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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. I fancy a hot chocolate, so I'm going to go and make myself one and hope that my brother doesn't kick me in the back and I end up spilling it all over the white living room wall, like he did the other day
  2. Aww, thanks everyone I feel a bit better now. We'll see what happens when she gets home. Listening to Mika has helped too.
  3. A wedding where Mika is the theme - play all his songs and put in your vows that your partner has to accept your love for Mika
  4. Thanks Steph. I'll be alright. My Dad was staying here for a few days and my parents just had a huge argument. Then Mum went into town. I was meant to go with her, but I hadn't dried my hair and my sister was going too so I said that I didn't want to go when my sister was going because she'd just complain about any shops I wanted to go to and so I wouldn't be able to buy new clothes (which is why I was going into town) and my Mum had a go at me about it and said that I had to accept that we both came from the same place. I got upset which is silly, I know, but I'm a sensitive person Rant over. Sorry
  5. awww congratulations Sasje! I didn't know you were getting married! aww, that's so lovely! Are you having a Mika wedding?
  6. Hi Wendi, how are you feeling today? Better I hope. Sasje, are you getting married????
  7. hehe, i know the feeling. I should be working. I'm going to in a minute cos I'm not having a good day and think I should just bury my head in my studies for the day. But still....can't go til I've read through this mornings posts!
  8. Hi people, Don't know if I'm guna be around much today cos I'm sad and think I should probably bury my head in my studies. Have a good day
  9. i have so many favourite lines and reading through it i think they were already all in it such a fab idea!
  10. yeah, i read it steph - really good! and yes, it is. mum won't be happy as she only washed the floor this afternoon
  11. I just spilt cough medicine all over the kitchen floor. opps
  12. Night Night Wendi and Mika Mad. Sleep tight, sweet dreams. x
  13. aww, night night freddie, sweet dreams. x
  14. all this talk of kilts makes me want to wear mine again! mine was just below my knee because that was the school rules - as soon as you hit 13 the kilts had to be below your knee
  15. I'd be VERY scared of him Wendi! It's weird when you think about it....most of the time you think that men can only wear trousers but they can wear kilts too
  16. Wendi, which way do you wear kilt pins? At my old school we always used to have arguments over which way the kilt pin went (not that many people wore them, I did though!) Do you pin it up or down? Does that make sense?
  17. i agree! that's one reason why i don't drink (besides the fact im underage and my mum wont let me anyway). Why should I poison my body?
  18. eat some, give the rabbit some, give them away to the neighbours, members of staff at school.....she'll find uses! lots of salads and prawn cocktails for dinner soon!
  19. My Mum has sown LOADS of seeds. She pricked out 320 lettuces yesterday!
  20. I love salmon and brocolli and organic stuff. Apparently organic chocolate is horrible though Thanks Wendi, I understand it a bit better now!
  21. haha! yep! i'm just about keeping up tonight though which is a miracle!
  22. My neighbour grows it at her allotment! I might ask her if I can buy some off her!
  23. wow! a very active girl! I still don't understand the education system in Scotland despite having a friend who lives in Fife and a Scottish Biology teacher who have both been through the Scottish education system! So you go to uni at 17 rather than 18 right? I don't understand
  24. hope she gets better soon! my friend had glandular fever. it took him ages to get better cos he continued to go to work and didn't rest properly!
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