right, people there were a little bit dull.


However, I was super excited about our KING MIKA!!!!


He was so adorable and talented!!


I m still trying to figure out why my video was not sychronized, I mean the audio is faster than video, don't know the reason


I m trying to figure out how to minimize my pics in order to fit upload requirements

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i'm glad you still had a good time. thanks for the updates, reports, pics :wub2: shame they didn't let anyone close to the stage. how far were the seats to the stage? in montreal, mika waved us to come forward. security guys weren't sure what was happening, but i think they noticed that it was all mika's fault and left us alone :roftl:

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I'm baaaa----aaaack! Is anyone still awake?


I only took one video that is uploading now SLLLLLLOOOOOWLY on this

slow internet connection.


And I got the biggest bunch of crap photos -- that darn smoke makes

everything look blurry and grainy.


HOWEVER, it was the BEST show... I've never seen Mika smile so much or

so big, and he's got all these cute new moves, and the music is so

high-energy, and and and... I don't think I could gush any more

about it if I tried.


MIKA, it was fantastic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :wub2:


Like Rilo said, the security guys were brutal. They would NOT let us

near the stage, after the initial rush -- I think some women to the

left of me got a little persistent and grabby and so they sent us ALL

back to our seats. We completely missed Blue Eyes -- Mika kept

singing while everyone got pushed back and had to turn away from the

stage. :sneaky2:


And like Rilo also said, Mika definitely wanted us closer and kept motioning

for us to come forward. As soon as we did, Security ran up to push us

back -- I mean they got physical! *sigh*


Well, Mika knew we were crushed up against the stage in spirit.


Afterward, I managed to get a bunch of after-show passes for the MFCers

there -- we had hoped for a private meeting with Mika, but he had had

such a long day, plus there SOOOO many people there, instead they

had us sit in the seats in the theater, then he came out and signed

something for everyone. No individual pics, we couldn't even get a

group pic. :( But we did get to wait for him inside instead of out in the cold

-- I'm not even sure he was going to go outside, to be honest. He looked



Oh, we also had a couple MFCers as Big Girls tonight -- but I'll let them

tell you about that. :naughty:


OK, enough of my randomness -- if the video finishes uploading, I'll

post it, and I'll try to post a few pics, if any are salvageable. And maybe

I'll do a better, fuller report tomorrow. Today has been a loooong day.


But a spectacular one.



Still here, just, Deb:wink2:

Thank you SO much, for calling when Touches You came on, it was a bit up and down, but I think that could be more my phone than anything, but what I did hear was wonderful:wub2:

Sounds like the security where a bunch of jobsworths, especially when Mika asked for you to come nearer the stage!

Good that you got to see him after, and inside too:thumb_yello:

I posted some tweets of people who where in the same restaurant as him after the show, who talked to him. He's so nice to people where ever he goes.

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Deb!!!! :wub2:


First, thank you for reporting so fast, and thank you for your updates throughout the day. I know you know firsthand how much it means to get reports "from the ground," so again - thank you. :huglove:


It sounds like security at this venue were giant douchebags. :sneaky2: Mika did the same thing in Montreal; clearly motioned us all forward. Martin said later that they prefer standing gigs, that "seated gigs are just too... seated." So I think they like these theatre gigs when they can summon people right up to the stage. It sucks that security contravened what Mika clearly wanted. :sneaky2:


I'm so happy to hear there was a post-gig meeting for MFCers! Even if it wasn't ideal, it certainly beats the heck out of waiting in the cold. We almost died of hypothermia in Montreal. :aah:


And, MFCers got to be Big Girls!!!! Sa-WEET! I can't wait to hear all about it.


Two questions:


Was it the same setlist as earlier gigs, and

Is he still doing the show barefoot? :teehee:


@JJKING - what do you mean the people were dull? Just not getting as into it as the crazy MFC types up front? :naughty:

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Not sure if it was the same setlist but it probably was-- I didn't take a good look at the prior gig's reports yet.


And yes, he was barefoot! The stage was carpeted though so his feet didn't get as black. :naughty:


Nice toasty feet tonight, then?:naughty:

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I'm uploading two vids from the NYC gig, Touches You and I see You, because I didn't manage to film them properly yesterday. They are still processing and I don't know about the quality. Give them some time if they don't work properly. I'm too tired to upload the other vids, this time difference is killing me :aah::biggrin2: I will upload them when I get back home.




So that's one reason why not proper report from me :blush-anim-cl: But the gig was fab, as always. He is just so GOOD on stage. I think these two NA gigs made even my husband a huge fan :naughty: It was so nice see fans from NA. My HUGE thanks go to Debbie, who is a star and helps with everything, and to Jamie (?) who gave us a lift from that awful neighborhood :naughty: And all other girls I met, it was SO nice to meet you all!!! :wub2:


I must say that I'm extremely happy that I decided to come and see these two shows. I'm flying back tomorrow, so more pics and vids later.

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I'm uploading two vids from the NYC gig, Touches You and I see You, because I didn't manage to film them properly yesterday. They are still processing and I don't know about the quality. Give them some time if they don't work properly. I'm too tired to upload the other vids, this time difference is killing me :aah::biggrin2: I will upload them when I get back home.




So that's one reason why not proper report from me :blush-anim-cl: But the gig was fab, as always. He is just so GOOD on stage. I think these two NA gigs made even my husband a huge fan :naughty: It was so nice see fans from NA. My HUGE thanks go to Debbie, who is a star and helps with everything, and to Jamie (?) who gave us a lift from that awful neighborhood :naughty: And all other girls I met, it was SO nice to meet you all!!! :wub2:


I must say that I'm extremely happy that I decided to come and see these two shows. I'm flying back tomorrow, so more pics and vids later.



Look forward to seeing these vids, when I get up later. Glad his trousers behaved for you this evening:naughty:

One day I'll get over there for some shows. One day.

Night shift over. Night all!:wink2:

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I'm baaaa----aaaack! Is anyone still awake?


I only took one video that is uploading now SLLLLLLOOOOOWLY on this

slow internet connection.


And I got the biggest bunch of crap photos -- that darn smoke makes

everything look blurry and grainy.


HOWEVER, it was the BEST show... I've never seen Mika smile so much or

so big, and he's got all these cute new moves, and the music is so

high-energy, and and and... I don't think I could gush any more

about it if I tried.


MIKA, it was fantastic. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. :wub2:


Like Rilo said, the security guys were brutal. They would NOT let us

near the stage, after the initial rush -- I think some women to the

left of me got a little persistent and grabby and so they sent us ALL

back to our seats. We completely missed Blue Eyes -- Mika kept

singing while everyone got pushed back and had to turn away from the

stage. :sneaky2:


And like Rilo also said, Mika definitely wanted us closer and kept motioning

for us to come forward. As soon as we did, Security ran up to push us

back -- I mean they got physical! *sigh*


Well, Mika knew we were crushed up against the stage in spirit.


Afterward, I managed to get a bunch of after-show passes for the MFCers

there -- we had hoped for a private meeting with Mika, but he had had

such a long day, plus there SOOOO many people there, instead they

had us sit in the seats in the theater, then he came out and signed

something for everyone. No individual pics, we couldn't even get a

group pic. :( But we did get to wait for him inside instead of out in the cold

-- I'm not even sure he was going to go outside, to be honest. He looked



Oh, we also had a couple MFCers as Big Girls tonight -- but I'll let them

tell you about that. :naughty:


OK, enough of my randomness -- if the video finishes uploading, I'll

post it, and I'll try to post a few pics, if any are salvageable. And maybe

I'll do a better, fuller report tomorrow. Today has been a loooong day.


But a spectacular one.


Can't but agree about the security guys :sneaky2: Mika really did want people closer and he made some faces after he saw what security was doing. Those security guys even asked our tickets during the gig, but let us be there we were after seeing front row tickets.


Debbie, I really appreciated that short M&G inside, thank you for it!! :wub2: Mika was obviously really tired, and it was nice he took time for everyone, even it was just a few words.

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Speechless Sammy?:naughty:



Thanks for the reports so far. I'll have to watch the vids when I get home, have to go out shortly. Sleep well all you giggers.

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Sammy: LOL!


Anyhow, my video finally uploaded:



It's 2/3 of One Foot Boy -- I'm really sorry I missed the first verse

because Mika did some fancy footwork. But some is better than none,

right? :thumb_yello:

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That really sucks about security, but I'm sure everyone had fun regardless!

Thanks for the the reports!


I just ignored security as much as possible. I stepped back a little as they asked but kept dancing like everyone. It really was so much fun :wub2: Now I'm off to bed, lol. I will read other reports tomorrow.

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Sammy: LOL!


Anyhow, my video finally uploaded:



It's 2/3 of One Foot Boy -- I'm really sorry I missed the first verse

because Mika did some fancy footwork. But some is better than none,

right? :thumb_yello:


thanks for the video ;) glad u all had fun... it sucks when security are being mean tho :(


i cant believe how nice they were at the NY show on june....

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