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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. Physics practical exam!! ARGH!!!!
  2. i couldn't get on here for ages!!!! page couldn't be displayed! never mind, I'm back I've just realised...I have my first exam on 16th May! i'm guna mess it up cos i'll be soooooo excited about the 17th! hehehe!
  3. Nicole, it is important! I've seen Mika once before and he was AMAZING. This time has to beat that time and the only way that's possible is if I get to meet lovely MFC people Aww, sorry Beckar...I'll go back to my Biology notes so that the gig isn't discussed!
  4. oh i do hope so!! I can't miss the one opportunity to meet you can I?
  5. Yeah, I agree with Steph And yes Blue, school are overworking me! Ah well, it will be worth it in the end! (I hope!) Nicole, I still can't believe your secret!! It's fantastic :D I REALLY hope that I'll be able to come! Haven't spoken to my Mum about getting home yet. I hope I can sort something out!
  6. If only it was that easy Steph! I've got enough maths papers to do AT LEAST 1 per day and my teacher wants the whole lot done for when I go back to school :cries: Going to get on and finish some Biology notes now!
  7. Morning everyone....well...it's only just the morning still but there we go! I didn't get up til 11am! EEK!!!! so today's revision plan has gone out the window...time to make a new one!
  8. night night Mika Mad yeah...see, BexxY, you said you were scared. *sighs* ah well, i've seen him once. I'm obviously not meant to see him again never mind. let's just be happy for nicole
  9. yeah, but it's after the gig. If I can go, I'll be going with Strudel, but he lives in Shropshire and can just hop on a train and get home. My Mum won't let me go by train so I'd have to wait around for 3 hours and in the early hours, that's not safe.
  10. well it's the day we go on exam leave so it'll be a day full of last minute exam tips and stuff...not exactly a fun day!
  11. It's the waiting around after the gig that she won't like. Cos I'll be on my own and she doesn't think Birmingham is a safe place. *sighs* I'll have to think of something REALLY amazing or else I can't come
  12. I live in Bedford. I can get there, that's fine. But getting home is the problem. My Mum won't let me get the train and the first train back is at 2am and I have my last day of school the next day. This is bad She might not let me come now
  13. I'm going to Birmingham!!!!!! :D :D I'm just looking at coaches now! Haven't sorted out my travel arrangements yet
  14. i highly doubt that will be the case Nicole! Don't worry! and what if you don't understand us?!
  15. Yeah, my Mum is worried about me going to the Birmingham gig because afterwards it's hard to get me home. Hopefully she'll still let me come
  16. I'm up for a Birmingham meetup! I'll make a banner we can meet under! haha!
  17. yay!!!!!! aww nicole, your secret has made my day! it's put a huge smile on my face
  18. steph, are you going to birmingham too? we need to arrange to meet up if we're all going!
  19. OMG NICOLE THAT IS FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOO excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!! well, if you are coming over and going to the birmingham concert, i will HAVE to meet you! and Mika Mad! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mika Mad, you are soooo lovely! and yes steph...tonight it is anyway! minesweeper flags....addictive!
  20. i've just spent the past hour playing minesweeper flags, come back and LOADS has happened!!! hi everyone who's come on lately e.g .Steph and Mika Mad
  21. beckar, you seem to have had a fab day! i'm getting fed up of being at home working all day. i need an adventure!
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