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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Oh !! something interesting !! Can i stay ? Ok, thanks... *takes a chair...* I hope they will ! Cherisse and Martin are soooooooo good !! I absolutely love them ! Hope they get along together for a while... If you read the credits on the album, you can see who's playing : Greg Wells (producer) is playing drums, guitar, keyboard on many songs, Matt Chamberlain is on it too, Mika even plays percussions on Love Today and many instruments actually ! Actually, none of the actual musicians are on the credits...
  2. I think a man who wears women thongs doesn't have to be gay... He is a masochist...
  3. I'm still in !!! I'm still in !!!!! Yeah !!!! A guy who wears grey women undies (thongs) completely drunk chained to a house with pink windows with pink handcuffs !! :mf_rosetinted: *tries to reach the door without falling...* *Damn !! Which one of the 2 is the good door !!! *
  4. Not sure you get many "threaders" with this subject... What about people who wear grey women underwears completely drunk ??? Mixes the 2 most interesting threads on the forum at the moment... :lmao: *Drinks water... It can't hurt !*
  5. Yeah !!! Let's follow Mika !!! Drink like holes and then come back home !!! But we will not have hangover cause we will all have followed his advice !!! GOD !! MIKA !! WHAT WOULD WE DO WITHOUT YOU !!!! :punk: Sorry... I'm "happy" (means a tiny tiny tiny bit drunk... Is that the good thread to talk about it in ????) I'm gonna hang myself now... Reading this... Depressive...
  6. PLEASE !!! Don't say things like that... You know i'll always support you, but THIS is going way too far... Don't even wanna think about it... Anyway... Still talking about it ? :shocked:
  7. :roftl: :lmao: YOU SO DON'T WANNA TALK ABOUT IT THAT I JUST READ 10 PAGES ABOUT IT !!!!!!!! YOU JUST CAN'T HELP IT !!!!!!!!!§ I'm dying laughing.... Good luck !! Sorry, i'm a bit drunk... Just a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny bit... And i love Kata and agree with her and her boa !!
  8. I keep on talking about it even now... It was something including guitar and drums... Something biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig !!! :punk: Can't describe it... Have to live it... Sorry, really ! I have it on video, but the sound is so awful, everybody say "we can't hear anything"... Well : I can hear !!
  9. Now that you say that !!! I knew I had heard it somewhere !!! :lmao:
  10. Natural story of threads, here ! :roftl: You get used to it !!
  11. Hmmm... That smells like a true story, personnal experience... Tell us more about it !
  12. Yeah, you exactly got my thoughts...
  13. Actually you can have a better discussion about that with your friends than here Cause they have their opinion and you have yours... Best way to start a discussion !
  14. I'm sarcastic... And the problem is : each time anybody wants to discuss about gay/not gay, any person who says "he's gay" is accused of accusing him being gay", intruding his private life, who cares if he's gay, bla bla bla... So there's no exit to this discussion ! Cause it only goes ONE WAY : nobody accuses nobody of assuming he's straight... You can't discuss something with only ONE option, it's not a discussion... That's why i say you won't specify anything here !! Have an opinion, it's the only thing you can do : that's why i said you won't specify anything here... Is it clearer now ? Nothing specific to you...
  15. Nooooooooooooooooooooo... It's said with a big smile on my face !
  16. You won't specify anything... And I won't eat you if you shut up !! Just kidding...
  17. I don't really see why you are calmed down "now", but... THANKS GOD !!! Please, nothing specific to you, but stop starting stupid, threads, ok ?
  18. Thank you, Master ! Exactly what i was thinking...
  19. PLEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE !!! This is absolutely nonsense (and all this thread) !!! And not interesting at all !!! Stop being so childish... This is getting really boring. You will never get to marry him or party with, so you won't have to deal with his hangover... So it's not your problem ! He's grown up, has a mother, and sisters and a family to take care of him. THIS IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM !! Your point is : going to his gigs, loving or not his music, having fun writing silly things about him or gigs or whatever... This is your place...
  20. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand it's on for another so not interesting 10.000 page-thread !!! Let's go !
  21. I just think Nikoulini is a bit easily shocked and naive... Nothing to discuss about !
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