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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. :yay: you can see half of my back !!!!! :lmao:
  2. You bet there will be !!! :lmao: So you'll all know i'm not that cold person when it's out
  3. Oh noo ! Robertina had a letter for him ! I didn't know that either I think i knew nothing that night, i'm sure we would have manage to give him the letter, and i'm sure he would have laughed at the "crazy ringtone maker"... Not in a bad laugh of course ! Too bad... And your shirt was amazing, once again !! Good job in the middle of the night !
  4. This is where some of us are staying : So, quick reminding : Picadilly Hostel : http://www.hostellondon.com/availability.php/HostelNumber.2441 - Giulietta - K@koL@ndon in a 4-bed room + 2 spares, nights 13th to 18th - Bab - Blue - Vally - Kata - Tia - Freddiesdouble - Yop in two 4-bed rooms night 17th + 1 spare (possibly taken by Pinkunicorn... To be confirmed !) - BexxY nights 16th and 17th Is that it for now ? BexxY, have you already booked for your room ? Cause i think i read that Giulietta is also staying 2 nights in London, so maybe you can join her in her room since they have 2 spare beds, so you won't be alone in another room ? Am i right Giulietta ? There are spare beds so people who haven't booked a room yet !! Check if you wanna stay with us !! It's 30€ for the night per person for a 4-bed room... St Giles Hotel : - Lunafish and Friend : nights 15th to 18th Meeting points : - For those arriving at Kings Cross : around 10am then meet the others at Picadilly Circus around 11am - For those who prefer : Picadilly Circus Parade in the streets of London from Picadilly Circus to the Strand (Somerset House) in crazy outfits (I'll quote this message and correct it everytime there is something to add, ok ?)
  5. I think the red bracelet he has is the security bracelet... I can't really see it on the pics, and don't remember seeing it after that on our close meeting but the girls who had won the radio contest to meet him were wearing a red plastic bracelet too... I guess it's the same...
  6. I sooooooo didn't know that she was the one who had made the ringtone !! We could easily have placed that in the conversation since she was there ! And he made me speak in French (cause i started in English naturally and then went on cause Mirtilla was there and he said that we should speak French and that destabilized me so i forgot why i was talking English )... I'm not just talking about "eyes" in the picture !! I'm talking about "THE eyes", like in "sexy eyes and everything" Here is the other pic :
  7. This is where some of us are staying : So, quick reminding : Picadilly Hostel : http://www.hostellondon.com/availability.php/HostelNumber.2441 - Giulietta - K@koL@ndon in a 4-bed room + 2 spares, nights 13th to 18th - Bab - Blue - Vally - Kata - Tia - Yop in two 4-bed rooms night 17th + 2 spares - BexxY nights 16th and 17th Is that it for now ? BexxY, have you already booked for your room ? Cause i think i read that Giulietta is also staying 2 nights in London, so maybe you can join her in her room since they have 2 spare beds, so you won't be alone in another room ? Am i right Giulietta ? There are spare beds so people who haven't booked a room yet !! Check if you wanna stay with us !! It's 30€ for the night per person for a 4-bed room... St Giles Hotel : - Lunafish and Friend : nights 15th to 18th Meeting points : - For those arriving at Kings Cross : around 10am then meet the others at Picadilly Circus around 11am - For those who prefer : Picadilly Circus Parade in the streets of London from Picadilly Circus to the Strand (Somerset House) in crazy outfits (I'll quote this message and correct it everytime there is something to add, ok ?)
  8. I think you should call them to ask if you can stay in one of the rooms that Bab booked at the hostel... If you do it online, there are chances that you just get a random room, and your mum wouldn't like that !! PM Bab to know the details... I'll bump the thread with the hostel info...
  9. Hey you all !! Mirtilla must be sleeping right now, and she deserves it after 2 hours and a half sleep since friday... We didn't manage to tell him precise things, basically cause i was talking a lot and Mirtilla didn't say anything... She was feeling shy And that's the second pic i yelled at him to get Now that i remember i quite yelled at him a lot last night !!! But i have a high decibel level, naturally... Pain in the as*, remember ? On the first one, he was doing that "pose face" with the eyes and everything... No, no, no, not that one for me, guy I want you to show the world you're happy with me
  10. Thank you... I've been quite a pain in the (nice) as* to get it, though... But it wouldn't be me if i hadn't Beddy bed now...
  11. Proof The pics of the concert will come later... Like, when i'll have slept a bit...
  12. Yeah... I feel like i won't be allowed to be sarcastic anymore :naughty: YOU WISH Thank you for your support... I was feeling like everybody was thinking that i would NEVER meet him... And i kinda was too Thank for trusting me !!
  13. Yeah, i know it sounded a bit weird after reading it But i was really talking about food... Just food...
  14. On the cheeks you naughty girl And i absoloutely don't know what he smelled like I usually only smell food before eating...
  15. And after that, we had a chat with his mum cause she was the last one front of the café after everybody left, and she said something about a taxi, that she had looked for a taxi, but she couldn't find any... And we yelled at every taxi passing in front of us To finally understand that she didn't need a taxi and was yelling at them for us :roftl: :roftl: She left walking with someone, probably a friend or something... I love life
  16. You will never believe what you'll read.. So at a point, i saw Mika (cause yes i was spying) looking at our tables, and i just yelled "Hey !! I am Olivia !!!" So he said "Oh you are !!!" And i yelled "Yes !! What is your problem with my hair ?!" And he said he had no problem with it. The case is SOLVED ! And bla bla bla... He was about to leave so he stood up and went to our table, we chatted a bit a lot with him, talked to me, kissed me (cause i stood up too) and i asked for a picture "please please please" and he said "ok, but just you" :punk: And i got it Laurence took a first one, and i noticed he wasn't smiling so i said "Hey ! You weren't smiling on my pic !" and he said "oh, ok another one" and And bla bla bla again, i asked him if he would be wearing the apple badge at SH, he said a shy "maybe"... Apples, i'm not sure about that, but i'll have tried ! I didn't manage to place anything about Jack, or Bab or anybody cause he was really tired... I'm sorry girls, but in 10 years of time, when i meet him again, i'll try... And i said i would be at SH, etc. etc. A lot of tiny things... GOT MY PIC And the thing ended up Jerry saying Mika was paying for our drinks... Can YOU all do better than that ???
  17. I'm using too many smileys, so i have to do it in a lot of parts... Bla bla bla, so we waited, they closed the door and the car stopped, he signed, stopped signing just before i got anything and the car left... BUT there was a little café just next to the Olympia... And we spotted the group there, having dinner... We were about 10 and some of us were litteraly dying to drink something... The wanted to go to the café where we spotted everybody, we saw the car dropping Mika at the café too, but were really hesitating like "Would it seem annoying ? or so"... But we ended up going there eventually We sitted all the 10 of us at some tables, not next to them, but it was hard since they were all occupying half of the café But we just chatted, ordered and laughed with the waiter, everything cool... Hats off, girls (and Johnny) I saw Mika's mum and she saw me and i just smiled (cause i had met het in the hall of the Olympia, i told her that i was amoung the one in London May14th, etc. and she said she recognized me)... But our (discrete) cover were off But we went on doing our things, "not paying attention to them" (yeah, right...). The Relax video was aired on the TV in the café, and Mika's table with sister and Jerry was just under the TV, he watched it as if he had never saw it And called eveybody to see it too... And they were all like if they had never saw it... But i still like this video... Off topic Bla bla bla, so we took pics of us all (i accidentally deleted the one with the whole group, i'm slapping myself right now, i don't understand how or when), chatted, laughed, it was SO COOL. And now the IMPORTANT PART is coming
  18. After the gig, we were all hyper excited and went to wait outside the artists entrance... For quite a while, actually, i guess we left the venue around 11pm and they closed the door around 1:30am. And we were waiting... They said at the last moment that he had left in his car... But the car HAD to pass in front of us since it was a one way street So so it did, and they had to stop to make him hop off and sign some autograph, very nicely... As usual... Everybody was pushing me front, leaving me there place in the "queue" (that was more a "crowd" than a "queue"... I was the attraction of the queue, the "one" who had never met him... But some cars were waiting behind at a point, and as i was about 5cm to him, he said "Ok, Bye everybody !!" And no need to say that i didn't get anything signed... So, cursed or not ? So i was like "It's ok, it has become like a game..." but Mirtilla was really disappointed cause she didn't get anything signed either. I tried to cheer her up, but well... She was very disappointed. No chatting with Martin, no Mika... I forgot to say something ! During the queue, we met a lot of people from the MikaWebsite, including those who had won the meeting with Mika ! They were all very kind, so we chatted a lot, and i ended up giving to one of them an Apple Badge (Apples Represent ) and a little message to Mika saying "Why don't you like me, Why don't you like me, without meeting me, man ?" And "My hair would like to know what your problem is with it" and something else i don't remember... So they were supposed to meet him just after the concert... And they did !!!!! The one i gave the apple badge and the message was (luckily) Laurence (she sometimes post here) and she was the one who talked to him most of the little time they had with him... She came outside to join us when we were waiting at the artists entrance to tell us eveything... So exciting ! She said she told him that Olivia was there and he said "Is she there ?" and she said "No" cause she was thinking "with them at the meeting" but he asked again "But did she got to the concert ?" and so she said yes But nothing after that... He knew who i was, still, but not willing to meet me more than usual
  19. Soooooooooooo ! I went to pick Mirtilla up in the morning at the bus station to take her home and drop her stuffs there, and get ready for queueing the whole afternoon... We left the house around 11:45am and arrived in the queue at 12:30pm, about 10 people in front of us, so 1st row all the way, for pretty sure... Nothing really happened during the queueing, so i'll skip this part... The so-called animations were only a quizz with 5 questions and promo singles of Grace Kelly and Relax to win (i didn't get in it since i have them both ), graciously provided to the Mikawebsite by Universal... Then queueing, queueing, still queueing... Until 6:30pm when they opened the doors... We kinda rushed to the entrance, passed the security post, to find finally another door closed just before the venue itself. So we waited there again for a bit, everybody was just messed up, not anymore by order of arrival in the initial queue... But i was still just in front of the doors, and the others were with me, so no problem... We waited again... Cause it's so amusing... And they finally opened these second doors around 7:15pm to see litterally run to the stage... We all managed to get front row There was a sort of little part of the stage avancing in the audience, and i could have been there but thought it would be better to be just front row (thought it was some sort of "security part of the stage"... Bad thought... He came there more than often to touch everybody's hands)... Support Band : Something Something Something (don't remember the name by now but there were 3 words in it) they were from Toronto Canada and were about 18 years old Actually, i'm just kidding, they were really good, better than Pull Tiger Tail in my opinion... But i really didn't like Pull Tiger Tail Anyway : bla bla bla, Mika went on stage after a 20-30min pause between them (coooooool, quick) and started as usual with Relax, then Big Girl, then bla bla bla all the other songs... Not really important. Lorna came on stage for Happy Ending, he sang Any Other World, sang covers of Sweet Dreams and I Want You Back, etc. etc. Nothing new... Something new for France, though : he had the energy of one thousand people on stage I never saw him like that ! It was really pleasant, jumping all around, chatting (a tiny bit) with the audience, etc. Really happy to be there ! Nothing to see with the Trabendo... Anyway : AWESOME, electrifying (Grease was playing in the taxi we took to go home, so my vocabulary...) Love Today finale, as official #1 fan of it, was GREEEEEAAAAAAAAAT !!! I'm even more falling in love with Cherisse and Martin after every gig Bla bla bla...
  20. Why would i have to choose between them all ? No sorry... I'm being mean... I'll type some report tonight, and correct it/add things tomorrow...
  21. How do you know ? Where were you ? I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooo enjoying the teasing :roftl:
  22. Ha ha !!! It's better than whatever you could all imagine in your mind
  23. I'll write everything tomorrow... But the keyword is "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!"
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