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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. French French... Thank you It was also what i wanted for all of us, even if i do wish i had used "softer" words, like in "nuance" and "middle"
  2. I made the same pic of my 2 year-old niece but she was running around naked so i can't post it :naughty:
  3. It shouldn't be very hard to guess WHAT fruit i'm talking about But i won't have a proper costume... Just normal clothes, but simply RIDICULOUS !!! I must be the only person that actually bought them !! And when i found them i just thought "Were they really thinking someone would buy this and wear it when they designed it ?! " :roftl: But it was simply pinpoint appropriated for SH...
  4. I don't even remember if i was right I think i was but i'm not sure... There have been so many debates I know someone who'll be happy with that and who'll sleep better now !!!
  5. I'm just better than what you will ever be We haven't done the list yet, ut you'll be our honor guest, of course ! And all the apple crew I'm quite sorry Caz, cause i knew it would be harsh (and i had warned not to take it bad, even if it's hard not to) for 2 reasons : - i was certainly in a bad mood (even if i don't have to make you all feel my bad mood, cause you're not the cause of it, and have nothing to see with it) - i certainly don't have the vocabulary of a native English speaker, so sometimes, the nuance is hard to say... Sometimes, you just know "the good word and the bad word" to say something... Not the one in the middle that would bring the nuance my post didn't have. And the card and comments on myspace ARE a good idea, it's just the ONLY thing we can do, that's all ! They certainly cancelled the signing cause they realised (before the d-day that time, progress since february and the HMV singning cancelled because of the free gig in London on the same evening, where they annouced the signing was cancelled while people were waiting for him to arrive and sing ans then sign... Rant done... ) that it wouldn't be possible to do both signing, rehearsal and gig on the same afternoon and evening, since the signing was planned to start at 3pm... Anyway, i think it's because of that, they never gave the reason, but it does make sense, so...
  6. I found my outfit today and i wasn't even looking for it !!!! And i LOVE it !!! Very "fuity"
  7. People from the French forum plan to do animations from 10:30 - 11 am so people will go there at that time... I'm afraid that if we want to be front row, we HAVE to go there at that time... Honestly, it bothers me a little cause i absoloutely didn't WANT to queue from 10:30 am to 8 pm !! :thumbdown: I think i will though I want to be front row Mirtilla, you'll have to send me your flight info again just to be sure i have them next week (i think i didn't delete them since when you gave them to me, but better twice than once ) It was jut to warn you about the 10am thing...
  8. That's exactly what i was about to post !! Write in English guys, people are dying to know about your reports, writing in French somewhere else than in the French thread is a bit disrespectful for others, and a bit selfish too... Make an effort, it will be good for your English too !!
  9. You forgot the And the serenade could be a could idea, we have to plan it all very carefully I think this is the end of the thread What can we do ? Nothing but send comments on myspace... How sad for the most motivated of us all
  10. She took one of us cause we looked so pathetic that she wanted to show him that and so they could all have a good laugh about us :roftl: :roftl: I have an idea about what Jerry could do with pics of fans, but i will just say i don't know Sorry Jerry !! Just a bad 3:30am joke
  11. And that i didn't tell you to say But i'm lazy to read all i wrote, but maybe i haven't said that i ALSO think it's too much ! It's the whole "What should we do about it" that i don't agree with. It's his life, he manages it how he wants to. And we can only watch and hope (that, i remember i said it ).
  12. Paris sold-out in 48 hours This is INSANE :roftl:
  13. Bab, of course you are coming !!!! What is this "i think so" ?? Say a big fat YES !!
  14. This is where some of us are staying : So, quick reminding : Picadilly Hostel : http://www.hostellondon.com/availability.php/HostelNumber.2441 - Giulietta - K@koL@ndon in a 4-bed room + 2 spares, nights 13th to 18th - Bab - Blue - Vally - Kata - Tia - Yop in two 4-bed rooms night 17th + 2 spares - BexxY nights 16th and 17th Is that it for now ? BexxY, have you already booked for your room ? Cause i think i read that Giulietta is also staying 2 nights in London, so maybe you can join her in her room since they have 2 spare beds, so you won't be alone in another room ? Am i right Giulietta ? There are spare beds so people who haven't booked a room yet !! Check if you wanna stay with us !! It's 30€ for the night per person for a 4-bed room... St Giles Hotel : - Lunafish and Friend : nights 15th to 18th Meeting points : - For those arriving at Kings Cross : around 10am then meet the others at Picadilly Circus around 11am - For those who prefer : Picadilly Circus Parade in the streets of London from Picadilly Circus to the Strand (Somerset House) in crazy outfits (I'll quote this message and correct it everytime there is something to add, ok ?)
  15. Yes true true, sold-out... That's what the concert promoter sent today
  16. Don't take it bad, but i think you live in Wonderland... - your petition-sort-of things don't change anything to a planning that had certainly been fixed for ages, talking about the countries he visits and the period he visits them, adding dates between the main line, i REALLY don't think you should feel guilty about anything, cause it's not because of your petition that he goes somewhere... He knew where he was going in what month since he started it all !! - they decided it was a good thing for him to be launched in every continents all at once, but fery few artists do that, simply cause it implies THIS sort of never-ending tour ! He's been touring for 10 months now ! He's done 2 complete tours in each UK and US, been to Asia and Oceania, 1 tour in Europe, some dates in European festivals since no 2nd proper tour, etc. So he's assuming the consequences of this decision, he knew it would be like that since the begining, it's not like it's a big surprise and no-one had told him that !! He accepted it, so now, he's stuck and simply Has to continue until the contract is honored... God knows how long this contract lasts and what it implies... - who do you think you are to think you can organise something for someone you absolutely know NOTHING clear about, except what he decided to tell !! And saying how private life is important for him, be sure we KNOW NOTHING !!! We are FANS, don't forget that, we're not his friends, we're not his family, we just buy his CDs and he's doing great gigs for us, that's basically the only relation we have with him, and the fact that he's extremely nice when we (you) meet him can't make you forget what your place is !!! The only thing you can actually do is to tell him (whatever way) that you're concerned about him touring that much, but be sure that he doesn't have anything to do with all your advice !! That's just the way it is... And that's the way HE decided and accepted it to be !! And YOU (we) just have to accept that and live with your anxiety, cause whatever you do won't change anything !! Try not to be involved so much, even if i know that what i'm saying is going to provoc a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE reaction... And is totally useless since you're all too concerned about him already... In conclusion : send comments on myspace, he MIGHT read them, give him cards, if you want tell him that you're concerned about his health when you meet him, whatever you want in that style, but well... I think it's all useless ! I know you think you have to try, but i can assure you that there is NOTHING you can do about that !! And there is nothing HE can do about that, cause once it's on, you have to go until it's done ! That's life. That's the way he chose it and accepted it to be for 1 year, the launching year... I agree with the fact that it's becoming dangerous and all, but not being negative at all, just realistic, he just doesn't care about all your concerns, so you'd better be concerned about something that's actually worth it and for what it would have actual consequences... Sorry to be so harsh, but it's true, we can just watch and hope the whole thing stabilises before it's too late...
  17. Yeah !!! Here are the threads for each gig !!! So who's going ?
  18. And don't forget all the things being cancelled one after the other !! At a really short distance... I think it's part of the whole thing too ! And i agree with Jack, he may not be the only one who makes the decision, but he's the one performing (and the band too, don't forget about them) and i'm sure there is a way for him to get a bit of control about the schedule... But he HAS to realise things too, and if he doesn't say that he doesn't agree, they will just go on and on planning things to cancel them afterwards because of being exhausting, which is normal for a human being... And there will be consequences with all these cancellations !! People can think he doesn't care about them paying a lot of money to see him and then cancel for a tv appearance or whatever which is not unpredictable (as illness)... And he's feeling tired, cause he talks about that in more and more itw (i'm thinking about the one on the phone which inspired Violet_Sky's thread with the bumping drunk that i've just listened to)... Take care Mika... Or watch out...
  19. And a gig too (Monaco) for a TV appearance we don't know much about (actually, we know nothing...) They haven't put Roskilde on the list of gigs on Mikamyspace !! Have you heard anything about him being cancelled ???? They put Nibe, so you fellows don't have to worry about it... But Roskilde ?! Is it an error ?
  20. I think "that's the way it was chosen to be"... Even if i don't know who chose that way.
  21. Don't worry... Some of them will be cancelled... No, seriously, it's becoming dangerous, but what can we do ? Nothing... Until they realize, i hope in a not too sad way...
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