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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. the thing is that she (or the label she's signed under, i don't know the details) thought that those tracks were the ones to be released, so i doubt we can change it... about the bold things in your post : if it's not the aim to be 1st in the charts (as for me, it was an expression, i was talking about creating a buzz as in "breaking the charts", not basic 1st place), it's at least a very present idea or there is no interest in releasing something if what you want is stucking to the last places or not even being in the charts cause this doesn't help you selling copies, so there would be no interest in releasing something... am i clear ?? and for the "introduction" part : honestly : are you introduced to place 50 of the top 50 or to the singers who are not even in the tops ?? i don't think so... basically, it's the same : you release something, you want it to be noticed, you want people to like it and if they like it, it's going well in the charts
  2. thank you for saying something like that first I voted Slide if any of those 2 songs... but i agree with pinkie about the "stereotypical" side of these songs... they sound like everything we hear at the moment, and in my opinion, are not songs to break the charts... people want to hear something different, something that won't bore them after hearing it 3 times on the radio, something fresh... for exemple, talking about something else : Madonna's song "4 min" is the songs that gets on my nerves at the moment, cause it looks like timbaland has ONE beat and uses it with every single singer that come to him asking for collaboration ! and honestly, it's boring, i have the feeling i'm listening to the same song all day long... staying for a few hours on the musical channels. i don't know Saranayde's work as a solo artist either, and to be completely honest, haven't listened to the following after hearing the first 2 (which are the ones we are supposed to vote for), which shows the interest those songs didn't rise in me... So i can't go further in the help like Pinkie did proposing others tracks of the list (that's why i deleted the last sentence of her post). i only heard her as backing vocal and duet on Missionary Man with Mika, and i don't find what i was loving with her in this duet (talking about voice) in the proposed songs. anyway, i know this is going to stay on the forum, and if she asked something, she will only be given the result of the poll as in "release Slide" or "release All because of you". that's it ! *putting my helmet on*
  3. :roftl: just visual proofs and i leave the subject : Katy Strawberry-Banana (and as you've seen on jack's pic taken the same day watermelon earings) : Katy Strawberry-Banana-Watermelon pin : Katy happy with her new strawberry ring (skip to the end of the video unless you wanna (not) see her dancing in the dark for 4 min) : http://katyperryblog.tumblr.com/
  4. about KP being into fruits and cats and being a honorary member of this thead (i'm sure she would be if she gave a damn) : banana-stramberry bracelet, watermelon earings, watermelon pin on her top at a showcase, strawberry ring purchased today in dallas, TX, and about the cat lady thing, do you really need details ?
  5. absolutely not. saw the thread, clicked the link, read the first page and left. didn't even watch all the pics, just the 1st two i think. did i miss something ? (rethorical question)
  6. the party in the new pics thread (that i've just discovered :naughty:) took place in LA according to getty info... LA -> Greg Wells -> producer of LICM -> possible work trip for the new album ? just a thought
  7. yeah... restraint... mumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumblemumble no seriously, i didn't find the interest in starting a fight (this time ) cause it's almost obvious that it's a troll, like kata likes to say and i'm a "pastime" who asks "questions"... class
  8. Soooooooooooooooooooo ! Basically, Fantastic Jack got me an autograph inside a drawing that she made with her delacte hands Drawing : Message : Bonus (because i'm worth it ) : And if you're bored and wanna see a perfect exemple of sh*t stirrer (as some used to call ME), go to the Katy Perry thread... Perfect exemple : coming from nowhere, and stirring sh*t. Just like that.
  9. that's hyper reductive and just showing that you didn't get anything about her and what she is. you're totally entitled not to like her, as we all said, but what's your point coming all the way to here, digging up the thread from where it was just to post that ? that is what i call provocative, and not in a "comedian way" as katy does it (it's obvious that she's totally building a character with all this fashion and superficiality), just useless provocation. about being spontaneous, if she's not, i don't know who is. all that said, it's just my opinion. i like her, you don't. au revoir de Paris, france !
  10. it's a free world, you can think what you want of course... but kate nash and her are doing totally dofferent types of music (appart maybe from you're so gay, katy is more into rock and roll than ballads)... i'm not sure (really not) that "manufactured" could apply to her... and paris hilton with a guitar ??? i must admitt i didn't expect that give le ONE thing they have in common. Madonna is afraid of no one. Let's see when Aimee Mann gets on radio and large broadcast. if she ever does. we'll see. and a question... coming here, on a mika fan website, finding the katy perry thread, cause it happens there is one, and posting that with 4 posts in hands ? good good... seems that you know how to make friends !
  11. this is a fair request (to take a pic and post it)... i will, but i'm recovering from my party last night, which was better than i thought (i thought it would be a disaster as i usually don't like those parties)... i doubt they talk about who got an autograph and for who when they meet, jack, you should be safe and katy's kinda into fruits too, i noticed... i'll tell you more later if you want to know and are not tired of reading me talking about katy... i'm thinking about getting YOU something special, but my art skills are more than limited, and i haven't found the thing that makes "tilt" yet (i just had to use the stupid cat smiley...) THAT'S what i was waiting for
  12. the thing is that finally, my fingerprints are everywhere on the computer BUT on my desk and books and tonight, they'll be on glasses at a party... which is not taking place on my desk but don't worry "i'm watching you" (pointing at every single one of you)
  13. i never left, just don't have anything to write and feel slightly guilty that i should be studying, really (like REALLY RE-A-A-A-LL-Y), so i'm avoiding to leave fingerprints somewhere else than on my desk and books...
  14. i can't believe we have this one too that's just fantastic !!! i think i'm getting emotional :tears:
  15. ha ha, so a wiz smiley, an apple with pink shades smiley... someone is spying on us :sneaky2: thank you
  16. the Curly Asparagus seems appropriate for me
  17. who cares ? he's asking for plebe to call him Mika so call him Mika !
  18. oh ok... i don't know anything about SB that's why i didn't get you... i'm sort of catching up now... about jack... same answer than KP with New Jersey instead of LA she's got to study... and so do i actually
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