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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Yeah, but talking to him and meeting him won't be my goal anymore... And cool if it happens... Got lost for a while, now i'm back
  2. Watch Love Today finale video that Dazzle posted... It will cheer you up !!! It works for me... I love you Daz for posting that !!! And certainly for other things... And i'm sorry we didn't get to meet the "stalls people" in the queue
  3. I think they did meet him at leeds... I saw some pics and parts of review in Freddie's thread before he colsed it... I didn't watch in the proper Leeds thread, though... And as it MAY not sound, i'm not mad at him, i'm mad at me, for having been so like that (what i'm not, in one word)... Didn't meet the staff people though
  4. Hey there !!! I'm back in Paris... There were 4 parts of the concert : the queue, the support, the Mika part and after... The queueing was fun, but we had to queue separatly from the other memebrs of the MFC cause they were stalls (in front of the stage) and we were level 3 for Kata, Bennie and i and level 2 for Bab... So we queued with Bab, though... I gave her the glowing bunny ears, that she only put on inside... There were not many people in the queue, even for the support band, they arrived after... The support... Pull Tiger Tail... In one word : they SUCKED... A lot of noisy noise, bad sound, everything... Well... I didn't like it, Kata neither... I don't remember if Bennie did like them... But Bab said she kinda liked it... After that, once the left (we were so relieved), we waited around 30-45 minutes for Mika to arrive... And NOW in starts : personnally (Kata will not say the same) i really enjoyed it, and it was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better that what we had in Paris... It was simply ANOTHER Mika ! He was actually happy to be there, singing, dancing, jumping around, etc. As i've been to both, i can really say that Paris sucked... Compared to the other gigs... But when we were there, we liked it, sure, we didn't know what we were missing ! But the man was a different Mika... And OH MY GOD !!! Love Today finale was the best ever !!!! They got at least 5 minutes of applause and cheering and screaming after it !! And they were quite proud of it... With reason... AWSOMELY AWSOME !!! SPLENDID !!! SUBLIME !!! Cherisse, Martin, and even Mika took part in it, drumming on a bin : HATS OFF people !! RESPECT. Sweet Dreams cover was really good, and he also sang Any Other World. I honestly found I Want You Back cover not good... But I think that NOONE has the right to cover that song, so... But even being objective, i think he could have done something else... Better... Else... He messed up Happy Ending lyrics, singing half of the second part instead of the first one (the 2 first lines)... He introduced the girls who sang with him as school friends, and said that he wrote that songs when he was at school... We were wearing tons of glowing bracelets, necklaces, earing, barettes, and Mika even said something like "That's funny, usually i can't see anyone in the crowd but tonight i can see some people upthere"... Looking up, left, where WE were !! He may have been talking about us... In the doubt, we waved !! Anyway, we didn't get to meet him after the concert... We were 10 waiting at the stage door, staff people kept on going out and saying that he would MAYBE go out after 1am since the after show party was going inside... But we were quite motivated, so we waited... And then, i don't know at what time, and i was at the front door at this moment, he sort of went to the stage door, told someone she looked great and then got back in... He didn't sign anything neither took any picture... And the fact is that he apparently RAN to the front door where a car was waiting, cause when i arrived at the stage door, the door was closing, and then we got back to the front door, and his mum told us he had just passed in a car... She was really nice, and sorry for us... She took a picture of us... May be for him to see us and laugh at us waiting hours for nothing Anyway, she really was the nicest person ever. Allegra and Fortuné were already in a taxi with other friends of them, waiting for her, she went to the taxi, took her camera (they didn't understand anything) and came back to take the picture... She also took BlackWildKitty's prints (she had printed pictures of Mika to have them signed) and her address, she said he would sign them and she would send them back to her the day after... SWEET... After that, we were a bit (a lot) disappointed, Kata after the terrible evening in Leeds, and then the concert that she found less good than the ones she had been to before, and then not meeting Mika... Me just because i was being paranoid since he went out and signed and posed for pisctures after EVERY CONCERTS, except those where I was... And we kinda found his attitude were not really nice... Not what everybody was used to, kissing, hugging, posing, chatting... But even without all that, apparently, what he said at the door wasn't really what you could expect after waiting in the cold for someone, Kata will say more, i didn't hear what he said and how he said it... I know, no one forced us ! We're grown up... But everybody seems to say he's so adorable, and i never got to see this part of him, and i'm frustrated and jealous !! And apparently, the security was not helping, pulling him insinde... But we were happy to meet Babspanky ! We just met Jemma, BlackWildKitty, KiteKat, Dazzle and some in the other before, but really not long, and we never found them after the gig... What we saw of them was nice !! We also met Akim and her friend after, waiting at stage door... Actually, i don't remember all the names since we didn't spaend time with them, queueing, etc. But all this wasn't useless for me ! Cause i realized that i had not been myself for a few months now : before, i would NEVER have expected anything from a singer after a gig, i would even never have waited for him... But the fact is that everybody's stories seemed so fantastic that i found myself expecting something ! Now, i just know that i won't expect anything : if it happens, cool, but if i ever go to a concert again, i will go for the MUSIC and fun with people... Isn't what we are supposed to really expect at a concert ??? Everything else would be bonus...
  5. Yeah, bad news, but i confirm it's not a joke... Or they made the same to me, and were very organized cause Kata called me and there were no music backround, silence... And she called me around 10:30 so middle of the gig... She left a message cause i wasn't next to the phone and she seemed totally normal... Pissed off, but sober enough to call me and Brumming to tell us everything... That's simply disgusting, especially if they weren't drunk !!! I mean... What the hell ??? They got refused i for NO REASON at the end ! Happily enough for Kata, she's coming to London tomorrow, then Birmingham... And she went to another gig on friday (not Mika)... But i feel terrible for those who don't have that chance !! Booo
  6. That's funny, cause you absoloutely didn't get my point posting this And i'm absoloutely not angry with you for saying what you think That's silly ... My point, in short : PEOPLE who have issues posting pictures cause they wonder if they can or not, think and post/don't post. It was not a "you can post this and this" thread... And i'm not "creating" hostilty, i just think that the polls are useless, cause they don't point the real problem : i don't disagree with paparazzi pictures so the poll "yes or hell no for paparazzi pictures" is not the right question in my opinion... And we're all grown up enough not to be hostile towards people who don't think the way we dont aren't we ? The real point was : post anything you want as soon as you're comfortable with it ! The fact is that i think people shouldn't be comfortable with posting personnal pics (and i'm not talking about public family pics since they are everywhere with him ! i'm talking about pics of private events, that's precise enough) but that's only my opinion (and i have the irght to express it). The other fact is that (i was right cause) the whole problem started when someone some weeks ago posted private family pictures saying that HE/SHE wasn't comfortable with that ! And the thread was finally deleted. I hadn't said anything in it ! i'm not inventing anything, i'm just trying to help people figure out if they're comfortable or not. I really do not intend to stop people posting pics, i'm not an utopist. I never intended to create any rule here, and i'm not about to start !! I'm just trying to orient people with issues about posting the pictures they find. As i said, i don't care, we all have a job, and paparazzi's job is to take pictures ! Go for it ! Part of the job of the celebrities is to accept that their life will be partly public because of that ! And for god sake, stop saying that you don't like paparazzi, (almost) all of you cause once again you're being "hypocrits" : a lot of us buy the magazines they work for !!! But since it's Mika you're feeling really nauseous about the pics ??? Come on... If it's right, don't buy the magazines... If it's just to say "i hate paparazi" to look nice, that's not interesting and not true... And once again, i was long...
  7. Absoloutely !! I didn't want to add that part to my paragraph about paparazzi cause i tought i would be too long, and it was logical... And maybe cause i didn't want people to hate me more than they already do for being "a pain in the a*s" :roftl: But mostly cause i thought it was logical. But maybe not for everybody, so glad you said it ! But it's not about "right or wrong to take pictures of Mika etc." the problem that seems to exists is more about "right or wrong posting them" for those who wonder if they can post, and also it's not because "everybody does something that it's good", talking only about this forum, do they want this kind of pics here...
  8. Thank you ! I would say "longly said" but hey... I'm me !! :roftl:
  9. Ok... According to all the polls about "should we post this or that", there IS a real problem with you and the pictures... Let's try to make it a bit clearer... Personally, i don't really care about these polls and everything cause i'm like everybody else : if there's a picture, i look at it. Full stop. So the problem is more about posting the pictures, and above all : looking for them on the internet... We all agree about the fact that there is no problem with the official pictures, of public events, like gigs, his or other's... So that, we can post. And even post them several times around the MFC About the childhood and family pics, you all voted that we should post them only if he agrees with that... But once again, just take a minute and think : if they are pictures of childhood and family (once again, not talking about the public ones), they were taken at a PRIVATE event, by a friend or something ! And even if the person who took them or who have them put them on the internet on whatever picture host, they're still what they are... Private pictures... So even without ASKING Mika about his opinion, i don't think he would be that positive about posting them here... If you're not convinced : think one more minute : would you like pics of you taken by a friend at a private event posted on a fanclub and around the internet ??? Cause you know that the pics are not to stay on the MFC, people who come here take them, post them somewhere else, etc. And even YOU save them on your pc... Would you like pics of you on someone you ABSOLOUTELY don't know's pc ??? It's common sense... No matter if you're a celebrity or not ! So if you really care about what he could feel and not only say that you care, realize it... So i would say NO about all private pics taken by private people... Mika, family (extended), family dog/cat/fish/parrot, friends... Last of your problems : paparazzi pics... Even a thread about it will not solve your problem, cause they will still spread around... For the paparazzi pics, the problem is delicate, cause they're about his private life, but already on all magazines... So the fact that you post it here or not, in one thread or in every threads will not change anything... The REAL problem is more WHAT's on the pic ! And once again, it's common sense... And YOU judge what you think you can post or not... Just ask to yourself "How would i feel if someone who says he/she loves me posted THAT pic of me ? Does he really love me that much to post such a pic ?!" Cause we all know it's paparazzi's job (whatever ou think about it, reat job or bad job), so they don't have to ask that question to themselves before giving the pic to magazines... And the person on the pic knows that the paparazzi really doesn't care about what he/she feels... But it's different for you cause you claim that you love the person on the pic, so ask that to yourself ! So even if they're both paparazzi pics, the situation is different if it's a pic of him on holidays, him in some street in London after filming a tv show, him going out of a sex shop or whatever I think you got the point... About the paparazzi thread, nice try to clean up the forum, i really hope it works... Even if i'm not sure, due to my experience pointing repeat threads I just think it will turn into a "damn the pparazzi" thread without pics Anyway... As a conclusion, i would say, in my opinion : - ok for public pics - no for any private pics (him, family, extended family, cat/dog/parrot/fish, friends EVEN if it's somewhere else !!! We're not talking about somewhere else, we're talking about here... And the fact that it is somewhere else doesn't mean that it's a good thing - depends on the paparazzi pic... As far as i'm concerned, if there is a pic, i look at it. I never go on the internet and browse to find some pics (private or not), cause i simply don't care that much about pics. And last thing : why the hell are you so interested about whatever pic you can see of him, talking about the childhood pics ??? I don't understand... I don't judge, just don't undestand... Bye !
  10. Oh noooooooooooooooooooo !!! Hope you feel better soon !!!! Stay in bed for today...And maybe tomorrow befoe going if you can...
  11. I'm really sorry, i can't remember exactly : it was on an English radio, around february (one of the first he did), definitely posted here... The host was a man... Mika performed songs at the piano... And the mood was kinda relaxed... Any clue anybody ???
  12. I don't know... I've seen some pics of gigs at Shepherd's Bush Empire, obviously taken with zoom in, so maybe it depends on the management or something...
  13. I think i should get there around 4-4:30ish... With Kata if she makes it from Leeds See you all there !!! I don't think i'll get online often from now, cause i'm leaving to London tonight... In a few hours... I'll try to log on sometimes...
  14. Ok !!! I definitely can't wait to be on Monday !!! Carrie we'll see there, and Jemma too... And all the others !! I'm very excited now !!!! And i'm definitely going there around 4-4:30...
  15. Fantastic !!! Can't wait for monday !!!!
  16. I don't think it would be creepy. "Everything" is possible with technology now... But as i said, i don't know if it's true, i'm just quoting.
  17. :roftl: No doubt about the good intentions
  18. No, no, it's the first one that Curly posted... But not everone can see it apparently, somebody else couldn't see it... No worries, anyway...
  19. I didn't say that for you to delete your pics, it's not really important But Curly posted 4 or 5 pics in the other thread... 1st page... 1st post... Maybe you should choose one of the 2 "Prince gig" thread to post all the pics you find of this night... And the other thread becomes useless... So it could be deleted and you would have all the pics reunited !
  20. Do you have fun posting the same pics in 2 threads next to each other ?? :roftl: :roftl:
  21. Posted on Mikasounds today : Want to be in MIKA's next video? 11/05/2007 If you are interested in appearing MIKA's next video and are available on Saturday 19 May then drop an email to info@jaynecollinscasting.com for information. I know nothing more... I'm sorry, i posted the same thread in the General Chin Wagging section... Maybe you can discuss over there ONLY and just say yes or no in the RVSP thing... http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=4283
  22. I agree with you, kinda... BUT in the videos, you have many many people, that you really see dancing, quickly, without their names written under their face... Apart from his mother and Yasmine that we see everywhere with him so we recognize them in the vids, and Raffa cause he said she went out of the cake in Love Today video, we don't really know who's who... And i don't know if you noticed, but for exemple, in the Grace Kelly video, there are about 4 "fat women" dancing around, and when he talked about the vids and the family in it, he never said who his mother and Raffa were, we only knew that "his mother was quite fat" (i don't know how to turn it not to seem disrespectful, but i'm not), at the beginning of the whole story... So yes, he said his whole family is in the videos, but these are HIS videos, filmed like THEY wanted it to be filmed... Nothing to see with uncontrolled private pics posted all around the internet... I don't know if the pic is from the video... And i don't know why i'm still posting here, since i don't care... Maybe for passion of discussion :roftl:
  23. Just to be precise, cause people will say i tend to be dictatorial I didn't post to say "NO pics of family", i posted to help you find out if you felt comfortable with posting them, cause in the whole family thread (deleted) some members had issues finding out if they were comfy or not... You posting pics of the family or not won't change anything for me, so i'm not asking/advising anything. If you feel comfortable with that, go ahead. Your move. We will see how the mod react to that, eventually ! I don't think a proper "rule" has to be created about posting-not posting, it's only up to you.
  24. I really don't care, honestly, that's not my problem, but it seems that people have issues with privacy/not privacy, etc. Here is one solution (not the only one) to find if you're comfortable with that : think HONESTLY, what would you feel, honestly, if old pics of your family were found and exposed on a website, that ANYBODY can see (not only caring and loving fans like you) ??? If you have the answer to that question, you know how you really feel about posting pics of Mika's family. Like i said, it's only for those who don't really know if they're comfortable or not with those pics. It's not a judgement or anything, like i said, not my problem...
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