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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. You both look good on that pic !! But the girl behind you can't say the same !!! :lmao:
  2. I don't why there is a new thread about it, there is already one in the news section, saying it's not him... And like i said there : Mika deleted his facebook account last week. The only true facebook account was Mica Penniman (private of course). Just look for it ! You won't find it. But it's up to you, if you wanna believe it, be my guests...
  3. So you got to meet Martin !!! And Cherisse Sweeter than a ton of candies... THE question you have to answer is : did you mention the ringtone ?
  4. Something like Myspace but with more privacy... And less "funky"
  5. Who's talking about being mean ? People (in GENERAL) really have a problem with "fighting" and "discussing" here... I think i'll do what i was doing the last days that worked quite not too bad... Post nothing Since it seems everybody thinks i'm arguing/fighting/being mean everytime i post something
  6. Nobody is calling you a stalker ! We're talking in general. But it happens you did request them, so you're concerned ! Whatever reason you did it for. And seriously, how do you know you like their voices into the thousands of voices on the album ?
  7. Don't get me wrong, but i doubt they accept you, so you won't have to worry about what to say
  8. Just look for the account Mica Penniman (the only real personal one) and you'll see by yourself !
  9. Ok guys. Honestly. Mika cancelled his Facebook account last thursday. So whoever is behind this one, it's not the real one. And the fact that the pic hasn't been seen before is maybe because this person never put it online ?? Not EVERYBODY is on MFC or whatever photo website... People can actually keep their pics for themselves... But you can keep on dreaming, if you really want to...
  10. Anyway, even if he thinks it's "insane" in a bad way, i highly doubt he throws that out right in her face He will be very sympathetic PR Mika, as always
  11. Yeah, whatever... We'll see where it ends... And i'm all peace and love
  12. I'm really sorry, but i think you can worship him in his dedicated thread... And ask for itws in it too... I don't really see the difference between where this one would be going and the other one
  13. They're posting in this thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1386&highlight=the+luke+juby+thread
  14. Aha ! Interesting title (from Perez i mean...) Maybe HE's a little jealous and bitter after the Alan thing
  15. Oh no !! It's just so annoying when it arrives... I took the habit of copying what i wrote before clicking on "send" or "post" or anything... Even here
  16. Me neither... But who would want to break her happiness ?
  17. I saw it too... She must have deleted her post.
  18. :yay: Mirtilla won a meeting !!!! I'm so happy for her ! Same as Johnny, she was really disappointed after the Olympia... And now her time has come Hope she can meet Martin too !!! Do you think she'll mention the ringtone ?
  19. Oh no, sadly, at the moment, i decided i shouldn't travel too much to see the same gig again and again ... And i don't really like huge venues, so... Maybe just Brighton and London (the 1st one) in Nov-Dec... Will YOU be there ?
  20. She added a new song to her profile ! This girl is simply hilarious and f*cking awesome
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