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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. not a proper tour though, she's not gonna do her whole set (their loss ) but still... i wanna see her !!!!!
  2. that's what i was implying with the "MIKA suit"... but you say it better than me... and i miss the old clothes too, the simple ones... never been too enthousiastic about the whole jacket changes and so... i think it's putting too much in presentation and so the performance is loosing a tiny bit... not that it's not pleasant to the eyes, but i would prefer a very good performance with just 2 clothes : basic ones and animal one or ringmaster one for the finale... anyway... and yes, his tv performances are nothing like his own gigs in front of a totally in love audience... we could imagine the contrary : him being "lazy" in front of his audience cause they're all in his pocket and trying very hard on tv cause the people watching don't know/love him, but the fact is that he's obviously not comfortable on tv... unless he's being interviewed and playing teasing the journalist... so to say leading the game...
  3. oh !! and she used to play the drums ! :roftl: who said "fetisch" ???
  4. NEW SOOOOOOOOOOOONG ROCKING :punk: Waking up in Vegas in gone though i had a good fix of it, but will be craving again soon
  5. hair thing is mine, find something else TOPIC : hope he gets well for monday... and tuesday... and thursday... and that he rests after
  6. he likes rudeness... be rude and you'll get a kiss and maybe more
  7. personally i said "WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM WITH MY HAIR ?! "
  8. then i propose no one ever wait for him again at the end of the gigs not to pass on germs... and if it doesn't work, then i propose that no one ever GO to his gigs again, to restrain the risks...
  9. yes, vocal chords and bronchials are very different, and he'd better have bronchitis than nodes on his vocals chords... but bronchitis affects his voice in the sense where he can't push it (even to chat, not only to sing) as much as he would like cause it's painful in the chest (i feel like repeating myself )... might be because he's not very used to using it that much, but i would say he's been trained since his youngest age and the technics are aimed not to damage your voice using it regularly, so he'd better change his technics i think it's more a matter of being careful when on tour in winter ! and maybe he's just the type who catches everything that is around and even more on tour... and yes, he should shut the f*ck up the last next days to rest and get warm, and take antibiotics if necessary...
  10. no, i think he might really have a bronchitis, which makes it hard for him to breathe hence to sing cause it's painful in the chest so you can't really make efforts and push it... but i think he's not very careful
  11. it's a pity she doesn't have more songs or even a complete one on her myspace, and i can't even add her cause she requires last name/email address + captcha... but the last name i find in the press is not working... ANYHOO... her album is just awesome ! if you can listen to it (any way ), i think i'll buy it personally, just listened to it
  12. Just one thing to say : OMG, what a voice. What a groove. The melodies are very minimalist, almost nothing, but drums, percussions, non-musical noises (like for exemple the shutter of a camera, beach, street noises, etc.) which leaves all the room to her amazing voice... I don't like comparisons, so i won't say "it's like Amy Winehouse in blonde and not on drugs/whatever", yet some will i think... http://www.myspace.com/mickygreenmusic
  13. never met him sricto sensu "after a gig" ! the first time, he had had the time to take his "MIKA" suit off, and didn't have the time to put it on back when i yelled at him and for the following gigs i was quite away from the crowd waiting, and he was the one getting to me... not that i didn't find it nice and "rewarding for nothing" yet very surprising and kind, but never went to him after a gig... and last time, i met him before and asked him if he could pass on a message to Cherisse :roftl: (and he did, what shows a bit of self-derision imo)
  14. he would suddenly be loosing a big part of interest from me then... i'll figure out myself
  15. wouldn't present it to him after a gig though, for sure... he's in his "nice mika and be nice to mika" suit after the gigs...
  16. well, he'd lack of self-derision then... appart from the obivous "i don't like mika" parts, the review is frankly hilarious and well written imo !
  17. i think (hope) he'd laugh... to be honest, i would have found it nonsense if the breakthrough artist was ALSO the best male, best album and best single of the year... a bit too much for one person... and he IS a breakthrough, he still has to proove a lot (imo) to be "best male artist" and then i would have nominated him for best single and best breakthrough, maybe best album... and i don't get why people don't agree with that Marc Ronson choice for best male artist : a producer could hardly be good not being an artist himself !
  18. would have been exhausting ! i like the one greta posted :naughty:
  19. i know what you mean, but i think he should just need to REST (for real)... and stop creating resistance of bacterias using antibiotics like paracetamol
  20. We gotta find out what mika did to him !!!! :roftl: i wanna marry this guy
  21. this guy should be paid to write ! God !! what did he do to him ?!!!
  22. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!! honestly one of the best reviews... well... no need being vulgar, but... AGREE !
  23. well... i didn't do it live :mf_rosetinted:
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