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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. Pip :roftl: aaaaaaaah... Bab... anyway, i think the problem is solved now... they took my post out of context and thought i was sort of attacking them... whereas if anyone says again that the "french squad" was responsible for the mobbing at the after so-called party, i'll what i told you all after the so-called party : that i was everywhere in the room BUT around mika, and saw them everywhere too, so they can't be the ones... but it actually seems that it's not anymore a problem of "french fans" but a problem of "bad fans" now so i won't reactivate the fire talking about them... IF someone does, then i will... i sort of avoid every single thread in here but this one right now... so let's not talk about the after so-called party now that we all know it was a huge fiasco i told them bye... i barely read the french forum actually, so they could have been wrong about me for a long long time if sara hadn't lurked... OVER ! i admit the thing i won't tell they are not is the "in your face" thing, i agree with that and kinda don't agree with them acting like that... appart from that, they're really a nice group ! some of the one i met for the 1st time there were nice, and some i already knew were still nice
  2. god i just went... i'm tired of justifying myself !! i really must have a problem with expressing myself... i'll go into that... later i went and posted... didn't read everything, but they were saying that they couldn't understand how people were still talking about that, that there is really a bad mood on here (which i agree to), etc. etc. nothing appart from the fact that they didn't understand my post about the 2 french people who asked for the passes and said that it was not nice of me to tell their names... and i replied that i never gave any names, that the version i had was what i had been told, that i posted it to avoid 10.000 new nonsense and contradictory posts, etc. etc. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWN...
  3. the limits you have to learn... hmm... (impersonation of Yoda on internet :naughty: )
  4. oh true !! that's me !!! i look in top form ... thank you ! i was talking about a donut pic with me though... maybe laura or jennie took it... or maybe i had a dream about it
  5. AWEFUL !!! i would never do that !! i like them alive !! :shocked: ha ha... someone is in a poetic mood tonight ...
  6. mmmmmmmmmmh... gorgeaous mangos !!! we could be donuts filled with apple-mango-vegetable jam that love cats... we would be quite disgusting, then ... but it wouldn't change anything :roftl:
  7. well... you're still welcome if you want to it was born from a joke and then we talked about anything... like every "group" threads here, the pink poney riders, the i don't know what else, etc. as i explain in my super-post, the "we don't like mika" part is a joke, we just barely talk about him cause there are lots of threads anywhere else here to talk about how fantastic he is
  8. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!!! :lmao: that must be the closest to the noise i've just made... these pics are EXCELLENT !!!!!! i thought i had some too of you too... or someone has some with me from brixton... someone ?? anyway !! THANKS !!!
  9. :lmao: i prefer this video though with cat and donut : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaxQLJstO24&NR=1
  10. us (people regularly posting in this thread since its 1st part with a slight interest in sarcasm and who absolutely don't like mika... and don't even know who he is actually... except for some rotten apples who do know and like him, but since they have no friends, we let them in... and apparently, it seems that a recent study discovered that they have another thing in common : a deep love for cats )
  11. does NEVER mean something to you ? oh !!! we can be apple donuts with cats !! (donuts filled with apple..)
  12. screw the apples ! it's time for a change, people hate the apples... we'll be the donuts with cats can't believe i just said that
  13. we know we know ! bad royal mail it just came up in the conversation, we weren't really talking about that and pestering... and about the queue : I KNOW !! i forgot about the tshirt too, it's not your fault ! i'm sure you're busy enough right now with the official event but if it's an invitation to pester you, i don't see why we should refuse it i'll keep that in mind
  14. aw... kata and christine might be disappointed, we were talking about calling it the Donutman thread... the Appleman's little brother... but the Donutman could like cats ! and then it would be The Donutman and his Cat Thread... We'll have a meeting to decide the new name And nico, you'll have a new sister if you're moving to Suzy's house... my luggage are ready and the taxi is arriving going to the airport right now !
  15. we're just kidding FD ! well, i am i said i forgot it too !!
  16. and Wendi i'm sincerly sorry for you and do hope your cat comes back or found a new welcoming house, even if it's really painful for you to loose him... he could have sent a message for you not to worry that much ... i did lost (one of) my cat once... it was in my holidays house, and it had a great garden and trees about everywhere... cat's paradise... but the next houses gardens were the same... and my cat were used to live in a flat so really enjoying that, but it wasn't the 1st time we were coming there with him... but that time he decided he would go away for a few days... but eventually cameback, as the coward he was ... and all my cats died pretty much in a violent or unexpected way... happily enough, i was never in the house when it was happening (i'm pretty worried about MY cat now, cause i guess i'll obviously be there when it happens) : - the first one was kept by a great aunt in a house quite with nothing around but trees, plants, etc. when my mother and sister were in paris for a trip, and i was living with my aunt, and she got hit by a car... my cousin took a great pleasure annoucing me the news - the second one (the one who left for a few days) got hit by a dog on his back (boooh dogs ) and stayed out 2 days before my mom found him (we were not worried when he was missing for 1 day but 2 days was long enough and actually, he was just in front of the house under massives plants so she couldn't see him, and he couldn't move) and took him to the vet : he was either paralyzed for his lower body (which means incontinent too) if the spinal chord was broken, which means we would have had to inject him for him not to suffer, either he would get his functions back if it was "just a big bruise around the spinal chord", but we had to "wait a few days to find out)... we didn't get to find out... he died at the vet... i'm happy though we didn't have to take that choice... just before i left to paris 6 years ago... (and that summer was quite terrible cause a friend of mine died from a sport accident, and another one made quite a big drama (i mean real drama, newspapers and everything) just before being diagnosed schizophrenia...) - And the 3rd one caught AIDS for cats fighting around, and he died when i was in paris... just before my exams... which led my parents to lie during 2 weeks when i was asking news of him on the phone (yes i'm that cheesy when it's about cats... and i was talking to him on the phone too...) and my mum (coward ) made my dad annouce it to me... so i'm quite worried about what this one (the one i'm living with right now, who is actually the only one i'm really taking care of entirely) is preparing for me life is quite cool isn't it ? i know we all have our dramas in life, but i hope people get to understand why i'm not THAT affected for a cancelled gig or a failed after so-called party (talking about the 2 friends and other dramas you MIGHT get to know about me and my life but i doubt it, not the cats stories, even if for me it's important, but i'm not expecting people to understand that, and it's ok...).
  17. yes i do think so but only in private though (yes i do have an answer for pretty much everything...) i reminded him too, and even got to see that male former head mod during the gigs week... i must admit that the tshirt was barely my first interest that day though and has never been i was just teasing him... and for ONCE i was "winning" something in my life... doing nothing... go and get one !! and the pool table thing : :lmao:
  18. :lmao: that's what i prefer about cats, compared with dogs ( boooh dogs...) go away ?
  19. yes we should. Christiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine !!! :bleh:
  20. oh yeah !! but i already got that too... they should change a bit... maybe with the official status !!! :yay:
  21. i guess so... and it's even soon time to open a "part 2" thread according to the number of posts :naughty: thank you ok... i think i might be able to detail what is said by people about the "harassement" : what is said by a lot of different french people regularly attending the gigs the past year IS that especially 2 girls from the "french squad" have been asking/begging/loosing all dignity (last one is left to my personal appreciation) for backstage passes FROM THE FIRST GIG THEY ATTENDED... asking that to mika's mom who was replying "i don't know... i'm not the one taking care of that... i'm sorry, i don't know..." (sort of). they attended something like 13 gigs each, often the same gigs, and asked for those passes to mika's mom at EACH GIG. This is what i call harassement. And this is what led to my comment (i think i said it that afternoon but didn't write it here) that she gave the f*cking passes to get rid of them... that was when we learned that the french squad had obtained a tenth of passes, in the early afternoon... John HADN'T BROUGHT THE WRISTBANDS yet... so the harassement and the wristbands could be separated stories... OR they could be first separated stories mixed together by the management to avoid future harassement and so giving 70 passes... but it was quite funny cause the "french squad" learned for their 10 or so passes through a phone call to one of them (from mika's mom) and were trying to keep it quiet... and then john came with 70 wristbands :roftl: am i the only one laughing ??
  22. for haeschen's cat !!!! finally !!! pics requested asap !
  23. i have enough drama on here... i'm not gonna join another forum of fans any soon !! i prefer direct interaction... with the involved person... whatever it lasts
  24. she's the cutest, the nicest and the most adorable thing on earth... just like a little cat :wub2:
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