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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. who's ginger rabbit? and why are you red elephant? im confused!
  2. Freddie, Mika Mad, Beckar and I were going to come and kidnap you Nicole! We missed you that much!
  3. YAY NICOLE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we've missed you!!!! are you ok?
  4. He's only 18 or 19 (dunno when his birthday is) so yeah, he is young. lol
  5. hmm...you might not know him then...Mike Pelosi? He does a show at the weekends, sometimes does Kingdom Nightlife and sometimes covers other shows.
  6. oooh...you live in Fife!!! I have a friend who lives there! You might know him actually...do you ever listen to Kingdom FM?
  7. woooo!!! love today is on radio 2 :D
  8. Leighhodgson, I don't know who it is either, don't worry
  9. April 10th...I may need some Mika love! All my hospital appointments tend to be bad. I hate going!
  10. Tantastic, do you have a cold? That might be the reason why. My legs hurt because I have some kind of joint/muscle problem. Back to the hospital next week. Not looking forward to going
  11. I want a BLT!!! Think I might go and raid the fridge...if I can get up...my legs hurt
  12. Bedford's in England by the way...sorry, should have said that!
  13. It's not warm where I live! It's cold and dark and miserable
  14. yep, too much stress! i don't like stress! i always seem to be stressed, it sucks
  15. where did my post go?? did i not post it properly?? odd. I said I have exams in June too and I'm not looking forward to them either
  16. aww, ok then. Have a lovely day Wendi
  17. Bye AshleyMiranda. Have a good day. Aww Wendi, we'll make sure your dream comes true one day I can't believe 2 hours ago I said I wasn't going to be around today...this place has cheered me up! Thanks everyone.
  18. haha, good idea AshleyMiranda! I doubt I'll be able to get to wherever it is Freddie. And I'm not sure my Mum would let me go either. I'm hopefully seeing Mika again in Birmingham in May. Strudel has the tickets, but we have to work out logistics and see if my Mum will let me go.
  19. When is this meetup? I don't think I'll be able to come unfortunately
  20. I bought my Mum's friend's 10 month old baby a cuddly flower that sings that song He loved it I only bought it for the song!
  21. I bet one of them has something to do with Cherisse
  22. thanks freddie! now...in reality...do i want whipped cream on the top? yes? no? quick with your answers...the kettle is boiling!
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