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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. if the only thing that mika has to do with this show is the prize, i am not happy
  2. im listening again and my ears hurt too. going to keep switching between 2 stations. tell me when mika's on...if he's on at all
  3. I dont know if i believe he's really going to be on!!!! and no, maybe Mika isn't on my friend's radio but still...it's a better station
  4. nah..i'm listening to my friend's internet radio station now...much better
  5. ho hum...i'm not listening anymore!
  6. lol, thanks Mika Mad. Yeah, I'm always working. I'll even be working tomorrow, on Easter Sunday! If I don't work, I end up feeling guilty so I just work all the time!
  8. hi people....i've nearly finished all my biology notes :D what have i missed tonight?
  9. Well Done mandilambi! I've converted 1 person
  10. hi, sorry for the late delivery of milkshake...had a few things to do. here...have milkshake *hands around milkshake*
  11. woo! i have a chocolate milkshake! who else wants one?
  12. I haven't seen it. Apparently it's really good though
  13. good afternoon everyone who fancies some lemonade?
  14. surfing with 20:20 vision....no need to worry about losing contact lenses in the sea....sounds fab!
  15. I hadn't even heard of this song before now but I love it
  16. hehehe, i'm number 23 on the list..that's the same as my Younglings number i'll try and think of some words to add
  17. If i've counted correctly, I'm 28th
  18. Morning everyone It's a bright sunny day here so I'm in a good(ish) mood. Can I come to the beach too?
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