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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. :roftl: it's the middle of the night here !! 3:56am to be precise... and the question "what are you still doing here ? " is not allowed...
  2. are we sort of cultivated now ?? :blink: warn me next time, so i can have something to say
  3. just to precise things, i never said i had a bad experience talking to them, i said i just didn't see where the point was... and that when i got to talk to them, i had precise things to tell them, and when i was done, i was leaving asap cause ME was the one feeling uncomfortable... and i never said it was a fake smile, it's a genuine one, cause she's certainly the nice kind of person, but that doesn't mean less that she doesn't give a toss about you (general "you")
  4. i did see that, it was just to delete for real your "?" after surely
  5. and to add my 2 p. to the P. family discussion (ha ha) they were nice each time i've talked to them (Mrs P. and Yasmine, that's all) but they just looked like they didn't give a toss about what i was saying (not mean said, just that they weren't interested, but they were hiding it very well) which is normal, after all... and god knows i've never tried to have a real conversation with them... that's why i don't see why people feel such an urge to go and have a discussion with them, just because they're more accessible than mika... for me, i know they're around so they're not pushing people away doing that, but it shouldn't be considered as an invitation either... they're not the public part of the thing, and Yasmine asking openly that pics with her should not be posted or looking not at her ease walking through the crowd should be explicit behaviour enough... As for Mrs P., i know she has a permanent smile on her face, but that doesn't mean she thinks you're funny, it's just a polite smile, and i kinda run away from polite smile, as for me... i felt uncomfortable "everytime" i got to talk to her (and the only time i got to talk to Yasmine) because i was feeling not where i should be... to be honest, i was feeling uncomfortable at the whole after so-called party, not because of the mobbing, which i didn't give a f*ck about, but just because i wasn't feeling where i should be... just a personal opinion !
  6. i quote you (and i could have quoted sara before too, just saw it too late) but LET'S JUST NOT GO THAT WAY and say "SOME" french fans it will be better for all of us
  7. Hi Jemma !! Cool, huh ? We're important, us, fruits... and vegetables.. whatever... (yeah, i can't believe it either... and while that, people die...) it IS serious... we just have a problem with WHAT to put on it... which is usually not a problem with TP... GROSS... oh... and it's not like we're gonna see him in a minute...
  8. about the reports i have 2 things to say : - it would quite hard to fit reports on TP - and you were talking about the bad reports, so i guess it doesn't fit the project anymore, since jack and christine showed it (and i agree with them) it would be quite harsh and unnice to be "in his face" about what he obviously can't do anything about : cancellations, lack of tour in australia, etc. even if i'm still not keen on the idea of my name on TP he could possibly use even if it's not my real name... i mean... people still call me like that when they meet me, and i invented this name, and well... it's TP i 1st thought you were kidding about putting reports on the TP that's why i didn't react tell us what kind of TP do you use to think that printing gigs reports on it could be possible ?? :lmao:
  9. do we change that to : - apples - plastic bags - names apple support... customized plastic bags : http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=268362028 customized toilet paper : http://www.printedtp.com/ ?
  10. for once i think it's not me but something in your ears ... i would have told if it was me, you know it ! but at that time, i was jumping and running at the same time, screamming would have been too much for my lungs :roftl:
  11. yeah ! i spotted you now ! very graceful indeed... and me too ! the security guy lifted me like a baby and dropped me on stage, i just had to get up and run thank you Aurélien !!
  12. let's see if i can spot myself on this one ... EDIT : :yay: 1:55 !!! on the right of the screen, arriving on stage... pink/red top - jeans rushing to the back of the stage and Cherisse
  13. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA !!! that's so meeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaan the feet thing !!!!! "OMG are they feet-size" Ha ha ha ha (can't put anymore smileys but i'm literally dying...)... And Scut, i think i might have seen the TP in Paddy's market, the market that sells the most rubbish thing in Sydney if it helps to find a place like that in Melbourne... Or maybe it was in Cairns... I'm not sure, but i SO saw it !! I 've never seen singing koalas though !! i so would have bought that... "Waltzing Matilda..." Cute boys !
  14. i go to bed when i feel like this and can do it (can go to bed)...
  15. DO I REALLY NEED TO SAY IT ???? :blink: Just in case... PARIS (just a few days ? how long would it be and when ?? i mean end of which week ? 22nd march ? and i was asking just a few days ? would you cross the atlantic for just a few days ? if so you're so welcome )
  16. you should ask bab ... we all already know she has a pretty twisted mind it wouldn't change anything, and i might realize i was wrong (or right ) about what i thought it was...
  17. i'm not sure so i won't venture explaning it you might discover i have a twisted mind...
  18. I KNOOOOOOW !!! :shocked: what have i done to deserve such a reputation ?!
  19. why ??? do i need to remind you he NEVER cancelled anything in PARIS ?? :mf_rosetinted:
  20. it's already deleted, we won't go and find it again ! but next time we have a funny pic with a "bad" word on it, let's photoshop/whatever it to avoid this sort of baby storm no need to fight about the past image, let's think about the next one ! wow... i'm starting being a bit too nice and warm ...
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