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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Can i be the friend you bring along if you win ? :naughty:
  2. :doh: i didn't think about that one
  3. Yeah, i know for during the show... It was sarcastic... But the fact is that he takes a shower after the show, before going to the after party... I'm kidding, don't pay attention... Like the others :roftl: But there's not only the "straight" hair that makes me say that : the fact that he now wears his glasses, or that he takes his shirt off during the show, or things like that... Maybe he was just super-excited for the shirt, ok...
  4. I was laughing at the fact that you concluded that we're non-psycho whereas some of us spend hours talking about every single part of his body... About the hair, curly or straight... I'm not sure he straightened them, but if he did, maybe he wants to break the image he has cause he's tired that in the end, people talk more about his curls than his music ??
  5. Your conclusion after reading the posts here is that we're non-psycho ?! Funny... :naughty:
  6. I think it will be like the others contests there were to win tickets for the Olympia : when you hear 2 songs (most likely Grace Kelly and Relax) one after the other, you call them... So basically, yeah, you would have to listen to the radio all day long The competition will be from monday to friday... But i'm not sure about the rules, since there are only 2 winners, if i got the thing correctly... Maybe they will do a draw between the ones who called and got through... Don't know !! It will be exposed on monday, i think...
  7. NEW DATE !!! News gigsandtour.com Full capacity about 1700
  8. Ha ha !! But why did they send it for Brighton specifically ? Anyway... I'll do that Thank you !
  9. I had the email too !! They're talking about overseas orders, in the one i got... I got it today. Keep me (us) informed when you've called them, please !!
  10. I don't think someone from here will win the competition... Cubitus doesn't come here very often anymore and arcenciel will be somewhere else the day of the gig... Would have been great and amazing, though
  11. Thank you for posting it everywhere Sunshine You really want us to win, don't you ? Well, like i said, i won't be able to take part in it...
  12. I think he's "grown up" enough to get the joke (if that's a question of growing up, which is not) And i think he doesn't care And i agree with Jack : how bad could that be that people think he's gay ? He said he didn't want people to CARE about it, not that he didn't want people to assume he's gay... But apparently, everybody takes his word the way they're more comfortable with...
  13. Maybe other people should grow up and stop posting stupid threads or writing 25 serious pages about these stupid threads... And honestly, Mika is not the one we "put down" doing that.
  14. Thank you, that's nice !! I'd like to win too, obviously... But i'll be in Martinique, so can't play AT ALL That's why i said i was happy i had found my tickets, cause i would have been FRUSTRATED ! If only it wasn't by phone... Can't have everything, can you ? I'll have a look, but i think it's by phone only... Like when you hear 2 of his songs played one after the other, you must run to your phone and call them, or something... And anyway, i may be lucky in life, but i never win constests... Can't have everything !
  15. :yay: You talk about xes ?? Crazy is the post-normal... It was an april fool joke...
  16. I can't play in this one, i'm not here next week Happy i found my tickets already...
  17. TIM-TAMS !!! SHE GAVE HIM TIM-TAMS !!! :shocked:
  18. HE doesn't tell us, Sara calls the Gallery and THEY tell her Anyway, i put the info in the Exhibition thread... Thank you Sara for being so inspired and calling them !!
  19. About the fact that Mika officially has a girlfriend ?? Is it only me who confuses people ?? Do you know you can multi-quote ?? I think it's amazing... Multi-quote... OR maybe people are easily confusable ?? And for my defense, i've been here for about 2 or 3 posts... So RACK OFF, please
  20. Of course i am (most of the time...)
  21. Ooooooh !!! So we can write the word sex here I was writing s*x so they couldn't hide the whole word Stupid me
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