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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. That's why i say "Let's wait they cancel those before panicking out of proportion"...
  2. Well. Sorry. Anyway, i'm outta this, you all don't wanna hear what i have to say (which is what i learnt in medical school...). I wish you a happy group panick
  3. Nobody's fighting !! Stop panicking all the way people !!! Just think a little bit and take every element together !! Don't you see they're fooling you ?? Or maybe do you just want to be fooled... Sweat dreams are made of this... That makes me think of that song...
  4. Sarcastic, yes. But very calm ! And you can't take "what you heard somewhere" for true and post it as if it was some kind of undoubtful truth !
  5. Leave medicine to doctors... The reason is you can't cancel Roskilde for a ****ty reason, so pneumonia is just fitting the role. I don't doubt he's exhausted, but i think they're talking us all for idiots planning all these and then cancelling them. They should have thought about it BEFORE, that's what they're paid for...
  6. Oh sorry... I didn't know you had ALSO taken medicine classes... And what you say is not true, for your information...
  7. Ok... Just a little 50 cents to all that... - It all started about 2-3 weeks ago when he was having a "chest infection" during the gigs for the US tour, we never heard of after that... US Tour finished on June 17th - Then he came back, and went to La Fête de la Musique in Paris and did quite a good performance, although it was just 2 songs on June 21st - Then Glastonbury where he was great, playing in the mud and kissing Big Girls all around Jun 22nd and 23rd - Then the TBA Gig in Manchester, where some of us had the luck to go, June 27th - Then he cancelled Switzerland, June 28th... Because of an "ear infection"... Then we learned after that that he had cancelled to preserve his voice for The Olympia - Then he made his best gig ever at The Olympia, June 30th (recorded for DVD) - Then iTunes festival July 1st, wasn't he quite good there ? I'm sorry, i didn't read the reports... Was on could 9 - Then on July 3rd, he cancels Nibe that is supposed to happen on July 4th, because he "lost his voice" and "has to keep it for Roskilde", already after a medical prescription... - BUT performs for a secret gig in the same evening... None of us went to, but the reports from the press are as usual, fantastic - Today, we learn that he cancels Roskilde July 6th, because "doctor said he had to keep his voice" and because now he's got pneumonia... - BUT Oxegen and T in the Park are still ok for now, and they are on July 7th and 8th - Then 3 "cool days" before hes supposed to go to Lyon (France) then Spain, etc. ALL THAT TO SAY : don't you see something is going wrong ????? Not with his health, but with the oragnisation and the "suddent" decisions that have been made recently ? Could you please all open your eyes and realize that they're taking the piss ??? Well, at least, i don't know who, but SOMEONE is... PNEUMONIA : he will not die, unless he turned 70 recently and got a lot of associate diseases, or live in far far country without any doctor or hospital around... TRAVELLING doesn't weak your immune system at all, it's a legend. You're just tired. Unless you have something else that weakens your immune system. So why not just wait until he cancels Oxegen and T in The Park, and maybe even Lyon and Spain to start being worried about his health THAT much ? We all noticed the planning is crazy. But don't look for a reason when there is no other reason than a bad bad bad organization of things, that lead to exhaustion (which is human) that leads to cancelling "less important" gigs such as festivals where he still can be replaced... I mean, foreign festivals. I hope he gets well soon .
  8. Yes it's a festival. Yes he's really ill this time. Yes everybody trusted them when they said it before. Yes we will go on and trust them when they say that.
  9. And now Roskilde !!! :yay: Where will they stop ?! They're unstoppable !!
  10. I dreamed that i was talking to lollipop girls and that they could have made it to Nibe, and had learned that he wouldn't be there the day just before and that they got insulted all day long at Nibe... I do have weird dreams, sometimes
  11. Yeah, poor thing... He spends so much money going to gigs he doesn't perform... I'm not blaming him, but there's a moment where people need to know who the real "victims" are And should stop taking the piss (that was for the one who organizes it all)
  12. :lmao: EnFa you're the best I'm really sorry for you to come all the way and not see him, but i'm still happy that you had a great time...
  13. He he he... You smarty !! Just kidding, but that's the whole point of it all (the general rant mood here on the last days)
  14. Pretty much all that have been said here is sort of public, these are things he said in interviews (except for the pictures that i made a remark about), and when some tried to get more, they couldn't, so i think we're under control For now...
  15. Mika wouldn't like pics of his (non-public) family posted on this forum
  16. It was just to place it on the calendar, no intention to hurt !!! Sorry if i failed...
  17. Did you need Wikipedia ? Don't you all trust me to death ?
  18. He cancelled his geography studies because he had the feeling that if he had stayed in the room one more minute, he would have never been successeful in music... Right. Does that never happen to you to have a "feeling" that if you don't do something, something else will never happen ? OCD is a REAL disease. I don't know if he has it, but you certainly can't put everything on OCD. His planning sucks, and that's certainly not because of OCD.
  19. That's cute, but being in a psychiatry attachment right now, i can assure you there is nothing like "obsessive gig cancellation desorder" Not joking : the "non-rationality" in the decision in OCD is not near what we're talking about... For example, his so-called OCD about making tea (which i'm sure he has no real OCD, and it's been carried away like everything he says) : the non-rationality in OCD would be that he has no reason to do his tea like that, but he just HAS to do it like that... Same for people closing the doors 50 times, people washing their hands 30 times, etc. They know they have no rational reason to do it, but they HAVE to... Yes, P.I.T.A.
  20. You have to be honest with yourselves, Nordics... You're not really what we could call "warm and welcoming" countries
  21. Do you all realize that when you say "Go on Holidays" it means that he should cancel upcoming dates to go on holidays ? So then, why crying when he cancels them ? Please be clear : in the future, gig planners should not plan gigs every single day on a different continent each time...
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