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*September 11, 2001*

I <3 MIKA!!!

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Even though I was NOT in NYC on that terrible day I remember it like it was yesterday!!! It was SO surreal......


I was PREGNANT with Tay.... and I was at work.... someone *a gay guy* :das: heard on his radio at his desk that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.... and he immediately jumped up and started yelling it to everyone.... we all gathered around the Supervisor's desk, and were talking and ALL listening to the radio broadcasts.... we all thought that it was just some sort of FREAK accident.....


UNTIL we heard that a plane had crashed into the SECOND tower :shocked:

We ALL started FREAKING out... some people more hysteric then others.... some were crying.... then we heard those DREADED words over the radio... "This appears to be a Terrorist Attack" -------------------


By the time the plane hit the Pentagon.... sheer PANIC was over everyone.... then hearing AMERICA IS UNDER ATTACK...................


They sent us home after that, because no one knew for sure WHAT the hell was going on - or WHERE they would strike next! When I got home.... and turned on the t.v. and saw the footage -- THAT is when I broke down! It was too hard to handle and too CRAZY to beleive. HOW COULD HUMAN BEINGS BE SO EVIL?


No matter where we live, how old we were, what we were doing on that day...... we will never forget anything about it.... or ALL of the senseless deaths of SO MANY beloved mother, fathers, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, sons, daughter, wives, husbands, grandfathers, grandmothers cousins and .....children.

Edited by HollyD
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i was in 3rd grade and it just started i remember we were only in school for about 5 days, and i remember hearing my name being called down to the office because my mom was there, i got all exciting thinking that i could go out of school early and everything and then i remember my mom standing in the lobby with the principal hysterically crying, she was yelling at him because he didnt think it was necessary to have the children go home and said it was perfectly fine even though almost every other district in the state of new york dismissed early as an emergency then my mom took me home and in the car ride i was asking her what happened, i thought my dad died or grandma died or something (dont worry all though they were in the city they werent near the towers) but all she could say was the world trade center and i didnt know that name yet i only new it as the twin towers because that year my sisters were supposed to have a birthday dinner there because they were twins when we got home i saw them collapse live on tv i was EXTREMELY scared i had not a clue what was going on other than two planes crashed into two building on purpose. my mom packed duffle bags and my birds, my dogs and everything into the car because right near where i live like 45 minutes away there is a nuclear power plant and there were planes circling above it, if the planes crashed into the plant everyone within new york would die or something like that because of the nuclear stuff picked up my sisters from school, my dad came home, my dad said we didnt need to drive to canada (that was my moms original plan) so we didnt but the whole ordeal was so frightening! i remember the next day at school asking if any of there parents picked them up and they all said no and they never even told the class anything about the attacks they only found out when they got home, when ALOT of the kids in my grades parents worked in the building thankgod that none of the parents in my school died but i think a few in my town did i remember the morning of the attack before i got picked up i remember seeing my teacher right the date on the white board: 9/11/01 and thinking to myself that spells out 911

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Aww, what a sad thread! :tears:

well, i do remeber that day, and that was something horrible! I came home from school and went to the kitchen and my mum and dad were there and they listened the news on radio. Then my grandfather opened the door on his room and told something to them and i saw the tv and there were talking about the traggedy and showed those videos. And then suddenly came the second place into the tower! And we all were OMG!!! we just didnt believe it! Tough our country is far away from there. I remeber that i couldnt sleep in that night too! And later i knew that there works my family's friend too but thank god he didnt go to his work that day!

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How it affected me personally............


I didn't know anyone on a personal level that died dring 911.... So Ian't EVEN begin to imagine HOW hard it was for the families. I, a complete stranger - could not even breathe watching all the horrific footage. I don't think it was the pregnancy hormones... I think it was the fact that I am a human being.

i don't think there was a dry eye in the ENTIRE Country that day. At least I know there wasn't in my house.


Immediately following 911 -- I, like ALOT of Americans had a new found fear of foreigners. {which I agree is totally unfair} BUT - it's kinda human nature - how could one help it? I since have over come those fears, and have learned to love and trust again. Walking into a convienient store and seeing an Arab is not near as 'scary' *for lack of a better word* as it was a few years ago.


Even when Alex and I went to New York to see Mika - there was a Middle Eastern man on our plane... my heart skipped a beat when I saw him sitting across the isle from me. I even caught myself watching his every move.... just to make sure he didn't 'try anything' HOW HORRIBLE IS THAT!


America is a mosh pot of every kind of person you could imagine! It is sad to walk in fear in your own country. Or to fear the man walking next to you on the sidewalk just because he looks like a Terrorist.


I think what I am trying to say is..... it affected me to my core .... and everthing that I am, do, beleive in, and want to be......

I had to do alot of soul searching and forgiveness.... and learn to open up and not close my mind to the world...simply out of fear.


I am no longer scared. If something is going to happen, it is going to happen no matter WHAT - I am not going to run and hide.... I am going to stand tall and proud and live my life. Had we stayed in fear forever, the terrorist would have won in so many ways. There ARE terrorists in this world. It is true and REAL not a make-beleive movie. I still love ALL people, I guess if anything I am just a bit more cautious now... so to speak.

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i was in the 4th grade, I was having a pretty good day, I'd gotten a gold star on my paper because I did a good job, then the 2nd grade teacher ran into the room and whispered something into my teachers ear....my teacher ran out of the room and into the school office where the tv was playing [the new i guess] and a few minutes later they sent us all outside to play, when we came inside the teacher sat us all down and told us what happened..i remember thinking ok so what thats all the way in New York why is everyone so upset...their not going to get us..then I remeber being scared because everyone was crying and thinking that they were gonna kill all americans...I couldnt figure out why someone would want to hurt me or my family...i remember saying that I had been very good and that I didnt want to die like the people in the towers...it was soo scared...i just didnt understand and no one would explain....


when school was over my mom picked me up a few minutes early and she and my dad sat me and my Brothers and Sisters down and explaid it to us...I was just so confused and when I finally saw it all on the news...i got so scared I hid under my bed and that was also where i slept..I wouldnt go into tall building for months...now that im older i understand...but sometime I wish that I didnt and that it was all just a made up lie and that everyone in those towers was still living and here chatting with us right now...

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How it affected me personally............


I didn't know anyone on a personal level that died dring 911.... So Ian't EVEN begin to imagine HOW hard it was for the families. I, a complete stranger - could not even breathe watching all the horrific footage. I don't think it was the pregnancy hormones... I think it was the fact that I am a human being.

i don't think there was a dry eye in the ENTIRE Country that day. At least I know there wasn't in my house.


Immediately following 911 -- I, like ALOT of Americans had a new found fear of foreigners. {which I agree is totally unfair} BUT - it's kinda human nature - how could one help it? I since have over come those fears, and have learned to love and trust again. Walking into a convienient store and seeing an Arab is not near as 'scary' *for lack of a better word* as it was a few years ago.


Even when Alex and I went to New York to see Mika - there was a Middle Eastern man on our plane... my heart skipped a beat when I saw him sitting across the isle from me. I even caught myself watching his every move.... just to make sure he didn't 'try anything' HOW HORRIBLE IS THAT!


America is a mosh pot of every kind of person you could imagine! It is sad to walk in fear in your own country. Or to fear the man walking next to you on the sidewalk just because he looks like a Terrorist.


I think what I am trying to say is..... it affected me to my core .... and everthing that I am, do, beleive in, and want to be......

I had to do alot of soul searching and forgiveness.... and learn to open up and not close my mind to the world...simply out of fear.


I am no longer scared. If something is going to happen, it is going to happen no matter WHAT - I am not going to run and hide.... I am going to stand tall and proud and live my life. Had we stayed in fear forever, the terrorist would have won in so many ways. There ARE terrorists in this world. It is true and REAL not a make-beleive movie. I still love ALL people, I guess if anything I am just a bit more cautious now... so to speak.


i know what you mean, i remember a month after the attacks me and my family had to fly to england because my sister was giving birth to her first baby and you cant even how nervous my parents were! i cant say i was nervous my self because i didnt realize how big it was and how many lives it affected or really anything behind it but my parents were nervous wrecks and i dont blame them it tooke us 3 hours to get checked in because of the security i had no clue what was going on all i remember was i was scared!

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i was in the 4th grade, I was having a pretty good day, I'd gotten a gold star on my paper because I did a good job, then the 2nd grade teacher ran into the room and whispered something into my teachers ear....my teacher ran out of the room and into the school office where the tv was playing [the new i guess] and a few minutes later they sent us all outside to play, when we came inside the teacher sat us all down and told us what happened..i remember thinking ok so what thats all the way in New York why is everyone so upset...their not going to get us..then I remeber being scared because everyone was crying and thinking that they were gonna kill all americans...I couldnt figure out why someone would want to hurt me or my family...i remember saying that I had been very good and that I didnt want to die like the people in the towers...it was soo scared...i just didnt understand and no one would explain....


when school was over my mom picked me up a few minutes early and she and my dad sat me and my Brothers and Sisters down and explaid it to us...I was just so confused and when I finally saw it all on the news...i got so scared I hid under my bed and that was also where i slept..I wouldnt go into tall building for months...now that im older i understand...but sometime I wish that I didnt and that it was all just a made up lie and that everyone in those towers was still living and here chatting with us right now...


yeah i have a feeling alot of us were confused, i still am to this day :sad: my neighbors dad worked in the twin towers and the only reason why he survived was because that day he was late to work and by the time he arrived he was in the lobby when the first plane it so he had enough time to escape it, i found that extremely sad knowing that the only reason why he survived was because he was late.

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yeah i have a feeling alot of us were confused' date=' i still am to this day :sad: my neighbors dad worked in the twin towers and the only reason why he survived was because that day he was late to work and by the time he arrived he was in the lobby when the first plane it so he had enough time to escape it, i found that extremely sad knowing that the only reason why he survived was because he was late.[/quote']


wow that is so sad...great now I'm crying:thumbdown: This is such a sad time of year:thumbdown:

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I don't really remember it very clearly. I was in 4th grade and all I remember was waking up in the morning and seeing my parents staring wide eyed and jaws open at the TV, and I saw the burning towers... It was just completely silent as we watched and hearing the news reporters voice being so panicked and shocked...

My parents made me stay home that day. I barely remember it, and I was too young to even know how astronomical it was... I didn't realize how much of a catastrophe it was.

I'm still shocked though... I can't imagine how it must have been to be someone in those towers, or someone that lost somebody that day.

It still completely shocks me that those people would do that, and it's just so confusing and frusturating. And don't really know what else to say about it.

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wow that is so sad...great now I'm crying:thumbdown: This is such a sad time of year:thumbdown:


it is a sad time of the year last month i watched the movie called the world trade center and i was hysterically crying through out the whole movie, 3 days after it my eyes were still soar and i still had a head ache from crying so much

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even i`m not from the usa i remember that day...

here we don`t have school classes fot the teacher`s day so i was like 8 years old or something.. i was in my uncle`s house when i turned on the tv and watch it.. i couldn`t believe it! i was a little girl but i remember i cried a lot.. specially for all those people who died inside the towers..

watching the tapes of people jumping out of the tower, trying to scape someway is horrible.. really... i remember everysingle minute of that day..

it didn`t affect me directly but when i remember that day i get very sad..

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My American History teacher once said "Everyone who witnessed what happened on september 11, 2001, will forever remember where they were, and what they were doing at that very moment". And that's very true actually. I was in bed recovering from a very very hard night when my brother screamed to me to turn on the tv in my bedroom and switch to CNN. There was this tower on fire on the screen and it took me a few seconds to realize what was going on. I first thought it was an accident... until I saw the second plane hit the other tower.

I understood immediately what that meant.


As an European, I can guarantee that on that day, we were all americans. We were all shocked, just like you. We were just as sad and scared, and later as angry as you.

When I saw the second attack, I really was convinced it was the beginning of a 3rd world war because I thought America would strike back and that it would lead to a worldwide conflict with arabic countries. I was really scared.

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even i`m not from the usa i remember that day...

here we don`t have school classes fot the teacher`s day so i was like 8 years old or something.. i was in my uncle`s house when i turned on the tv and watch it.. i couldn`t believe it! i was a little girl but i remember i cried a lot.. specially for all those people who died inside the towers..

watching the tapes of people jumping out of the tower, trying to scape someway is horrible.. really... i remember everysingle minute of that day..

it didn`t affect me directly but when i remember that day i get very sad..



yeah i remember a few days/weeks (dont remember that whole month felt like a blur to me) i got a times magazine and it was all photos of the attack it was like a mini issue and i remember taking it into my room and looking at the pictures and i was so young i didnt understand it but i remember just breaking down in tears at the pictures of people holding hands jumping out the top floor windows:crybaby: i hid that magazine under my bed for the longest time i still have it in my room i think :tears: after that day our school made the school phsycologist go to every classroom and talk to them about it and discuss with us about what happened for about a month

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I had taken the day off to wait for my new washing machine to be delivered -it arrived at 7:00am and was installed by 7:30, so I needn't have taken a day's holiday. I heared on the radio about the first plane hitting the tower and thought it was just an accident. I spent the next few hours in the garden, planting daffodils, so it was a shock to come back inside to hear of everything which had been happening. I watched the replays of the impact on television - they played it over and over again - I had to switch it off because it was too upsetting.


In July 2005 we had the London bombings - 3 tube trains and a bus were bombed by British-born terrorists - two of these were very near where I work. I wasn't at work that day - I had gone to a flower show - I heared the rumours of an attack, but no details. I had to ring all my relatives to let them know I was ok and also ring work to ensure my colleagues were ok. (One of the women at work, who I didn't know well, was on one of the bombed tube trains, but managed to get out ok - she was very shaken)


The hardest thing was going into work the next day - I commute by train and tube, and there isn't a viable alternative. I just had to tell myself that if the tube drivers were prepared to drive around all day, then it must be safe. I had to stop worrying and carry on as normal, otherwise the terrorrists would have won.


I remember shortly after, there was a website set up on the internet, with people showing the message "we are not afraid" in a variety of ways. It started in London, but people round the world posted to it. I spent a long time following this website and it helped a lot. It is still available here http://www.werenotafraid.com/images/001/index.html#

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Where was I on 9/11/2001:boxed:


Well i was in a bus at that time, and returning home from school.

my mom had the day of and was at home, and when i got home she was sitting very very close to the TV and said to me that a(2) plane(s) had crashed in to the twin towers in America. (don't know if the second one had already hit)


We both kept watching and I felt really strange. I was shaking all over, and I had a really bad feeling. I could not believe that this was happening and it was like watching a movie. I really started to think HOW this could have happened. I could not believe that 4 planes got hijacked on 1 day in America. Something more was happening.

O and my mom was screaming that WW3 was starting right there :thumbdown:


Every year I watched the documentary made by the Naudet Brothers. I have seen United 93 when It came out and I watched World Trade Centre when it came out. But this year I searched for more. And found some very scary documentary's 1 I found was on the internet and I could watch it right there on that site. i always had a feeling that something was wrong about 9/11 and now I'm convinced that the American government planed it.

And they should just stop covering thing up. They think that "the people" are stupid, mindless, drones, but some day "the people" will find out, and they will hit the government really hard.


if you want to see the documentary I'm talking about just go here: http://video.google.nl/videoplay?docid=-5386487651203625811&ei=T4PLSMPTJoWuiALngtHQAg&q=9%2F11


Sorry I just want people to know that there is more going on here :boxed:

And I think everybody has the right to know what really happened on 9/11

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I woke up later than I usually did whenever 911 was breaking out. The first tower had already been hit and my mom had the news on TV. She was absolutely frantic. As soon as I walked in the room she started telling me what had happened and I didn't fully understand until I started watching the news with her. She was scared...for us...for my siblings who were all out to work and gone to college. I remember she told me that she just wanted everyone to come home, so we could be safe together.


Watching the footage on TV was simply unbelievable. Up until that point, I had never seen anything so frightening in my life. In retrospect, it is scary just how unaware everyone was. I don't think any of us really imagined that the Trade Towers were going to collapse. Certainly we can come to that conclusion now because of how many firefighters went up expecting to put out the fires.


I can remember feeling confused and quite terrified by the events of that day. Days after all I felt was complete sadness and anger for all of the people that lost their lives and their families that they left behind.


The other night my sisters, my brother-in-law and I watched a History Channel documentary that was created from footage from people's personal cameras that day. Some of the footage was incredible....frightening...saddening... Seeing people jumping from the burning buildings and seeing others trying to wave flags from windows to get help just broke my heart. There was a shot of countless firefighters walking away to their deaths and that just made me heart sink, because I knew that those were some of their last moments alive.


All of us watched the documentary in nearly complete silence for the entire time. I was surprised with how quickly everything happened. At the time, it felt like all of the events happened fairly slowly. I also discovered that I have new perspective after visiting the World Trade Center site back in June. The events of 911 are a lot more real, because I have seen where those horrible acts took place.


Needless to say, I remember all of the people that died on 911 each year.

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I was in the 6th grade, so I didn't really get what was going on right away. I'd never even heard the word terrorist and I'd never heard of the World Trade Center or the Pentagon. I was at home getting ready for school when my mom called from work and told me to tell my older brothers to turn on the t.v. Something "interesting" was going on, she said. So I told them and we all watched as planes flew into buildings.


That's all it was for me at the moment. Planes flying into buildings. I for some reason didn't connect that the planes had people in them, and so did the buildings. I kind of, for some reason, thought that the planes were doing stunts of flying through buildings and coming out the other side, so at first I thought it was kind of "cool".:no:


I didn't realize until hours later that there were actually PEOPLE involved and people getting hurt and killed. That scared the daylights out of me. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it. When my brother was taking me to school in his car, we were listening to the news right as the tower fell. :tears:


All we did in school that day was watch the news. The footage looked like it was straight out of a Hollywood film, I swear.


I was scared to go to sleep that night. I kept thinking a plane was going to target my house and fly through my bedroom window.


Sad day...

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This was such a scary day. So many friends of mine had parents working near, in or by the world trade center, they were either firefighters or policeman. They are all my heroes, and forever will be. My friends dad was a worker, and actually went back up to save people, and was shoving people underneath firetrucks, before himself as the 2nd tower fell. Another friend of mines, father was above where the planes had hit, and lost his life.


I remember every single detail of that day from morning to night. I will neeeeeeeeeeeever, ever ever forget it.



r.i.p tommy dowd.

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I was in 4th grade, and we were talking about double negatives in English (idk why I remember that). Then, the teacher next door came in and talked to my teacher while our student teacher continued our lesson. When my teacher returned, she whispered to the student teacher, and turned on the TV. We watched the first tower collapsing, and we were all silent. No one really understood what was happening. I just remember raising my hand and asking why this was happening, but no one had an answer. Then, our student teacher began to shake and cry, and he left the room. We later found out that his dad worked at the World Trade Center, and was one of the many people who died on that day. He hadn't seen his dad in nearly a year since he moved to Indiana, but they were very close. He mentioned him in class all the time. :sad:

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i was in forth grade and i remember the teachers acting a little weird and seeing some crying in the hallyways but they couldnt tell us what happened...they didnt feel that it was their responsibility. so when i got home on the bus my brother was standing there an i thought it was weird because no one was ever there for me at the bus stop...i usually just went home. I instantly thought it was my grandmother because she smokes and is not the healthyest person ever. when i got home my mom sat me down and told me what happened but i didnt understand it...what was a terrorist and why did they crash planes were the only thing i could say. then she showed me the tv and they just kept on showing the clips and the people and the mayhem and i just never thought that could happen in America and didnt know people didnt like us. i watched for like 30 minutes and then just couldnt watch the suffering anymore and i just went upstairs and cried and tried to understand why it happened....

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