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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. nope. it's unexplainable. i'm a weird girl, i know
  2. Nooooo, she's incredibly overprotective and isn't ashamed to admit it. I think she doesn't like to believe the doctors because I've had so many of them say one thing and then others say the opposite (regarding my joint problem that they thought was arthritis but apparently isnt now).
  3. Thanks Blue. I have iron tablets Mika Mad but my Mum won't change my diet because she refuses to accept the fact that I'm anaemic, even though numerous doctors tell me that I am!
  4. BECKAR!!! We've all missed you!!! Wow, I wish I could give blood but I can't cos I'm anaemic The blood donor people are coming to school soon but I can't donate
  5. Hi Andi, I think lots of us have colds today so don't worry about the germs! Mika Mad, don't worry about the passport....we'll fly there by private jet and pretend we're really important people (cos we are) and they'll let us in
  6. ok....tell her we'll be on the next flight. I'll book Beckar a place too...no doubt she'll want to come with us
  7. Mika Mad, can you tell her that we're all here for her please? Thanks Right....who's going to come on this kidnapping trip then? Hands up! So far it's me and Freddie going. Anyone else?
  8. aww, i want to go to estonia and go and knock on her door and give her a big hug and lots and lots of chocolate to cheer her up. who fancies a trip to estonia with me?
  9. i only have beckar and sarah on my msn and neither of them are online
  10. I have her greatest hits cd hehehe
  11. I LOVE Grease!!!!!!!!!!! such a feel good movie!!!!
  12. hi people i'm back with chocolate :D :D :D
  13. i've been around all day but I've been doing school work at the same time. I've posted more during today than any other day! (during the day I mean, not the night) and I made it to 400 posts which means 100 posts in 2 days!!
  14. yeah thanks Mika Mad and Steph all the radio 2 DJs have annoyed me today - they all keep talking over songs!!!
  15. hmm....maybe I shouldn't do Biology then
  16. I'll stick with it and see what happens. Everyone here will just have to put up with me needing lots of tea to destress when I get stuck!
  17. Seetickets messed our Barfly tickets up. We only got them a couple of days before the concert! Don't worry, they'll arrive
  18. I'm rubbish at Chemistry so I think you're probably right! I like chemistry but I find it hard. I AM going to get a C or above in it this year though even if it kills me doing it!
  19. Thanks for the advice Mika Mad Module 2 in my A-Level syllabus is Genetics....I'm finding it really hard I preferred module 1 which is about cells Module 3 is about transport systems - I find the heart and breathing parts of the module difficult but transport systems in plants I enjoy If I did something like Natural Sciences, I have a wide range of choices....I'm really not sure!
  20. I really hope that's not the case! Though thinking about it...didn't Sivan mention here in her post over there?
  21. if i do physics, i'd like to go to surrey. it seems a good course there and surrey is a nice place
  22. well i went on a UCAS convention thing last week with school and basically went round and asked each uni if they did science courses, if they said yes, i took a prospectus I did want to do optometry and become an optician but now i'm not sure. So I'm thinking of perhaps doing Physics at Surrey. or Biology...or natural sciences....i really don't know anymore!
  23. no, carrying 25 uni prospectuses up the stair
  24. im not smiling cos i just hurt my wrist
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