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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. And between Swedish Göteborg and Good Morning America in NY, they chose Good Morning America (surprise...), that's the one announced on Mikasounds US.
  2. Apparently, he also did that for Monaco (i mean cancelling because of TV appearance...)
  3. Go to the Calendar upthere and click on the gig you're willing to go to find out who comes And since i'm very kind , here is the link to the calendar : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/calendar.php Some of them (European tour except UK) are not listed yet, cause we don't know why But all the UK gigs in November are listed, and the festivals and gigs until September
  4. I think the fact that he doesn't fit to the lyrics is kinda done in purpose... Maybe to surprise people as usual with him, to give them what they don't expect... I don't mind that really... I really have a problem with the realisation... Like i said before, a lot of video in this style and idea have been done before, LOOKING "spontaneous and real" giving people the IMPRESSION of being done in a rush, but very well realised and so with a great effect, and at the end, they know that it was an EFFECT, they don't think they have been kinda fooled... I think people will think "Rubbish, he could have made an effort"... And that's true !!! They're not even together doing the dance moves !!! Not looking like they have the fun of their life (sarcastic), not dancing together,... We have to remember it's a video !! So it's supposed to attract people in 3 minutes, not to make them think about philosophical views about body appearance, the lyrics are there for that... The video HAS to be efficient, and i don't think this one is, cause people will just see the fact that it looks unfinished and done in a rush (in the bad way), they will feel like they've been fooled, and they will run and break it down... Sadly, cause once again, the idea was great !
  5. Not that i want to show off... But I was the first to worship the Love Today finale back to April 4th ... Nobody knew what i was talking about But he wasn't doing his bean drumming at the moment, it was only Cherisse and Martin but it was already wonderful. The fact that Mika adds his drumming is simply the apotheosis of it all in my opinion
  6. Waow... THAT is exactly what i think is TOTALLY DISRESPECTFUL toward people, WHOEVER is responsible for that
  7. Doesn't this thread has the same signification than the RSVP in each gig thread ?! And when it will be 1245 pages, who is gonna read each person post to see where they are going ?! Just thinking..
  8. Do you prefer a debate about how curly his hair is ? Or maybe simply How beautiful he is ? Or no no !! How wonderfully he sings... We can debate about anything, World war or not ! It's just CONVERSATION...
  9. Well... I think i haven't been clear enough (once again) about what i thought... - i like the "home-video" style and it's true, it looks like the early 80's videos ! Well pointed Hooch ! - i like the fact that it's down to Earth, just a "normal day in Mikaworld" - i like people faces when they look at them in the moiddle of the street, how puzzled they are - i like the idea of people walking down the streets around Mika and just being what they are - i like the fact that they just look like having fun together at the end - i like the whole IDEA of the video It's true that i've only talked about what i didn't like and didn't say what i liked, my fault. Now, what bothers me : - the big girls (and Mika) at the beginning don't look like they are having "so much fun" : it's a video and even if it's supposed to be down to Earth, they are supposed to make people want to join them, they are not supposed to make them feel like they are thinking "ok they told me to dance like this, now this move, where is the camera, what am i doing now, and bla bla bla" - the colours are not very bright, even for a NORMAL DAY, but it's certainly a problem of uploading and quality on youtube - it looks like it was made in a rush, which it's just supposed to LOOK LIKE in an intentional way, i don't know if that part is clear, but i mean that they are supposed to make us BELIEVE that it was made in a rush, no be sure of that - the video doesn't do justice to the whole idea f the video because of all that, whereas it was certainly a good idea, for a change, to be in the real world, but the realisation of all that is kinda missed in my opinion... They could have done better, still in the SAME IDEA I hope it's clearer now, everything i said... I think you're a bit "not objective" because you know everything that it's possible to know about Mika and his ideas and his world, and the signification of his songs, and EVEYTHING else... But a random person who sees this video MAY just think it's "poor", and that's too bad cause it could have been a SUPER IDEA But once again, "Mika doesn't care about what people say, he just does what he wants to"... Whatever, he still sells CD and sells gigs out according to what people think AND the "look at me i'm walking down the street and i'm happy" type of video has been done before a lot of time, and it CAN look better that that...
  10. It would maybe be more expansive, sure, but we're not talking about taking a lot of free days between the dates, jut a reasonable number of days for a human body, and with the money they do on a tour, i GUESS it COULD be possible... But once again, it's easier to say it than to do it, of course, we don't have every elements in hand ! And if they go on cancelling gigs, they will actually loose a lot of money... Since they won't have the money from that gig, and if it's a day between 2 other ones, they will still have to pay the employees...
  11. I've done it in the second post (without the names of people concerned)... But if you want, you can add it to the first one
  12. There's no reason to take what you say in a bad way ! Nobody's gonna kill you I agree with what you said, with the whole signification of the video and everything, that in the end, no matter big or whatever, we're all beautiful (biiiiiig shortcut )... But you have to agree that as "real" that it's supposed to be, you don't "really" see big girls in tiny laced bright coloured undies walking down the street I'm exagerating of course. So it's not supposed to look THAT real... But once again, talking only about the quality of the video (different plans, cuts...), the time they spend thinking about it before doing the video, the implication of the dancers and so on, it's not really what i could call something well done... They didn't have to take the bitch attitude to dance in an implicated way ! They just had to believe in what they were doing... And it doesn't look like they were believing in anything BUT "how ridiculous am i at the moment" (no offense at all). It looks like it's been done in a rush. And one more thing : i don't think that every Mika video should look like colourful madness and should have psychedelic images, just because it's Mika and it looks loke Mika, he can do whatever he wants to in his videos, change style, bla bla bla, i'm not expecting any style at all ! I just don't like this video in itself...
  13. I don't really mind that it looks "home-made", it's not what i have a problem with... It the whole thing... It could actually have looked "home-made" and have been good Ok, i stop it, now, it's harrassment !
  14. Now that i think about it, i should have made a poll to have a global view about that for me... Well, maybe we're wrong and we have no taste and the video is gonna be a big hit
  15. It is possible that they make another video for the US market... A lot of artists do that, cause the difference of reaction between the 2 audiences is so important, that they have to make a 2nd video (Paolo Nuttini did that for the New Shoes song, for example, but it definitely not the only one ! Just the one i can remember for now cause it's recent). So they MAY do that for Big Girl... Or just fail the single lauching Just kidding...
  16. I also agree with EVERYTHING you just said Adding that to what i said before about how "tired" and "bored" and "slow" they look, and the fact that it doesn't fit the song... I'm not gonna repeat
  17. I was just remembering things, in general, in case it wasn't clear before, and your post just made me think it "might possibly" have been a bit not totally clear Softer schedule = - Less cancelled gigs - People happier and more enclined to plan other gigs without fear of surprise cancellation (is that a word ? ) - Better health for Mika - Longevity in his career instead of burning the candle at both ends - People more impatient to see him because of A BIT less gigs so more motivated to go to new ones - Less space for problems because of unpredictable (even if unpredictable IS unpredictable But it must be simpler to say than to actually plan... But still...
  18. Apart for having "big girls" in it, the video doesn't really fit the song... Like LebAngel said, the song has really strong beat and rythm, and they are just "walking in the street"... They look a bit "tired", "slowdowned", even "bored"... In the market part, the dance moves don't seem "finished" they just sort of intend them without doing them fully (in my opinion). It doesn't fit the lyrics either ! Totally out of the story of the song, still except for the "big girls"... I can understand it's a concept, or anything you want, ok... I just wanted to say i had been a bit disappointed, and i don't really like it, i don't "feel it" ... In my opinion
  19. It's clear that OF COURSE, we're not talking about the gigs cancelled because of illness ! We're listing them to add them to the list of the "cancelled gigs" but they are not the ones we're blaming anywho for !
  20. It seems that the one in NY is the definite one... But he's still "confirmed" on the Swedish one, so maybe they haven't cancelled yet telling them ? I don't know...
  21. My fav so far is the Relax one, the one made up with images of the live at Koko and some of his sister and his arts, and i didn't really like the Love Today one (but i prefer the LT one to that one)... So it's not like i prefer big production videos But just talking about this one, maybe i have to see it on TV, not on youtube... But from what i see, i'm not "a fan" of it...
  22. So the title says it all... What do you think about it ? If you haven't seen it yet, it's on youtube. Personnally, i think it looks a bit "cheap" It's not bad, that's not what i mean, but yeah, cheap... I don't really like it, though... What about you ? Putting apart the fact that you're in it (if you are)
  23. :yay: Go people for not-Paris !!!
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