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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Yes she is !! You're in the right thread !! :punk:
  2. Hard to choose between Johnny Depp and Mika... I don't like all the others... And I chose Mika cause i like Captain Jack Sparrow not really Johnny Depp... Does that mean i'm attracted to drunk pirates ??
  3. I think you're being a bit hypocrit here... It's like the "gay subject"... We can talk about anything BUT the things that you don't like about him... And by "you don't like", i mean "you don't care" of course... Better not to care about what you don't like... This is not about breaking anybody down (even if i do agree this is not very nice to read everything "ugly" that people pointed out of you)... This is just to talk about something. Like when anybody starts a thread about his WONDERFUL eyes/hair/smile/NAILS !!!/arms... Nothing about judging someone ! So if you don't like the thread no one force you into reading this thread and finding something you don't like about Mika's apearance (cause this is all it's all about, everywhere in this forum, since nobody knows him personnally). Eventually, if nobody finds something, the thread is just going down in the abyss. Just my opinion. EDIT: THIS THREAD HAS BEEN CLOSED. HOWEVER, WE DID NOT CLOSE IT BECAUSE OF THE SUBJECT (WHICH WAS COMPLETELY INNOCENT), WE CLOSED IT BECAUSE PEOPLE STARTED TAKING IT TOO SERIOUSLY, AND DIDN'T REALLY UNDERSTAND THE POINT OF THE THREAD. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS WAS A LIGHT HEARTED QUESTION, NOT A STATEMENT. THE ONLY REASON WE CLOSED IT IS BECAUSE WE DID NOT WANT IT TO GET OUT OF CONTROL. I HOPE YOU ALL UNDERSTAND. ADMIN TEAM
  4. He he... I'd like to be an intern in surgery, so i really should get back into it NOW... Anyway... I did have to disect a human in 2nd year... I didn't find it very impressive, i must be very cold hearted But then i went through several surgery services, so i did see and touch and did little things on them It's WAY more interesting... And absolutely not the same !
  5. I kinda lost the excitement... That's why i'm here so often Maybe it's just temporary...
  6. No, i take the Big final exam at the end of next year... And i'll be an intern after that.
  7. I guess we all learn the same things, so it would be pretty much the same everywhere !! With some little differences...
  8. No no it's not ! We really don't have the same system : we directly enter a med school, at the end of 1st year you take the exam where 15% go in 2nd year, then you have 5 years... That takes you to 6th year, at the end of which you have the 2nd big national exam... And then, 4 to 5 years as an intern... Since you often take two 1st years, you have 7 years before internship, then 4 to 5 years of internship... See ?
  9. Oh, yeah, 4 years of Uni, right !
  10. Ok, i knew that American students had to take 2 years of Uni before getting into Medical studies... So the MCATS in the exam you take to get into it after the 2 years... Ok...
  11. Yeah, 15%, like here... But we also have the ranking exam at the end, to choose the speciality... Before 2 years ago, it was also a ranking exam where there wasn't a place for everyone !!! So people were studying 6 years to be told after 6 years that they can't be an intern cause they are 5800th and they only take 5799 people !!!!! Now, everybody is sure to have a place somewhere, but what you will be depends on your rank... If you wanna be a surgeon, you'll have to try harder than if you wanna be a GP... Cause the first places that are taken are the surgery ones, and some medical specialities like radiology, cardiology, etc.
  12. Don't know what the MCATS is...
  13. It's like that because too many people were choosing the same specialities, and the same cities (cause you choose your city too after the final exam), so there were huge disparities between some regions of France... So they thought it was a good idea to regulate everything... And to enter proper medicine studies, you have to pass a ranking exam after one year of University. They take 14-15% of people who have this exam (by faculty). You have the right to have it only twice.
  14. Well... You sure have the time to think about it !!! I'd like to be a surgeon... But in France, you "choose" your speciality according to a rank at a national final exam that i will have next year... So if you're 1st you get all the choices, if you're the last one, you get what's left... So we'll see next year !
  15. :naughty: It's a secret... But you're right, I shouldn't be there so often, for definite...
  16. She left a while ago... But i think she will !
  17. Long... Sometimes interesting... Very long... But it's not as if i didn't know that when i started What do you wanna do at University ?
  18. Hmmm... My day... I decided to go to the staff meeting in the morning whereas i hadn't been going for 1 week (and the week before i was on holiday), but none of my co-students were there, cause it was last day and we never come on fridays cause we had classes... But the exam was yesterday, so had no excuse anymore not to come I felt quite lonely... I asked them when they was arriving, and they said noon, for the "departure celebration" (last day in the service) I spent the morning on the internet, cause there is nothing to do on fridays... And at 11:30 one of the surgeon asked me to go to the O.R. with him I kinda HAD to go, alas... But the operation was delayed... In the afternoon !! And we're not there in the afternoon So i went back to prepare the "party" since the others had arrived... We ate and drank... Everybody liked the tart i had made Then i got back home in the middle of the afternoon... Very intersting day, as you can see
  19. Hey ! How was school today ?
  20. Hey ! Sivan is sleeping, and i have to go now But see you later !
  21. Ils sont tous là : http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3289
  22. Could you tell Mika i'm not a stalker and i'm sorry if he thought that and if i scared him (with the myspace messages, even if i don't think i wrote so many messages...) ??? If you can... And if you could congrat Cherisse and Martin too from me... I'm sure they will be good, i don't even have to be there to be sure of that
  23. Oh ! Too bad ! You will find something else !! But for now, it's Mika time !!
  24. You had something with a friend of your mother's (i think) about a website he wanted to make, didn't you ? How did it go ? Do you have the job ?
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