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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. right....early night for me i think. catch you all tomorrow, night night x
  2. night night everyone who's gone, sweet dreams. xx
  3. Night night to all who have gone to bed, sweet dreams. To everyone else....who fancies hot chocolate?
  4. Hi Beckar, Night Andi. That's a sad story Steph Can't think of many claim to fames...but I've met Brian May twice. lol
  5. I'm the same Nicole! I normally have an Easter tree - twigs with decorative eggs on - and put pictures up and stuff. This year, i've not done anything at all!
  6. nooooooooooo!!!! nicole and coal....completely different!
  7. hehehe, this is an interesting thread at the minute! Just finished another biology chapter 2 more left!
  8. of course. we'll be on our best behaviour none of this for Freddie then -->
  9. and funnily enough, i've just finished making notes on a chapter about the birds and the bees! haha!
  10. haha! Mika Mad you make me laugh!
  11. Beckar is at majorettes. i've just finished another biology chapter! woo!!!
  12. i've never had it before! lol and thanks steph, i hope i survive them
  13. yep! ooooh...i just got a message saying that my message was too short and i had to lengthen it to 10 characters!
  14. and Mika Mad - bless your children! They sound soooo adorable!
  15. hi people i keep popping my head in every so often...need to get some work done tonight cos i wasn't in during the day. i noticed something today...my shower gel says it's rose and geranium scented. on the ingredients list it includes 2 things we made in chemistry - linalool which is from lavender and limonene which is from orange peel. so maybe the scent is made up of different scents and isn't really roses or geraniums.....anyway....you don't want to know that, but it's just proof that i'm a bit grazy!
  16. steph, where is the grazy thread?
  17. wow, i go away for dinner and come back and loads has happened! can't keep up tonight!
  18. I don't know where I'm going either! I've only been to the Barfly. Well...I've been to Birmingham before but I was very little and don't remember how to get there or anything!
  19. Yay, Blue that's fantastic! Thanks Steph for letting another MFC person come
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