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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. oh no... i said i was out... anyway : i don't think when titania says that none of mika or mika's family were involved or aware of that, she means that he learned it when he got out of the stage ! of course it is a bit prepared... but i think she meant that if they had been given choice they would have said no... and by "given choice" i'm not only talking about management and stuffs... harassement from fans can lead to an idea of "i have no choice, if i don't give them what they want, i won't get rid of them". that's what i'm talking about. so yes he was quite prepared with the microphone... yes he was there and smiling, and so on, cuddling, taking pics, "paying attention" to what you said, etc. yes his mum was there too, filming everything... but do you think he would have left "alive" if he had come with a 10ft long face not smiling, if his family was hiding from people, etc. ?? not quite sure, and critics from fans would have been even harder than what we already have here... i think it's more like a "i'm there, let's get rid of it" "not aware of" than a "really not aware of that"... not sure i'm really clear
  2. i know i'm seen as mean (even if i'm not, and people start to think about it thanks to your nice comments) but i would have much more motivation to solve a problem (if problem there is) with a member that contacts me directly to ask for explanations (NICELY ) than with a member than directly runs to mommy's skirts and sends a mod to my nice a*s with inuendo threats of warnings/bans... it's a question of adult behaviour and respect in my opinion... so people : as i said in my gargantua (giant) post(s), i never ate anyone through messages/PMs and always reply to whatever is sent to me ; if you think one of my post is litigious/offensive/mean/directed at you/needs to be more developped/WHATEVER, send me a message (i know i disabled the PMs function, but it's against what i'm saying right now so i'll reactivate it asking for email notifications) and we'll clear things up together. and you'll be happy (i hope) to see that : - it was a joke - it was a general statement and not directed at you personally - it was not directed at you but someone else (then i'm waiting for the person it was directed at's PM ) - it was directed at you and i'll detail the why of the post in private with you. and if you think it's still offensive or not justified, we'll go through mods or if i realize i made a mistake or misunderstood one of your points, then i will say it ! and apologize... maybe... i'm glad you'll point that to the other mods cause it should really be step 1, for everyone's sanity let's be a bit adult ! (even if i know more and more members are yougnlings... but if adult members were already acting as adults, then it would help a lot). PS : you can't say i'm not trying to help things out, now !!!
  3. nice of you lollipop_monkey to keep us updated... BUT if i may, rules will not change anything, unless they're very general, and if they're "too general", it leads to "open and personal interpretation"... that's very complicated, i know... you would have to add a rule after every single "out of the rules" or forgotten situation (i'm pretty sure that's how it will end up, like some sort of FAQ...). and it will never end... my idea is that people start thinking a bit more before they report everything... Meaning : grow up a little bit and stop whinging to a mod after every little thing they think is not appropriate : they should learn to arrange their things on their own and then, if it doesn't work, only then, contact a mod... the offended one contacts the supposed offensive one and ask NICELY for further explanations about the problematic post... and then, if the situation can't be handled in an adult way, they contact the mods... i'm sure if they started PMing each other to ask NICELY about the problematic posts instead of running straight to the mods who get obviously surrounded (reminds me of something ) by all these complaints which creates some sort of unnecessary stress and suspicious bans/warnings, things would get better... and i said ASK NICELY about the problematic post... these are my 2 little cents to the situation... It's more a question of personal interpretation of posts than really offensive posts (when it's not OBVIOUS that it's a direct attack), so it should be arranged by the 2 involved people, not by someone who doesn't know anything about the situation and gets thousands of things to do as a mod...
  4. i'm not sure i should do that... and i'm sure it will lead to some misplaced reactions... but i think it should be said : for those who ask more details about mika's reaction/thoughts/ideas/anything to titania, you will not get the answers you're asking for... but i think you can trust her more for these subjects than other people who imply they are some sort of insiders or whatever else and know more that common members... said ! out...
  5. i was not trying to explain why i got banned actually, i was actually putting in light the absurd of the situation from my point of view
  6. ha ha... good to see that my posts are still there ! And everybody's welcome ! Apples for everyone... I would have got banned earlier if i knew it would bring up such interesting things... The thing is i don't even know if i can do it again, since i don't know what i did the first time ! :boxed:
  7. mwah mwah mwah mwah !!! :wub2:
  8. the fact is : i'm sarcastic... for sure i am... and it can sometimes be interpreted as "mean" when it's not... it's just sarcastic... but well... if you don't get sarcasm, you don't get it ! one might say "they could be used to it after one year"... apparently not. And i repeat : you can't imagine the rate of self-censorship i impose to myself... i think people wouldn't survive :roftl:
  9. thank you... apparently yes, someone has to say something about my behaviour (in london )... it arrived to one of the apples' ears/eyes who asked why... and i said i had no idea which is true... so if anyone could help me find that person to... oh no... i don't think i will bother.. i said everything up there...
  10. sorry i'm late... involounteer circumstances... THANK YOU FOR FINDING AND POSTING THIS !! And Greg Wells is a pure genius.
  11. MMMMWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAH !!! :wub2: almost missed you
  12. i cheated : i wrote it on word 3-4 days ago and kept correcting it since then... and even before posting now i corrected some points... but i felt like i had to do it, so i can have a lot of patience, in those circumstances
  13. - about the bans : it’s also funny how something SO logical for 2-3 mods apparently isn’t that easy to understand by other people, considering the number of people who invaded this thread to ask for explanations, lol… And apparently hard to explain cause you barely gave any !!! I still don’t know why I’ve been banned personally… But it’s ok !! I mean, I intended to stop everything, so banned or not banned… Whatever… If you got your kick clicking on that button, glad for you ! Oh yes !! The reason given was “denigrating the forum” : could you PLEASE find and show me one of MY posts where I seriously denigrated the forum ? It would help… Cause I’m smart enough to say that “you’re all a bunch of idiots” (if I ever said it) NOT somewhere you all would be able to read it and report it… OH YES !! one last thing… I read that everybody “hesitated” to post here, “it was the first time”, “wasn’t a real apple”, etc. I would like to say that as soon as you’re not coming in this thread to tell people how to act, that we’re just negative people who can’t be happy with what they have and things like that like you say in other threads or in your private conversations, you’re very welcome !! We don’t say anything particularly secret or non understandable, or which you couldn’t participate in ! Everyone is welcome, but yes, we don’t talk about Mika a lot, and we do pretend we don’t like him… That could make you feel uncomfortable… But honestly ! Would have we landed in this forum if we didn’t like him ?? Just think about it… Personally, I’ve never been in London so many times than this year whereas my sister lives there… Christine came from Canada TWICE, Kata from Denmark I don’t even count how many times, Haeschen from Germany… For gigs. And sometimes cancelled gigs. The thread is just about being a place on the forum where you can NOT talk about him ! Or say something not 150% positive about him without feeling stigmatized… That’s all. But you’re not forced to appreciate what we said and come either ! We can’t love everybody, that’s impossible. About the fact that some of you think we’re a “clique” and just get our kicks doing commandos in other threads when one of us reads something she reacts to : hmmm… No. But we do have similarities in the way we think about things and handle them, so yes, it happens that several of the “apples” go to one thread and post their opinions. Don’t you do that with your friends ? I think you do. But since all you say is about “positive Mika”, it doesn’t bother you that much so you don’t even notice. Oh !! and Diana, you made me laugh with this post : (page 99 of our beloved thread...) Does that mean that everybody is allowed to bow down to his highness Mika EVERYWHERE on the forum, but to say something unpleasant about him or something he’s involved into, we have ONE thread ? ha ha. You do whatever you want now, dear mods, if you consider that this post, that really might be my only one after the ban is lifted, deserves a real ban… I’ve said all I had to say NOW, I am in contact with all the people I want to (Sienna, could you ask someone my email address if you feel like it ? I don’t have contact with you, and it was really a pleasure to meet you in London). I’ll choose “not to accept PMs and email” in the profile options (if I still have a profile after that !!). I’ll just be there as a member (if I’m not banned…). To take advantage of the hypothetic privileges : explanations : I’m not interested in taking part of the so-called discussions in here. And I would be reported anyway if I did so. Ain’t it what you wanted most of you ?? Since I’m that disturbing… “Shut up but don’t leave as you’re an “important part of the forum”” I’m sorry, I can’t do that, it’s not “on demand” : either I’m there and stay the same (I DO pay attention about what I write and the way I write it, you can’t imagine my auto-censorship, but if you still can’t handle someone who doesn’t think the same as you, then I don’t have a problem : you do), either I’m not there. I can’t play the devil’s advocate when you need a bit of animation in the forum. I proposed my help in another way not to feel like I’m “taking advantage of the situation member but not posting” but got nicely told off… So here I am. Inactive (or barely active) member from now on. If still a member. All I said is true. I’m not here to spread some random rumours since I’m intending not to participate in here anymore at least for a while, so why would I ? I know for sure some will try and discredit me, and I know you will believe whoever you want to, you’re entitled to that, that’s your choice. But I just NEEDED TO say what things looked like from MY point of view before stopping my activity here, since a lot of things have been implied about me (and others) when I wasn’t even there to “defend” myself. I also said I thought it was quite pathetic that I was in such a situation that I had to make a whole speech to clean everything before leaving, so I’m not taking any weird pleasure out of this post. This forum has become such a weird place ! Different from the one I joined, and I’m not gonna fight to stay in a place where I’m obviously not welcome, so yes, since I want to leave, I do (for the “sarcastic” ones who would play on that fact). I still don’t understand why they banned me just after I said I was leaving ! Anyhoo. Take care all ! Olivia.
  14. - with the warnings and the general mood, I decided just STOP posting anything out of the appleman thread, since I was reported basically for ANYthing I was posting, I didn’t know the posts incriminated… I knew nobody would be offended in the appleman thread, so I stuck to it… - I even sent a PM to FD and Deano asking how I could get my account deleted, as I couldn’t find by myself, and I couldn’t stand that target thing / mental harassment anymore… To which they replied “it’s not possible”… “It’s not possible unless you’re banned, and to be banned, you would have to do something REALLY nasty like “spamming, insulting other members in a post or something, harassing a member through PMs, etc.” what you never did”… so “damn ! I’m stuck in here”… ok… So I’ll just stop posting… = me thinking. - then I went to London for 1 week for the gigs. Barely posting anything since no internet home… - then I went to my sister’s after the gigs, so internet, so reading, still not posting… Oh yes ! * I posted something saying I wouldn’t complain about the after party cause the champagne was good… * I posted a picture of rose and andy… * I posted a picture of ice man in his thread… * I posted a picture of andy in his thread… * etc. (see my posts through my profile if you want more) I mean : what a “pattern of bad behaviour” !!! ban ban ban !!!! Then Kata made her goodbye thread… and I said goodbye in it… and got instantly banned… After I had said I was leaving… Pure logic… I thought members would get a PM informing them about a ban before they were actually banned ? Is it a coincidence if the (no complete team of) mods who were actually online that night were for most of them the same I had the little issue with in the saranayde poll thread ? Ok you have other ways to communicate… But it seems that those ways of communication were not used that night cause the 3 other mods weren’t even AWARE of the bans… But they couldn’t say anything cause “the mod team would loose all credibility”… ok… And apparently, it had been “in the air” for a long time and the “goodbye” was just the cherry on the top of the cake ?? Funny to think that everybody was aware that I was on the edge to be banned BUT me… Cause I honestly DIDN’T know I was that close… Oh ! And is it normal that other people (non mods) were invited to the msn conversation between the mods about the bans ?? I don’t think it is… You invite “random” (meaning “non-mods”, not insulting) members to the msn conversation about our bans, but think there is too much behind the curtain to reveal it on the forum ??? There is something I don’t get there… And about ME : what was behind the curtains ?? Cause it’s sooooo behind the curtains that I don’t know it myself… I told in this post everything I was aware of, and told all the things I had done during the past year… I never sent any nasty PM to any member I always replied nicely to the PMs I was receiving talking about anything : tickets to sell, asking questions, blah blah blah. Anything… I’m not a superstar, so I don’t receive a lot of PMs !! lol I never had this PMs conversation with the mods everything seems to be about the night of the ban I had been barely posting the last weeks before the ban… ETC. Wow… this is 7 pages on Word and I’m not even done… - Someone has been told I have been MEAN in London during the gigs week… hmmm… Sorry ??? Who to ??? Is that because I wasn’t cuddling everybody who was arriving playing hypocrites while I knew they were potentially reporting my posts ??? Well, I didn’t know WHO was reporting and WHAT was reported… Not being paranoid, but anyway, I just don’t cuddle and kiss everybody, I’m sorry, that’s just not the way I do things. I’m not very at my ease with human contacts (like touching, cuddling, kissing, etc.) and I usually keep my distances with everybody, even my closest friends know that and deal with it. And I don’t call “friends” some random people I’ve exchanged a few words on the internet with… Even if it was fun and nice ! I’m sorry, that’s still not the way I do… It takes time with me. I have NOT been mean in London, and some people even told me “I was lovely and very different from what they expected”… So now people are expecting a monster before they meet me… ok… And how am I supposed to take that ? Ain’t THAT offensive ? Don’t worry, it doesn’t matter, I didn’t take it bad as I was expecting people to tell me that… Yes, sadly, it was not the 1st time it was happening with all the gigs I’ve been to… - Something else : looks like Aurélien is the new superstar of this gigs week… Aurélien, this is nothing against you, please don’t take it as an offense/attack, I’m just telling things, not looking for fight. It’s funny cause : Who was giving the numbers from 5am to everyone who was arriving in the queue on Thursday ? Not Aurélien… And the days before either. Who was all around Brixton and barely in the queue before 4pm or maybe a bit before, and from time to time during the day ? Not me, not Kata… Anyway !! That’s partly why the numbers are for, I’m not blaming him for that !! But it’s funny how things are seen from outside… From people who were barely there… Who went to talk to John at the very moment he got out of his car (not jumping on him, very respectful and calm attitude) about the queue issues, and what could be done, and got his word that something would be done about that ? Not Aurélien… Why didn’t people see any queue when arriving ? Cause people who had numbers considered that they were free to hang around ALL DAY LONG and take their places back when time was to in their mind… I’m sorry guys, but it’s still a queue !!! The numbers were made to make it EASIER for people to go to the toilets, go to eat, walk a bit not to be paralyzed, etc. BUT IT WAS STILL A QUEUE !!! Who was staying in the queue giving numbers and explanations whenever she COULD see someone arriving ? Anyway, only talking about Thursday… It’s not about getting some random thread about “Thank you Yop and Kata” that you wouldn’t really believe in when writing in it, it’s just about saying what really happened that day, said by someone who was there ALL DAY LONG. And to the people who are complaining about the fact that they were arriving and that they didn’t know anything about the numbers, that there were barely a queue at all, that it was all a fuss : don’t come and blame it on me, Kata, Christine, Cynthia, Laura, Jennie, Vanessa, Danika, Natalie and certainly a few I forget… We were 1st arrived, stayed in the queue literally all day long, giving numbers and EXPLAINATIONS to who we COULD SEE ARRIVING or who was ASKING for numbers, and we were STAYING IN THE QUEUE… Oh yes, I left with Christine to eat at Nando’s around noon, that’s true… And Cynthia came with us. Sorry. We shouldn’t have. Oh and I know I’ve been giving some wrong info to people inquiring about the “collecting tickets” situation, and believe me, I was very very sorry that I did so !! I told them I was for the ones I’ve seen, and I hope they believe me. Come on ! I was first in the queue, why would I give fake info on purpose to people who would have had #200 in the queue ?? It really was a mistake. But for my defense, I don’t work at Carling Brixton Academy, I said that the numbers were an internal system for people to be able to leave the queue for a while and get their places back, and that it wouldn’t lead to anything for the Brixton Academy security guys. And I was sure that what I was saying was true, even if it doesn’t change anything and that it was not in the end. Those complaining and not understanding, I could tell you “Why did you come to me and not inquiring directly at the office or at some security guy ?! I’m not working there, and I told you so”. But I won’t. Cause you’re adults ! Those I saw and indicated the info were though. Who was really p*ssed off at the wristband situation and how bad it had been done by John ? People around me know they heard me ranting about it and how bad he had handled the situation as he KNEW we had numbers : yes I had told him about them when he got out of his car. But honestly, he might be the best manager in the world, he can’t think about everything, especially a few hours before a gig ! - about the after so-called party : I have NOTHING to say about it. I went for the champagne, thinking I might possibly have a word with Mika, maybe, hoping I would have a chat with Cherisse, which I did. No I was NOT waiting for Mika to come to me and have a chat, that’s ridiculous !! I have nothing to tell him !! I had all the chats I “wanted” to and some of you would kill mom and dad to have what I had, and once again I repeat it, would have left my place to anyone who didn’t have a chance to talk to him before, and would have hardly been part of a group conversation with him, I think… I also went to John to thank him about the fact that he really handled the security guys issue when opening the doors, being there as he promised before 7pm (doors opening) with HIS guys. He even told me they had had a meeting with them in the afternoon talking about that situation. And he thanked US for “our patience” (well, he said “thank YOU”, I guess he wasn’t talking about me only !! lol). It’s funny the things you read written by people who were not even there and who would have complained THE SAME if they had been there and not been able to talk to him… It’s SO easy when you talk about things you don’t experience, right ?
  15. - I also had a little issue with one of the members, who never contacted me through PM to sort it out… So I considered it was all over after the night it happened… But apparently NOT for her, cause the days after, she was talking about it over and over and over, even provocating me quoting that “incident” in the saranayde poll thread whereas it has nothing to do with the matter… So I said : “ok ! you’re not happy about what I said the other day, I know, even if it was NOT directed at you but a general situation as I already said before. But there’s no point talking about it in public in a thread that has nothing to do with that, PM me if you want to clear it up just the 2 of us !” or something in those lines meaning quite the same… Which she didn’t do. But was still “attacking me” in the thread. I first replied shortly then stopped replying to her “hints” and eventually, she stopped. But she was the victim obviously, since I was the mean one, as always, and since it had been like that for a few weeks. - the saranayde poll thread now : I didn’t create it, but agreed with it in its general idea… I wouldn’t have created it, since I was being closely watched and wasn’t feeling quite free with what I could say, but since someone did it, why not. So I started defending it when people were taking it in the bad way : as something against SARANAYDE which it was definitely NOT… Anyway… People still didn’t agree with it, and especially 2 mods (ouch, not recommended going against some mods’ opinions…). But I was still defending it. Cause I thought it was worth it, even if it was not “perfectly made” with the available choices… But those mods were really “fly f*cking” (still not attacking, just stating MY opinion, can’t find a polite expression right now) which means : playing with words, going into details that were absolutely not relevant for the case, just to expose their opinions and say it WAS the good one to have, that the thread was bad bad bad. I ended up stopping going in this thread too… Cause it was worthless and exhausting for nothing… What I said. Realize I’m always the one leaving not to go on with arguments… Not the one starting them for real, but started by people who can’t stand something they don’t agree with, yes, usually something I say (Christine said it in a better way a few pages earlier). And when I state a point to defend my opinion, I’m accused of “negativity”, etc. So I stop and leave. - but I think I won a “target” out of this thread… one of the mod, not part of the saranayde poll thread, PMed me about me “sh*t stirring” all around the forum, creating controversive threads out of boredom for the sake of it, and receiving complaints about me… Excuse me ?? How can you say that ?! I barely create threads ! Which I replied… And then she replied quoting one of my posts (page 8 of your beloved thread...) before I created the “Why mika doesn’t have a wireless microphone ?” thread. Yes I did write that. Yes I did create this thread out of boredom. Does anyone remember this thread ???? No. Cause it didn’t lead to ANY argument. It just died. Like all of my so-called “controversive” threads. Like “all” the threads I create, except the events ones. So how can you accuse me of being responsible for the “bad mood”, whereas none of my so-called controversive threads lead to an argument, while all of your “bright pink cheesy positive” threads always end up in arguments ??? ME NOT GOING INTO THEM cause I avoid them like pleas. Which I replied to her. And then it ended up. Still no sign of a ban/warning but clearly being closely watched. - another thing : yes I had made a little tease (OBVIOUSLY enough I thought, not mean) about one of the members in the Vancouver gig reports thread… She was quoting the same useless and stupid things OVER and OVER and OVER… I 1st asked her “do you think it’s really necessary to quote the same things over and over ?”… Post she replied to quoting again the same thing… erm… ok… So yes, I teased her a bit posting something along the lines “Aaaaaargh !! Will she ever stop ? cry smiley x3” to which she replied by another useless quote, leading me to “No !! Please !!! Not again”… or something along those lines… WOW !!! How offensive… Which is what led to the joke between the 2 members and me calling them “bunch of cowards” by the way. The thing is that she was annoying more than one member doing that and when someone else told her not to do that please, she stopped… I was TEASING ! It was not being mean… She could have gone on and on quoting her things, I didn’t really care !! Why did I tease her will you say ? Well, I’m starting thinking I shouldn’t have, but well… I do that, sometimes ! Sorry ! And I certainly never thought it could have been taken as offensive… - funny : the next morning, I woke up with 2 warnings : one from the mod who had written me the PM, absolutely not talking about a warning, and one from FD ! Whereas I had been talking to FD on msn the night before about the fact that I was feeling mentally harassed apparently being reported for nothing, and NOT KNOWING what posts (not who reported me, I never asked for that, I get that it can’t be said and never thought I would ask for names) were responsible of that ! Nobody was able to tell me the bad posts ! - After his warning, FD had sent me a PM (which is quite appreciated, while the other mod hadn’t) quoting one post : (page 55 of the Vancouver reports thread, edited after the PM, notice the date) HA HA HA HA !! Never laughed/hallucinated so much in my life : the post was an obvious JOKE between 2 members and me, who knew it was a joke, and went on with that joke in the thread for 2 or 3 posts !!!! Ain’t it ridiculous ??? And I asked FD about it and all he could tell me is that he’s an admin now, that’s a mod job, that the mod told him about “my bad behaviour” so he just gave me the warning… Fantastic… Basically, he didn’t know why he was giving me a warning (confirmed on an msn conversation later on after the warning), BUT some mod had contacted him to tell him to give it to me so he did. And he THEN randomly saw the joke post and didn’t go further than that into why and who to I had written that… Mod said I was bad, give me a warning -> gave me the warning -> found that random joke post and thought the warning was fair.... The other question is : why did that mod contact FD so I had 2 warnings in the morning ??? She could have given it to me, not asking FD to give one too ! I don’t get it… Anyway, the mod cancelled her warning when FD gave his… So I ended with “only” 1 warning. For “insulting other members”… Wow… And who (and why) the hell reported those posts as offensive as it’s NOT the members I was joking with since they obviously got it was a joke going on with it !!! So are we all reporting each other’s post even if we’re not concerned ? Popping into a conversation, making a random opinion about one post then reporting it ? Obviously not understanding it is a joke and not being part of it ?? And why ô why didn’t I have MY word to say it was an obvious joke BEFORE I got the warnings ??? - then the same day, in the evening, some troll created a stupid thread (about creating rumours, remember ?), which was invaded by several members, saying stupid things and jokes, it was all fun like good old times… It was obvious that this thread was going to be deleted cause useless, but we had fun that night. I know, I was saying at the end of all my posts “don’t be offended” in a different way in each post. Which everybody there understood as a joke… It was all good. - The next day, I received a PM from FD (which he posted in the appleman thread too, so also publicly) accusing me of “seeking attention” posting “all over the forum” the night before (with the “I hope nobody is offended” joke) “acting like a 5yo child”… I BEG YOUR PARDON ? I’ve been posting in 2 f*cking threads last night and one of them was deleted by YOURSELF (and I KNEW it would be deleted)… And I replied to this PM saying that it was all going way too far for me, and that it was really close to mental harassment. I didn’t post the swear words in the PM, that was what I was thinking, but didn’t post it that way… I know it’s long… and I’m sorry, but it’s just cause I NEVER had the occasion to say it all in one year. And this story is indeed much more longer than the “goodbye thread” but so far, have you seen something deserving a ban ??? I haven’t… - I received PMs also by the 2 mods I had the little disagreement with in the saranayde poll thread, and one of them told me “ok, I’m taking my mod cap off for this PM : we’re having a lot of trouble with you and your behaviour at the moment with the other mods, please tell us how to make the situation better” to sum it up… To which I replied “Just don’t worry about me anymore ”… Cause I knew I had the intention to leave everything, at least for a while… Was that offensive ??? If so, I VERY apologize. I was maybe not in the mood to start a fantastic one sided discussion about how offensive I was. But JUST TELL ME why you’re having so much trouble with me !!! Tell me the involved posts !!! I’m just completely lost and feeling mentally harassed like I can’t post anything not being reported !!! That’s really close to what I was thinking… Just “TELL ME SOMETHING”
  16. Hi all ! Well… This could get me called AGAIN a drama queen/sh*t stirrer/ offensive person/ whatever I’ve been called recently… But I just need to say my version of the story since I have never been asked/given the occasion to tell it ! Quite disturbing… and the simple fact that I feel like I have to post this to “defend myself” shows the pathetic side of it all in my opinion… I was banned as you know lol, but was reading as a guest, and not playing my “popstar” thank you for the support to who came and expressed it in this thread or anywhere else (if so, I didn’t read). There’s gonna be a lot of “me”, “I”, “myself”, etc. in this post, not because I’m particularly self-centred and I have a huge ego, but because I’m not here to talk and speak for other people, they speak English, they have fingers, they have internet, so if they think it’s necessary and interesting for them to post something, they will. I do think it is, so I do it. Last thing before I go into the subject : before people jump on their seats and report this post because “on the internet it’s difficult to get the tone of a post”, I’m gonna help you : the tone is absolutely not offensive, I’m not complaining, I’m not whinging, I’m not crying, I’m not screaming, I’m very calm, I’m just STATING. I’m not gonna give ANY names about the recent story (the ban thing), cause it’s not the point, we’re not in a kindergarten reporting she/he did that, and blah blah blah… not my fun… I think I told everything… Once again, I have a lot of things to say, not only about the past few days, so to make it easier, I’m gonna use -. And it might be a bit of a mess even though, but I’ll try my best to make it clear. Here we go ! It’s long… - I’ve been a member here for more than one year, around January 20th 2007… We were around 1000 and I was shy to post anything cause it was the 1st in my life I was joining a board about anything, and I was not sure about how it “worked”… And all this talk about 1 person was already quite disturbing me, cause I was not used to it. But I stayed, cause I wanted to run away from reality at that time, and the board was just what I needed : spending time doing nothing. And some more people came, and it happened that we had the same way to think about things with some of them, to handle things, we had fun, and I spent more and more time here. - I have always been the same person. Never changed my way of posting, or the things I was saying. Nobody was complaining about me back in that time… Everything change !! lol. - etc. etc. everything was cool, the Appleman thread started and I got to joke with some more people in this thread, “reunited” cause we were quite all joking the same way, and I was feeling comfortable with them… The other thing is that more and more people were joining the board, of course, that’s the way it goes. And the more people were coming and talking all the same way about Mika, the more uncomfortable I was feeling, realizing that I had nothing in common with those people. I’m still not being offensive, the “those people” is not negative, it is a statement. Like I would say “those birds”, “those tables”, etc. Anyway, so the Appleman thread was quite my “home” in the forum, and I was less and less participating in the other “discussions”, cause I had nothing to say about how fantastic Mika was for pages and pages. But I NEVER told anyone not to do so seriously (tried to sometimes, I admit but not giving orders, happily enough ! And it wasn’t working anyway…). I was just NOT doing it, but I was talking about how weird it was for me that people could spend hours doing that, with the people I was getting along with. I’m entitled to my opinion after all. Oh and I was having my fun posting the events threads in the calendar, too… Little miss organization… - then the summer came… and so came along the cancellations fuss… I would say that’s the only moment I could have been WARNED/BANNED by the forum, cause I admit, I have been a tad too far posting some things in one thread directly to someone (who might recognize herself…). BUT I didn’t get this warning / ban ! Cause Deano did actually what any GOOD mod should do : * he got some PMs from people complaining about my attitude. * He PMed me telling me that people had been complaining recently, and WHAT MY VERSION OF THE STORY WAS. * Which I told him, replying to his PM. * And it happened that he considered that it wasn’t enough to lead to a ban, either a warning. I didn’t get anything after that fuss, whereas even I consider I’ve been too far, thinking back about it. I just decided I would not post about that (cancellations/why/when/etc.) anymore and let people “having fun” in those threads… - not long after that, actually maybe around the same moment, I decided that I would leave the forum. Not because of the cancellations thing, not because of something in particular, just because I was feeling like this. And a new university year was starting soon for me, the last of my medical studies (I’m still in that year actually, no kidding…), and I had to be really into it, not chatting about Mika all day long, wether saying he was good or bad, not the point… I just HAD to go back to “real life”. And I posted goodbye in the Apples thread… Why led to a “we’ll miss you Yop” invasion lol ! - it didn’t last long even if I really meant it at the beginning… I came back obviously, as you see me posting right now, and saw a few posts from me before too, lol… enough to report them, anyway ! ha ha… That’s where it becomes interesting : I came back, even got a “we missed you / glad you’re back” treatment, but I still radically decreased my number of posts. I was reading 3 or 4 threads in the whole forum, and wasn’t even posting in all of them. So I wasn’t quite an active part of the forum anymore, as I had been before I took my month off… except for some punctual threads that were appearing and seemed interesting, in which I was posting defending my point, I was literally reading 3 or 4 out of all the threads. And barely posting. I do repeat. And that was because the threads were not interesting FOR ME. - then some new mods were chosen, who weren’t even aware of mika when I had already 2500 posts on here lol… Anyway, that’s not a problem for me, as soon as they’re doing what they’re here for ! But it became more and more like a school teacher attitude, some sort of slightly patronizing attitude… “For the good of the forum”… But it was SLIGHTLY biased and directed at a certain category of people… Giving a clue, sarcasm (which had always been there) was not welcome “anymore”… - skip to the last weeks, not the very last one, but around the US tour : lots of threads about “bad mood” all over the forum started to pop up like bad mushrooms… And you know what the funniest thing is ? I had never been posting so few in the whole year, and people were actually accusing ME for being responsible of the bad mood, whenever I was posting something !! I wasn’t even aware of that “bad mood”, cause all I was doing at the time was reading the gigs reports and posting in the appleman thread… Funny, huh ?? Not quite for me actually… I might have posted ONCE in ONE of those multiple “bad mood” threads saying my point, then gave up… - Now I’ll talk about the whole reporting thing, directly born from the “bad mood all over the forum” thing… Apparently, it seems that the mods received a lot of complaints about me… Ok… The problem is that the PMs I was receiving from them were absolutely unclear : I was being reported, but WHY ? Since I was barely posting (still in my opinion), were the 3 posts a day out of the appleman thread responsible for all those complaints ? And what were those posts ? I really didn’t see (still don’t) what they could be, honestly… Anyway… And the “bad mood” threads were still popping up, me NOT POSTING anything in them, but still pointed as responsible... anyhoo…
  17. bye kata ! bye cynthia ! see you outside !! bye all !! for the 2nd time...
  18. well, i'm obviously a good paparazzi ... and you were quite busy, weren't you ? i also wanted to take another one when you went a bit further (i think you moved away because of the noise where you were 1st when i took the pic ) together, but i'm a pap with good intentions, and thought you were both entitled to a bit of privacy and for the rest of your answer to whoever that is, i think you're the last one to have to justify yourself for being in the after-so-called-party... i obviously also have the right to have an opinion after all, aren't i...
  19. oh... maybe i'm not talking about the same post then
  20. i saw suzy's post too... saying that someone was deleting her posts :roftl: hilarious ! well... for me...
  21. so he's not responsible for all the people being ill after meeting him (after waiting for him 3 hours in the cold after sweating like maniacs jumping like idiots during the whole 1h30 gig) ?!?!?!?! how come ??? i could have bet a hand he was the only one responsible of those cold epidemics...
  22. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :punk:
  23. can't you just please cut if off girlies ?! it is NOTHING like something interesting to read for the others, so either you finish it through pm, either you finish it. and you should finish it if i may... but i know i may not...
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