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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. no prob ! we'll (well... someone will) photoshop them with stars next time we have some litigious photos
  2. what i wanted to say is that it's not because jack (or anyone) said she didn't like what you said that you're exected to stop, you decide if you want to not to "offend" her, but you don't "have to"... notice the " " everywhere in clear : you do what you want and think about the itchy plants on the paper if you want to on the other hand, notice that jack doesn't mind having her name printed on toilet paper whereas i wouldn't like that :blink: but the project is on its way ...
  3. which photo ?? i must have missed it... (i'm not asking for a repost, but some sort of description) EDIT : i've seen which one... but why ? for the bad words ?
  4. no, don't, you're welcome, we're all entitled to an opinion !! and here, we find it better to express it instead of digging it and then it explodes at your face ! it's a bit "refreshing" at first, but you get used to it and it's way safer !
  5. oh no... you're starting being mean... and don't forget i volunteered to deliver the project, and he knows my face a bit too well by now, i don't need this do we need new ideas for the printing ? - apples - aussie places - scandinavian places - festivals (werchter, big chill, roskilde, nibe 07, V festival OZ 08...) - plastic bags apple support... and yes, i would like to think that it's a real project customized plastic bags : http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=268362028 customized toilet paper : http://www.printedtp.com/ I LOVE ORGANIZING THINGS
  6. ooookaaaaay... everybody leave when i arrive for the festival toilet paper, i'm sure we could have a good diversity of festivals to put on : counting summer 2007 and early 2008 (since we need time to process this super project )... it's mid-march and we already have 3 in 1 country ! gosh, the guy is GOOD i'll need help for the cancelled festivals disapointed people to have them all, though, can't remember : Werchter 07 Roskilde 07 Nibe 07 Big Chill 07 V festival Australia 08 x3 anything else ? and scut, did you find some aussie places printed toilet paper ? or is that someone else who was supposed to have a look ? feel lazy (moo) to look back, it's pretty busy here lately... Oh and i wouldn't mind delivering it as long as it's in a close bag and he doesn't open it in front of me but i'm not going to see him anysoon though... even if obviously before the aussies mwahahaha
  7. wow wow wow !!! what do you think you're talking about, there ???
  8. she said "roses" too, and they're tulips on the microphones yes yes, it's a good review... she just have fake info
  9. oooooooooooooooooooh that is so moving !!! and so old about the old threads, i think it's better to use an old thread that says the same than open a new one and close the old one : the old one will still take its space and the new one will add its space to the old one...
  10. cause you really think we have something to say each time we post ?? :blink: :roftl: :lmao:
  11. well... i guess even us need a break talking nonsense who would have guessed ? i was just popping in to say that if you're interested in the "super toilet paper" project, just tell or if you have any ideas of customized toilet paper
  12. i'm out too... life is calling... or sort of... so far we have : - apples - aussie places - scandinavian places - plastic bags (all sorts of) - festivals ? suggestion... and an apple support... looking GREAT
  13. no youg lady, we are for QUALITY (of stupidity...) true true !! let's get official and they'll see what we can do
  14. get out and welcome to the project greta ! are those posters soft enough to wipe a non-ass with ?? i like your concern about our environement though...
  15. OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!! :shocked: hi hi hi (i like this smiley )
  16. true true true... - apples - aussie places - plastic bags - Nibe, Roskilde - we could even extend it to Scandinavian places apple support... and Scut, that's exactly WHERE the problem is : i don't LIKE him and actually, in a lucidity moment, he doesn't really wipe his arse with us, does he ? only the "idiot" ones... and they wouldn't participate in the project... Problem solved no names !
  17. oh ! totally something else : are we official yet ? mwahahahahaha
  18. well... the idea of someone wiping his ass (as cute and talented that someone MIGHT be, and tall and skinny and curly...) with my name doesn't excite me that much
  19. ABSOLUTELY ! - apples - aussie places - names (NOT MINE, i'm not that frustrated ...) - plastic bags and an apple toilet paper support... you know what's cool ? we don't do anything in that... so we can spend the time we would have spent doing that doing... well... erm... i need help to finish this sentence...
  20. of course !! that should be a uniquely reserved to the apples and squatting the thread people project we're a clique or we're not i doubt anyone else would fight to participate though
  21. you're absolutely right ! yes... more than the shaking toy (that's how they call it on the box, not me !!), the toilet paper is VERY useful !! *and then he gives me back my shaking toy next time he sees me...* (which will not be anysoon, not anytime before the toilet paper project is over don't worry ) and sure ! we're full of ideas : - apples - aussie places - MFCers names (i'll put myself out of this one, though ) - what else ?
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