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The Mika Chicken dance


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During our long queueing session on 26th Feb at Brixton for Mr M. One mad mfcer (aka bumblebee_vix) arrived dressed as a chicken. You may have seen the pics of her already but I bet you havent seen the Chicken dance video???

She danced her chicken pants off to Big Girl!!!

If you were there when she did it this is one memory many ppl will not forget and if you werent here it is!




bumblebee's chicken dance

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OMG!!!! :roftl: :roftl:

classic! Does she know you've posted this?

She was wearing the Bee outfit the night I was there...she described the chicken outfit to me but I didn't realise she was actually wearing knickers on the outside, go Vix!!! I think we should make this the official MFC dance

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I had been threatening to do it ever since I took the vid and she gave me permission to but not sure if she actually knows it is up NOW!! but i did text her so I am sure she will know by now! lol, it's great isnt it?

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Darlings Darlings Autographs later honestly! Well since it was fairly decent weather and I was bored I decided that dancxing around like a erm..chicken? had its benefits. Not only was I kept warm :D. But I was the queue entertainment lol. Kept me entertained anyway!

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