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Mika in the German Media


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Short audio + article/interview


http://www.hr-online.de/website/radio/hr3/index.jsp?rubrik=12658&key=standard_podcasting_hr3_poptalk thanks Eriko!



Lidia hat Mika schon öfter getroffen, aber nun kam er zum ersten Mal ins hr3-Studio. Elegant, wie aus dem Ei gepellt, freundlich und leutselig wie ein alter Freund.



Lidia Antonini und Mika

Audio: Poptalk mit Mika 2:27 Min

(© hr3, 12.10.2012)


Nach seinem zweiten Album "The Boy Who Knew Too Much" war Mika auf einer langen Tour, er meinte, er sei dreimal um die Welt getourt. Danach wollte er ein Album machen, das frisch, jung und innovativ ist. Er wusste aber nicht, wie er das bewerkstelligen sollte, zumal er fast zwei Jahre keinen neuen Song geschrieben hatte. Und mitten in diesem Denkprozeß schlug das Schicksal zu: Zuerst ging Mikas Beziehung in die Brüche, danach hatte seine Schwester Paloma einen folgenschweren Unfall: Sie stürzte aus einem Fenster im vierten Stock. Mika war Zeuge bei diesem Unfall. Er erzählt:


Eine traurige Geschichte


"Meiner Schwester geht es inzwischen wieder gut. Sie wurde mit einer Behinderung geboren, ihre linke Seite ist sehr schwach. Es war die Nacht ihrer Einzugsparty, und das Schlimmste passierte. Es war sehr spät, sie war allein in ihrem Schlafzimmer und rauchte eine Zigarette, das Fensterbrett war sehr niedrig, was sie nicht gewohnt war, sie hat also die Balance verloren und stürzte aus dem Fenster. Sie fiel vier Stockwerke tief auf einen Zaun, sie wurde von den Zaunlatten mehrfach durchbohrt. Und so hing sie da für mehrere Stunden, es war einfach nicht möglich, sie herunterzuholen - sie wäre gestorben.


Es ist so bizarr: Der Zaun, der sie so schwer verletzt hat, hat ihr gleichzeitig das Leben gerettet. Er hat sie aufgefangen, sonst wäre sie auf den Kopf gefallen und wäre tot. Ich bin hingerannt und habe sie gefunden, wie sie über das Geländer hing. Ich war zu der Zeit das einzige Familienmitglied, musste also meine Angehörigen aus der ganzen Welt zusammentrommeln. Wenn man jemanden so sieht und du den Rest deiner Leute auf das Schlimmste vorbereiten musst, verflüchtigt sich dein Ego komplett. Ich dachte nie, dass ich überhaupt ein Ego entwickelt hatte, aber im Endeffekt haben wir alle eines, egal, ob man einen verrückten Job wie ich hat oder nicht.


In vier Sekunden kann man alles verlieren


Ich habe zudem realisiert, dass man innerhalb von vier Sekunden alles verlieren kann, und wenn man nicht das Meiste aus einer Situation macht, besonders, wenn man kreativ frei sein darf, dann ist man ein verdammter Idiot".


Mika hat in dieser für ihn sehr schwierigen Zeit London verlassen, um in der Welt nach Menschen zu suchen, die ihn inspirieren und die ihm helfen, das neue Album zu machen. Die hat er gefunden in Pharell Williams, dem Newcomer Fryars und Nick Littlemore von Empires Of The Sun. Mika sagt:


"Ich habe damit aufgehört, traurige oder alberne Songs zu schreiben, in denen es um Märchenfiguren geht, die nicht meiner privaten Problemwelt entsprechen. Ich habe also mein Herz ausgeschüttet und mich seltsamerweise sogar neu verliebt. Dieses Gefühl des Verliebtseins habe ich in eine Flasche gesteckt und wie ein Parfüm behandelt. Darum geht es in ,The Origin Of Love‘. Das war mein erster Song, den ich geschrieben habe. Danach war alles so viel einfacher, weil ich es geschafft habe, diese Wand zu durchbrechen".


Liebe zu einem Roboter


Ein bißchen Fantasiewelt ist noch etwas übrig geblieben. Im Song "Make You Happy" geht es um die Liebe und die Konversation zwischen Mika und einem Roboter. Mika sagt: nach all den Jahren und all den Versuchen könnte ich sagen, dass ich glücklich bin, aber das wäre gelogen". Und der Roboter sagt immer wieder: „Alles, was ich möchte, ist dich glücklich zu machen, alles was ich möchte ist dich glücklich zu machen...." Den Song gibt es in zwei Versionen, die zweite symphonische Version wurde in den Abbey Road

Studios gemacht und ist Mikas Lieblingsversion.


Mika ist privat ein Stiller


Mika beschreibt sich privat als sehr ruhig und still, er spricht selten über persönliche Dinge. Dafür hat er seine Musik, und im Interview öffnet er sich. Privat würde er nie auf die Idee kommen, zu sagen "Ich liebe dich nur wenn ich betrunken bin". Im gleichnamigen Song schafft er das aber. Auf dem Album gibt es auch den Song "Emely". Mika hatte in Frankreich einen großen Hit mit dem Song "Elle me dit". Seine Freunde in Amerika und England haben daraus gemacht: Emely....


Aus geplanten 30 Minuten Interview wurde schnell fast eine Stunde. Am Ende staunt man, dass ein so schwerer Unfall seiner Schwester zu einem so fröhlichen Album wie "The Origin Of Love" geführt hat. Das Wort "Origin" bedeutet "Ursprung": für Mika ist es ein Wort voller Kraft, das ihn dazu gebracht hat, sein Leben auf den Kopf zu stellen. Er meint, Fröhlichkeit ist das beste Rezept gegen Angst.


Redaktion: emg

Bild: © hr3

Letzte Aktualisierung: 12.10.2012, 15:31 Uhr

Edited by mari62
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The Origin of Love is Album of the week on Radio Gong Munich! :fangurl:http://www.radiogong.de/artikel/Musik/Musik/Das+Gong+96%2C3+Album+der+Woche/15275/


and something else, mika is on the cover of german gay mag du&ich, here's their facebook page, me likes! :fangurl:https://www.facebook.com/pages/DUICH/201868219848 :naughty: there's an interview with mika in the magazine, i'll go into town later anyway and will have a look at the mag, whether the interview is worth scanning/translating or whether it's maybe just a translation of another interview we already know. :wink2:

Edited by mellody
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The Origin of Love is Album of the week on Radio Gong Munich! :fangurl:http://www.radiogong.de/artikel/Musik/Musik/Das+Gong+96%2C3+Album+der+Woche/15275/


and something else, mika is on the cover of german gay mag du&ich, here's their facebook page, me likes! :fangurl:https://www.facebook.com/pages/DUICH/201868219848 :naughty: there's an interview with mika in the magazine, i'll go into town later anyway and will have a look at the mag, whether the interview is worth scanning/translating or whether it's maybe just a translation of another interview we already know. :wink2:


Great news!

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and something else, mika is on the cover of german gay mag du&ich, here's their facebook page, me likes! :fangurl:https://www.facebook.com/pages/DUICH/201868219848 :naughty: there's an interview with mika in the magazine, i'll go into town later anyway and will have a look at the mag, whether the interview is worth scanning/translating or whether it's maybe just a translation of another interview we already know. :wink2:


Thanks a lot for posting !!









Edited by Kumazzz
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The Origin of Love is Album of the week on Radio Gong Munich! :fangurl:http://www.radiogong.de/artikel/Musik/Musik/Das+Gong+96%2C3+Album+der+Woche/15275/


That's great :thumb_yello:




D/L link : MP3 (2.28MB) http://www.mediafire.com/?wtclnz06az3cgjx


I wrote them because in the last paragraph was the sentence "30 planned minutes for the interview became nearly an hour fastly" and asked them, if more of the interview will be aired or if we could get the full one. Sadly I received this answer today:


Die Interview in der ganzen Länge werden nicht ausgestrahlt, dafür fehlt uns einfach die Sendezeit und deshalb versuche ich so viel wie möglich zu schreiben. Wir werden bestimmt noch öfter auf Mikas Interview im Programm zurück kommen. Das Interview dürfen wir aus rechtlichen Gründen leider nicht frei geben.
The interview in full length won't be broadcasted, we don't have enough airtime for that and therefore I try so write as much as possible. Certainly we will come back to Mikas interview more often in our program. Sadly we aren't allowed to share the interview because of legal reasons.


It's a shame, Mika talked for an hour with her and all we get are two and a half minute… It's also sad for Mika - all the time he spoke with her he couldn't use for other promotion work in Germany. It's such a bad cost/benefit ratio.

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That's great :thumb_yello:




I wrote them because in the last paragraph was the sentence "30 planned minutes for the interview became nearly an hour fastly" and asked them, if more of the interview will be aired or if we could get the full one. Sadly I received this answer today:





It's a shame, Mika talked for an hour with her and all we get are two and a half minute… It's also sad for Mika - all the time he spoke with her he couldn't use for other promotion work in Germany. It's such a bad cost/benefit ratio.

Thanks for asking, it's really a pity :sad:

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The Origin of Love is Album of the week on Radio Gong Munich! :fangurl:http://www.radiogong.de/artikel/Musik/Musik/Das+Gong+96%2C3+Album+der+Woche/15275/


and something else, mika is on the cover of german gay mag du&ich, here's their facebook page, me likes! :fangurl:https://www.facebook.com/pages/DUICH/201868219848 :naughty: there's an interview with mika in the magazine, i'll go into town later anyway and will have a look at the mag, whether the interview is worth scanning/translating or whether it's maybe just a translation of another interview we already know. :wink2:

that's great news!

looking forward to the interview

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That's great :thumb_yello:




I wrote them because in the last paragraph was the sentence "30 planned minutes for the interview became nearly an hour fastly" and asked them, if more of the interview will be aired or if we could get the full one. Sadly I received this answer today:





It's a shame, Mika talked for an hour with her and all we get are two and a half minute… It's also sad for Mika - all the time he spoke with her he couldn't use for other promotion work in Germany. It's such a bad cost/benefit ratio.


You'd think they would serialise it, like they did on one of the radio channels here did. That would make far more sense.

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ok i just read the interview in du&ich magazine, but didn't buy the mag as it was 8€! :aah: it's a new interview, 1 1/2 pages, but apart from one question it's just the usual stuff. how and why he wrote his album, paloma's accident, why he came out now. but in one question they asked him about his boyfriend, don't remember the exact question but i think they were refering to mika being so happy now with his love and that the guy must be very special... anyway mika's answer was that his bf is also a creative, in arts and film, and that he's patient and tolerant, which is good as mika himself is quite impatient. :wub2:

hasibobberle wrote on twitter that she'll get the magazine, so i guess we can get a scan from her so you can get a full translation. ;) if not i can get the epaper of the mag, that's only half the price. ;)

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ok i just read the interview in du&ich magazine, but didn't buy the mag as it was 8€! :aah: it's a new interview, 1 1/2 pages, but apart from one question it's just the usual stuff. how and why he wrote his album, paloma's accident, why he came out now. but in one question they asked him about his boyfriend, don't remember the exact question but i think they were refering to mika being so happy now with his love and that the guy must be very special... anyway mika's answer was that his bf is also a creative, in arts and film, and that he's patient and tolerant, which is good as mika himself is quite impatient. :wub2:

hasibobberle wrote on twitter that she'll get the magazine, so i guess we can get a scan from her so you can get a full translation. ;) if not i can get the epaper of the mag, that's only half the price. ;)


Awwww :wub2: He is starting to be surprisingly open in interviews. Thanks for the summary! :thumb_yello:

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yes, blame it on Mika then :sneaky2: clearly he doesn't mind about his own and HIS privacy anymore :mf_rosetinted:


it didn't sound in the interview like the interviewer had to push him towards saying this. :dunno: i just looked again on the way home, and the question was simply "so who is it that stole your heart?". of course they can hide a lot in written interviews. but if mika doesn't want to talk about it, he says "it's none of your business". tbh, i'd be surprised if he wanted to hide his bf from the world (which also means fans and press) forever, and if he wants to reveal more in interviews, why do you think it's wrong? :blink: of course it would be wrong to discuss possible candidates on mfc unless mika reveals a name. but this is not much different from mika saying he has a pink door - that might make it easier for some to find out his address, but still it isn't an excuse for speculating about private details on mfc, so i wouldn't worry about that. :wink2:

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it didn't sound in the interview like the interviewer had to push him towards saying this. :dunno: i just looked again on the way home, and the question was simply "so who is it that stole your heart?". of course they can hide a lot in written interviews. but if mika doesn't want to talk about it, he says "it's none of your business". tbh, i'd be surprised if he wanted to hide his bf from the world (which also means fans and press) forever, and if he wants to reveal more in interviews, why do you think it's wrong? :blink: of course it would be wrong to discuss possible candidates on mfc unless mika reveals a name. but this is not much different from mika saying he has a pink door - that might make it easier for some to find out his address, but still it isn't an excuse for speculating about private details on mfc, so i wouldn't worry about that. :wink2:


But it's not just down to Mika though is it?

If the bf doesn't want the attention, then I'd have thought Mika would be a bit more respectful of his wishes, to be fair.

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