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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. heading to london at 6:43am tomorrow :boxed: why on hell am i doing that ?? can someone remember me why ??? that's torturing myself... Rani, i'm still waiting for the vids of vancouver... you have one week from now on Have a good flight Haeschen !!!
  2. lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !! i'm mister lonelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !! (singing Akon, a huge reference in good music )
  3. *thinks about a 30 y.o. mika with a new born beer-belly wearing colourful skinny jeans and white shirts* :naughty: *maybe even braces* and THAT, my friends, was my only participation to this forum before 7:30-6pm... (exam)
  4. :roftl: :roftl: i hope you deleted/moved all offensive videos, with such a password, don't even want to know what could have been in there
  5. yes but we can't go thanks though
  6. hilarious, wasn't it !!! i should marry this guy, and he should be paid to write such things anyway, have a good flight and see you on monday !
  7. never said the evolution wasn't planned some of us know it's planned, but just don't know what to expect, some (a great part) just keep on being surprised, disappointed, sad then totally up for it when something new comes up
  8. craving signs start to appear :boxed:
  9. well, that's normal evolution, we can't expect him to stay the same for ever and ever ! he was first cute to catch up our attention, then now he's a "fashion icon" having his own style or whatever with the jackets and so on, and what's coming next ! the show is evolving too : the first one were just about pants and jeans then animal costumes, then now for this tour, we have the 2 or 3 changes then the animal costumes... for the next album, he'll be fully "grown up" talking about style, who knows what he'll bring to us, and the animal costumes will (imo) be taken out of the show... just cause it won't watch the second album mood/universe... and people will complain and complain again "where's mika ???" because they don't like changes, especially when they're not the ones responsible for those changes... he's like "their little thing/brother/boyfriend" and sometimes, they give the impression not to like when he doesn't do what they WANT him to do... first the sara story "who needs a backing voice here, what is she doing ?" then now, nobody can say A WORD about sara being too "in your face" cause she's part of the band"... they were crying over Lorna and LGs missing, and now, they've had the LGs back... but for how long ? they have to digest every changes... it takes time... but they finally accept them, sooner or later, because it's mika... i'm certainly going way further than just the clothes suject, but i don't think i'm very far from the truth saying all that...
  10. the colourful skinny jeans were also stage clothes, he'd never walk around like that
  11. i do miss the "casual look" of the beginning... but i like some of the jackets he wears on stage too (not all of them, but some are really good)... actually, i don't know, i never thought about his looks and i don't really care what he looks like as long as he gives us something, and i think even if his jacket had been the right size at the brits, he wouldn't have given something i would have appreciated... he just really need to work on tv performances cause his "lack of presence on stage" (not said in a mean way at all but the whole jumping around thing) doesn't work... i don't have anything to say about the live performances for proper gigs, i guess... wow, what a premiere !
  12. :yay: Cherisse is back !! Cherisse is back !! Cherisse is back !! :yay: btw, freddie, it seems that we haven't seen your precious pic YET ! why are you playing so shy ????
  13. I Kissed A Girl (is the name of the song)
  14. wednesday was supposed to be Camden day for me too ! Giulietta was also interested... we'll talk about it in the queue !!
  15. she's in london right now, arrived today (friday) earlier but no time on the computer anymore for her...
  16. you haven't been there for last month ??
  17. Blue ! are you going there next week again ? when are you going to be in london ? would you like to play the Camden Market tour guide for me ?
  18. Camden Market is open again ! since last week ! :yay:
  19. i've never liked that "bab" person... she's way too sarcastic for me
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