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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. :naughty: some people really have no life... commenting the brits live on a blog even less life than those on here
  2. in london the whole week ! if you miss me, you don't want to see me !
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqNwyJkjhWs true it was... but he had a lot of space to move through, there were his big girls and lollipop girls, etc. on a normal-sized stage, and on tv, wireless just doesn't do it for me... or maybe it was just tonight performance, would be a hurry to go to conclusions after one performance like that wireless...
  4. well, like i said, it confirmed my initial thoughts about him singing with a wireless microphone... and i don't know about T4 waaaaaaaaaay too old for me to remember...
  5. i know we all do... but sometimes, things have to be precised for people not to see us as just a bunch of complaining rats... so they would come here as "the place where you say bad things about mika"... i would say we just try to be objective... well, more than the rest of the other threads... but i know you know, it wasn't for you...
  6. well... everyone seems to be gone to bed, sadly, and i'm on my way too... we are hardly offended here, but wouldn't want to be THE place for all the "dislike comments"... cause we l.i.k.e him too... the outfit didn't shock me that much... something else did though... already said it... won't repeat
  7. rihanna and the klaxons' set was amazing though !! wow... didn't watch it well the first time...
  8. it's a psychology term as well... the wire gives him consistance... presence... when he doesn't have it, he just look like anyone else (IMO) not talking about dancing well/bouncing/etc. just being...
  9. i meant that he doesn't know what to do with his body he can rely on the wire and use it as a game when there is one, but when there isn't any, he just looks akward... not knowing what to do...
  10. wait a second... EDIT : here it is http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12527 this was actually first a joke, with a truth basis... i mean i DID think it COULD be the answer but since nobody had ever seen him sing with a wireless microphone, it could only be a presumption... so i made a joke about it... but based on something i thought could be true... and now we have the answer... about what he looks like when he sings with a wireless microphone... knowing that i didn't like a lot his performance tonight...
  11. why do i always have to start the discussions when everybody has plenty to say ?
  12. i'm not sure they weren't under the bandage in the usa when he had it this sort of bracelets goes off for real once they're off... so i don't think he ever took them off
  13. well... i posted the link upthere... and i sincerly didn't really like it much... he had a wireless microphone... he should keep the old ones... i think we had an answer to the question "why doesn't he sing with a wireless microphone ?" -> "cause it would look like this"... oops ! i talked... just can't help it, can i...
  14. are your feelings all mixed up ? you don't know what to say ? how to react ? i'm implying a lot of things that i wouldn't be allowed to say with this simple sentence.
  15. Mika had a wireless microphone tonight at the brits... Thank you for uploading the video on youtube Bab ! http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=5zySOfsIZCI
  17. maybe you sould clean your glasses then... hello you all
  18. never managed to leave i got rid of everything that could be considered as offensive, meaning EVERYTHING cause actually, i didn't know what could be considered as offensive ooops...
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