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Everything posted by Charlotte

  1. when i go back to school in 3 weeks, i'll take a photo of the view of bedford from the school library. my school is on the top of a hill and if the weather is nice you get a pretty good view of the town. my road is horrible so im not taking any photos of where i live
  2. oooh that's nice too! jelly and squirty cream is also yummy. and cheesecake. and erm.....most puddings actually!
  3. they were from marks and spencer. on offer at the mo so i bought 2 packs
  4. that's probably still seen as a chart topper. YAY FREDDIE IS BACK!!!!!!!!! woo!!! hello!!! *waves* I'll have a muffin if you're offering. thanks
  5. Just Jack did 'Starz In Their Eyes' - I quite like the song actually
  6. hey AshleyMiranda wooo...I'm guna buy Now 66 when it's out JUST for Grace Kelly! lol
  7. i dont really drink tea but when i do i put milk in it. no sugar though.
  8. It's weird, but my friends and I were talking about this the other day. It seems that amongst us, the heavier you were as a baby, the lighter you are now! weird
  9. i think im guna go to bed now people. night night
  10. Hi everyone who's just appeared I want to be up early just because I have to tidy my room up so I'm ready to start my revision programme on Monday morning!
  11. I wanted to do a St John's course but never got round to it
  12. OOOOOOOUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got an electric shock and it REALLY hurts!
  13. I never bite my nails either. I've somehow managed to break my thumb nail half way down. It hurts and I won't break it off cos it'll leave the nail bed exposed and it'll be all nasty. Just gota wait til it grows out
  14. Nicole, mine are short at the minute too. It's annoying. I want longer nails so I can paint them!
  15. it was sunny here but windy so half and half
  16. 36 hours!!!! how is that possible????? you must be shattered!!! go and sleep Blue! You need rest!
  17. hehehe! Hi Nicole I can smell my dinner cooking! I'm soooooo hungry. We've not had an oven for nearly 2 weeks nows so we've not had proper dinners
  18. so does mine! he's horrible to me I'm guna make it my goal to reach 300 posts tonight
  19. Hi Beckar, I'm alright thanks. Got a cold and annoyed with my brother but my Mum and I just went into town and I bought some new clothes so all is good! Was reading bout you and majorettes last night! impressive!
  20. Nicole is a lovely name Hi everyone, I'm back How are you all today?
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