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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. this is a paparazzi pic of rose and andy... they looked so cute i couldn't help myself he spend almost 30minute interviewing her, then moved a bit further cause there was too much noise, etc. i took it at the after party so it's on topic, right ? or are we only allowed to rant in there ?
  2. i sort of missed him too and didn't see him on monday 25th, so i didn't know he was still there... so when i saw him on the 26th i just thought i would keep this moment for ever in my mind and camera :naughty:
  3. taken at brixton academy 26.02.2008 yes i was bored waiting either for yelle or mika, can't remember... certainly mika if iceman was there...
  4. i said "thanks to" !! you read what you want to ! don't be sorry, it's true and untrue at the same time : true i didn't get to talk to him, but untrue i was patiently "waiting for my turn"
  5. oh i'm sorry too ! we met so many people in the past days, it was simply impossible to remember all the names !! well, i couldn't... i was there, somewhere, maybe not far away from you ! but being there since 5am thanks to my dear roomies ( ) might have affected my senses... maybe we'll have other occasions... and apparently, it seems that i'm not "that mean" :blink:
  6. isn't it ?????? i could have sworn i saw you doing that... i didn't see the video, but if anyone is screaming "Martinique", that is NOT me, ad that person should be interned in a medical structure in my opinion...
  7. ooooooooooh ok !!!!! chrisine, that's not the one i had seen !! mini colin farell, you're right. i had someone else in mind.
  8. hi all... didn't quite read everything, of course... suzy, i'm not part of this list, actually : not saying i got to talk to him but i wasn't actually "waiting patiently for my turn" like you said : i got to talk to him a lot more times than a lot of people here, real conversation, 2 words exchanges, etc. and kinda emptied my stock of silly things to tell him in 10 seconds, and stock of amusement out of those silly sort of conversations there is nothing negative or sarcastic into that, but i would have passed my turn without any problem. not saying i would have ignored him if i had got to exchanges words with him i actually have a question he wouldn't answer to, but simply that i wouldn't have been quite a big part of the goup convesation if he had come to the group i was with at the time i was with them, that's all i mean. i was actually surrounding cherisse anyway : all i have to say is that in my own opinion i'm entitled to have : the champagne was tasting good ! and free... i got to exchange a few words with cherisse, passing my turn for people who had never met her to get a pic and a smile and a word with her, etc. i did enjoy the evening. and yes... everything is always turned into such a drama in here... but will you ever get used to it ? not quite sure... you're fans nothing ngative, but i'm not quite a "fan" if that means aiming to talk to him even for 2 words and actually crying and ranting about it all night long, and all the day after long because i didn't get to... i'm not saying it's bad, i'm saying that's not what I do.
  9. aaaaaaaaaages before he did it... it was for a concert during easter holiday so... and she did the whole gig in it i think
  10. mrs P told me on monday that he would have free time to see all the gifts he received during this last tour when it's over (after thursday)... i'm not sure they're planning more than tv appearances before june...
  11. i almost did actually :roftl: i'm such a good acrobat and so flexible... but i didn't, and i can actually when i think something is good and i enjoyed it whatever the reason why is ! it was one of if not THE best gig of my 8 so far... if thursday is half good as this one, it's gonna be cool...
  12. i prefered yesterday, cause it was such a big mess :naughty: nothing was going well not technically, but random people coming on stage when they had nothing to do there, staying for 3 songs doing a hilarious choregraphy, etc. etc. not that we were more involved into it, but even mika was getting more feedback from the crowd so we were getting more from him, logical...
  13. well, i'm afraid so, Bab... here is the same report i posted for brixton academy 26th : actually, it was such a funny gig and exciting one, but nothing to see with mika, so don't read if you wanna hear about him... - yelle was the support, i like her so it was quite warming me up... and ANDY was singing every single french word ot her top song !! dancing his head off to her... the security guy came to him to tell him off LOL he was in the gap between the stage and the barrier... there is a video of andy dancing his head off to YELLE, AS (french girl) will post it here (if not done yet) she said - Iceman is back, took a picture of him - mickey gave his middle finger to andy filming from the gap between the barriers and the stage for quite a long time - the chords came on stage for happy ending but at the last time mika decided to do how much do you love me... so they had nothing to do there anymore... saranayde was ABSOLOUTELY not ready, she wasn't even on stage when he started, the 4 chords decided they would stay there since they were already there and started doing a hell of a choregraphy dancing at the back in front of luke keyboard , saranayde arrived half naked her microphone not ready and her ear thing not quite in her ear, she was dying laughing, trying to sing at the same time she was finding the ear thing, putting it in her ear, arranging her dress and everything ... - the chords finally stayed on stage for 3 songs doing nothing else but their choregraphy, hilarious !! and finally, the song they were supposed to play on arrived... - hmmm... what else... oh yeah !! i finally ended up on stage whereas the song had been over for about 2 minutes, not quite knowing what to dom and ran straight to the back of the stage directly to cherisse and did the ;ost stupid thing in my life which i'm sure quite freaked her out (even if she recognized me and welcomed me)... but honestly, i would have freaked me out i think i passed right in front of mika when was heading to her... i must have been looking like a very gracious elephant going over the barrier then kata lifted me up on stage, but still, i was still the gracious elephant i was 2 seconds earlier... oh yeah ! that means kata got on stage too the security guy stopped christinem but she was on her way... maybe he thought 2 apples on stage was waaaaaaaay enough - martin slapped saranayde's ass during one of the songs, i think it was big girls... - apparently, mika messed up the words of stuck in the middle, but i didn't noticed, i was in my own little world not listening to him, singing out loud, watching what the hell would happen next on stage - this gig was such a mess it was hilarious !
  14. i still started my sentence with a negative word... all is not lost actually, it was such a funny gig and exciting one, but nothing to see with mika, so don't read if you wanna hear about him... - yelle was the support, i like her so it was quite warming me up... and ANDY was singing every single french word ot her top song !! dancing his head off to her... the security guy came to him to tell him off LOL he was in the gap between the stage and the barrier... there is a video of andy dancing his head off to YELLE, AS (french girl) will post it here (if not done yet) she said - Iceman is back, took a picture of him - mickey gave his middle finger to andy filming from the gap between the barriers and the stage for quite a long time - the chords came on stage for happy ending but at the last time mika decided to do how much do you love me... so they had nothing to do there anymore... saranayde was ABSOLOUTELY not ready, she wasn't even on stage when he started, the 4 chords decided they would stay there since they were already there and started doing a hell of a choregraphy dancing at the back in front of luke keyboard , saranayde arrived half naked her microphone not ready and her ear thing not quite in her ear, she was dying laughing, trying to sing at the same time she was finding the ear thing, putting it in her ear, arranging her dress and everything ... - the chords finally stayed on stage for 3 songs doing nothing else but their choregraphy, hilarious !! and finally, the song they were supposed to play on arrived... - hmmm... what else... oh yeah !! i finally ended up on stage whereas the song had been over for about 2 minutes, not quite knowing what to dom and ran straight to the back of the stage directly to cherisse and did the ;ost stupid thing in my life which i'm sure quite freaked her out (even if she recognized me and welcomed me)... but honestly, i would have freaked me out i think i passed right in front of mika when was heading to her... i must have been looking like a very gracious elephant going over the barrier then kata lifted me up on stage, but still, i was still the gracious elephant i was 2 seconds earlier... oh yeah ! that means kata got on stage too the security guy stopped christinem but she was on her way... maybe he thought 2 apples on stage was waaaaaaaay enough - martin slapped saranayde's ass during one of the songs, i think it was big girls... - apparently, mika messed up the words of stuck in the middle, but i didn't noticed, i was in my own little world not listening to him, singing out loud, watching what the hell would happen next on stage - this gig was such a mess it was hilarious !
  15. didn't quite like that one if anyone interested... - cold crowd - exhausted me - burning eyes because of f*cking contact lenses (all my fault) - mika and the band looking (IMO) like they were playing in an aquqrium just teasing us "we're having the time of our life upthere but you're never gonna come and be part of it" : i'm not saying i would have liked to be on the stage that night, i'm saying that THEY were having fun but i didn't FEEL anything reaching me... - i just enjoyed the 2 songs i was sure i would, and was thinking "come on, go ahead" during the other songs and was deeply relieved when it ended... - i'm certainly not saying that it's what EVERYBODY thought, i'm talkimg about me, myself and i... - i still got to meet cherisse before and after, and she still likes me and still rocks, so everything is ok on that side bye ! rocks throwing starting........................... NOW !!!
  16. they're just ready to explode !!! :punk:
  17. "need to find that" ???!!!????!!!!???! ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??? :roftl: i'm sure you framed it AND saved it in several places !!! :roftl: you're just playing shy...
  18. FINALLY !!!! :wink2: don't have time to read it, but since it was inspired by mine and made by jack and scut, it can only be good ...
  19. just thought you would like to know that we met briefly yasmine yesterday night after the show and she came to us asking to say thanks to the people involved in the book and that she liked it a lot ! thank you very much, etc. etc.
  20. blah blah blah, didn't quite read what was said since last time i posted, cause i'm in a rush not willing to spend all my money on internet in london, but : - cherisse is cool - apples are cool people obvious... shouldn't spend my time saying that... - and it's actually sunny in london since i arrived :blink: - thanks rani for the link !!! i'll tell you on sunday... - that's all folks...
  21. She's the best i'm going to a Cherisse concert tonight and thursday ...
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