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Adventures of Mika: King of the Lollipop Forest


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ok, quick story before i start this, my friend gave me a lion today and his name is mika because i have some strange fantasy that im gonna convince mika to dress up as a lion and we'll cheat on my husband, david bowie,on the weekends in johnny depps vinyard (long story dont ask). any way, she bought me a loin named mika so i took my sisters barbie clothes and dressed him up and put him in different areas and took pics. my way of saying i was bored out of my mind.


enjoy :wink2:




mika in my window




mika in a tree




mika sitting on a fence




mika in my mailbox




mika above my window




mika in a cow



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ive decided to go farther with this. im gonna make others like billy brown and lollipop girl and biggirl and im gonna take a bunch more pics. its gonna e so cute.


itd be cute to make another little mika and mail him around the world through the mika fans and we all take pics with him and post them on here. waht do ya'll think of that idea??

i gotta go so maybe we'll talk more about it later.

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