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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Hey mods !! I was wondering why the dates weren't in the calendar yet... I think i added them, but i may have made a mistake ??
  2. Yep, right, signing session is cancelled... But not the gig at the Hippodrome in the evening (not yet )...
  3. Euh... C'est annulé la dédicace du 21 juin... Pas la peine de te pointer devant Virgin à 8h...
  4. It doesn't seem at a taxi distance... But really not "next to" Somerset House, though
  5. I will, but i think you will get them before i do... But i will if i have anything, like i said to the Italian girls (i don't remember who asked me that, i think it was Robertina, or Mirtilla )
  6. There could be more than 2.00, actually... but 2.000 is the biggest venue they say they have, and it's a court, so it could be there... i don't know
  7. Would you drive back hom after that ?? Don't you live a bit far from central London ? (I have no idea, it's a real question ) I would be delighted to see your cats (if you choose to drive back home, of course)
  8. I look at the capacities cause i'm slightly agoraphobic... And it reassures me a bit when i know how many people will be there... And it's written on every venues website
  9. Have we decided where we would be sleeping that night yet ???
  10. Yes you can add them, they were sent by his French concert promoter
  11. I don't remember, they're all in the reports from Washington, and Boston and i don't know where : everytime someone asked him, he said yes... And when he was asking to i don't know who where she was coming from, he and Jeryy (the fantastic tour manager) were saying "next Fall" as if they were planning to go there... Go and see the thread with "Fall tour", they're talking about the North American "hypothetic" tour in this thread... About the European Tour in Fall, i think he said to some Italian fans he was coming back when he went to Italia last spring... But you know, seeing the planning for France, they're not ready to slow down the tour rythm... He will be singing every night (almost) in France... The tour is during 7 days and he once said he would have some rest at the end of August... So if you look at the calendar, considering the rythm they're planning, he could do US, EUrope and finish in the UK, or start with Europe in October, then US and UK... Or US in December... Plenty of possibilities for now
  12. He's doing less dates than in the UK, and he will have done only 2 proper gigs until there, and in quite small venues so people are quite waiting for him (not counting the festivals)... It will be his 1st French proper TOUR, a long time after the 1st unique gigs, that's why the venues are bigger...
  13. Well, he said to everybody he was doing another tour in the US during the Fall, so he'd better do, now that his word has been spread all over the MFC
  14. I have no info about that, though
  15. I'm not sure yet, i'm looking... I will put the number of people in each venue in the threads about each gig... Maybe in this one too I'm looking... EDIT : I added the capacity for each venue ; these are the MAX capacities, i can't confirm they will put the max capacities for Mika, but i think they will, it's standing + seats...
  16. Hey guys !! Here are the dates (until cancellation ) : October 10 : Le Zénith, Lille : 7.000 people (standing + seats) October 11 : Le Zénith, Paris : 6.293 people (standing + seats) October 12, Le Zénith, Nantes : 8.500 people (standing + seats) October 14 : Le Summum, Grenoble : 5.000 people (standing + seats) October 15 : Le Zénith, Montpellier : 6.300 people (standing + seats) October 16 : Le Zénith, Toulouse : 9.000 people (standing + seats) October 24 : Le Zénith, Paris (bis) !!! Tickets on sale from Monday June 18th. Ticketnet FNAC He completed 3 festivals this summer in France, one of them was 10.000 people in the venue... One word : RUN ON MONDAY !!! Dear North American friends, be patient, your turn with Fall dates is coming... Be just a little bit more patient... I added the dates in the calendar.
  17. French Fall Tour !! Tickets on sale : Ticketnet FNAC 9.000 people (standing + seats)
  18. French Fall Tour !! Tickets on sale : Ticketnet FNAC 6.300 people (standing + seats)
  19. French Fall Tour !! Tickets on sale : Ticketnet FNAC 8.500 people (standing + seats)
  20. Sold-out in 48 hours !! :roftl: This is INSANE !!! 6.293 people (standing + seats)
  21. French Fall Tour !!! Tickets on sale : FNAC Ticketnet 7.000 people (standing + seats)
  22. I would scare him even more with a big stick he could get hit with in my hand
  23. Looks like he's running away from me
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