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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. oh yeah i see... well... if we put every single joke we made/found on the internet in the title, it would be looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong... me think we should keep it simple...
  2. well, she approves comments, so they all appear at once, and you don't see your comment until she approved it... so he couldn't have seen mine before posting his... and maybe he even posted his before mine, if she doesn't go in chronological order to approve comments : you know : most recent messages up and oldest down... so she approves newest comments before oldest... anyway, complicated... we should just look at the profile picture !!
  3. my comment (she allowed it, you can see it) was "you have a baby forum, love : link" i guess she went and saw... but some people joined since i posted the link, like Rob... i wonder if he's the Rob in her top friend cause he's GORGEOUSLY gorgeous (gay, like all the gorgeously gorgeous guys in the world...)
  4. yes... i have doubts about this "blog" we will never find... it would be quite a bad time for his relatives to let the cat out of the bag for the first time ever, the only time he is obviously ASKING for some privacy
  5. mmmh... i"m not sure about her reaction to my comment sending her to the forum :roftl: :roftl: "wha zee funk iz dat? " :lmao:
  6. oh ok... haven't read the whole argumentative 22 pages :biggrin2:
  7. hmm... another holidays for him :naughty: poor aussies !! :roftl: going to india to "find inspiration" doesn't mean he's gonna have some indian influences in the next album ! if we read the article, he wanna retreat there because of all the stress and pressure in Lonon, is that it ? so he might as well go in a 5 stars hotel with friends and doing some sight seeing, going to see some monks from time to time to justify the "retreat" term and write his album there ? have you ever seen some pap pics of celebrities in India ? i've never seen that (except for big events, movies and Liz Hurley wedding)... maybe it's too hard for the paps there ? i don't know, but the fact is that he might be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more at his ease where no one can find him... about the date, i don't know if the article was published today, bab posted it today (april 1st), sure, but her friend told her about it yesterday or 2 days ago ? so unless indian papers celebrate april fools in advance, it makes sense... anyway, we might find out pretty soon, next time he comes out of a super party in london with his pals the super pop stars :naughty:
  8. yeah right... i demand to see :sneaky2: this album better be good :sneaky2: are we official yet ?
  9. yes, it's all in the banter when he looks like he's 12 and you just wanna take him in your arms and cudle him... well, that's how i was feeling at sommerset house, since it's the only time i saw him live... and 1st row, not bad for a first time, AND the strip-tease he was playing Dr jekyll and mr hyde, and i loved that... weird psycho when singing and stripping (and struggling with his pants and shoes) and 12 yo child when talking to us...
  10. mmmh... yummy... he played in kabhie kushi khabie gham, didn't he ? i think so...
  11. going on holidays to india now ? he really doesn't want to make this second fabulously fantastic albums he talks about
  12. so you would be the disturbed one ?
  13. i didn't say he looked like a kitten, i said he was cute like i would use the term for a kitten... since i'm not the kind to be amazed at a human baby cuteness
  14. beautiful pics ! he's such a cutie like a little kitty...
  15. i have to listen to another album of him cause i only know magic position and i quite like it... i'm sure it's not as jolly as it seems to be according to some words i caught into the songs... but i would love to find his other albums *going to "find" them* :naughty:
  16. now PW is disturbed because he talks about dramas in life ? sure, lollipops and big girls are quite not his domain... i'm sorry, the more i come here, the less i feel like i should
  17. maybe (certainly) he wrote his songs as a therapy to handle things he endured during his childhood or after ? a lot of singers do that, and they're really personal songs... sometimes, people don't even know what the singer is talking about before someone reveals it... in PW's case, he says "I" and his lyrics are quite explicit, so it leaves no place for doubt (even if he could not be talking about himself still using "I") but he has the right to write it, and most good songs are dark in general... the world evolves going forward, not backward, and "disturbing" things, as you call the lyrics, help a bit... no, everything is not sugar and pink in the world... even if we also need those sort of things, they're not the ones who make people realize how ugly life is or evolve... they're the one you listen to (talking about songs) if you want to escape from reality a bit... or longer than a bit...
  18. looks like someone has more photoshop lessons to take
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