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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :roftl: made a siggy of it... shouldn't forget it anymore... i'm sincerly sorry you might possibly have been offended by that "pffff" post
  2. OMG !! it's a conspiracy !!! :shocked: slightly paranoid...
  3. lol !!! i'm thinking i'm thinking... but you stop watching dharma and greg anyone ? offense ?
  4. yes, i think so i guess i'll have to do that more and more or maybe not... just not posting will do it i'm thinking about it, just can't come up with something inoffensive
  5. she's on her way to the BIG BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ !! :punk: (is that offensive ?? )
  6. another fake departure to get all your attention :roftl: :roftl: no offense here !!
  7. actually it's impossible without being banned :blush-anim-cl: so i'm stuck here cause noone is gonna kick me out i wanted to leave before being kicked out but i'm definitely posting even less than now... to what point is it going ? i don't know... let's see what happens when i post less... is anyone offend by this post ??? i didn't want to if so, i'm sorry !!!!
  8. bad... i'm bad thank you... (wait... could someone be offended by that ??? )
  9. i pmed freddie... waiting for a reply... if no reply, i might just let it die...
  10. so now, after i said i wouldn't say anything anymore not to offend anyone, i receive 2 warnings what more am i supposed to do ? delete the account ??
  11. i'm walking away too if you want to know, cause NOW it's being unfriendly, and directed at me, because of what i've ALWAYS been... that's a change for me, and i don't think it's a good change... i guess you can't please everyone so have fun all admiring mika.
  12. what does stirring mean !? i asked but you didn't reply... would you prefer : "oh look those pretty fruits dancing and singing !!! isn't it cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute ??? :mf_lustslow: " and freddie, we've always said things like that here and it's not gonna change, unless we're not there anymore to say them.
  13. then if we go toward this, all the reports threads hijacking before the actual reports that pollute the threads could be considered as abusive as i'm annoyed with those private joke when i'm waiting for a report... this is called "private joke" not spamming... and then yes, i think all the private jokes are offensive since i don't understand them and i want to, maybe they are directed at me and i don't get it, so i'm offended... but don't worry, i'm not gonna offend anyone anymore ! discussion over for me...
  14. yes, i'm not saying that someone didn't report my post ! i'm saying that someone that had nothing to do with that post has been reporting it ! where are we going to ?! we can't please everyone !!! i was joking with 2 people who got the joke, and it was over, and then, this morning, i have a PM saying that someone has been reporting my post ??? i mean : it's the closest to censorship we've been to... what does "stirring" mean ? and last, i'm already reading no more than 1 or 2 threads + the gig reports threads, which is why i've been offending no one for a little time (that's my way to moderate myself : i don't see, i don't talk about it, i don't "offend") but if i'm going to be moderated even on the 3 posts a day i make, i'm not going to post anymore except in one thread about fruits and cats... and then what ??? someone is gonna say i'm being "cliquey" ???? i think people should be a bit less "oversensitive" about everything, that's the real way to calm things down... not censorship/over-moderating...
  15. no, i mean when you get a pm from a mod because of what you consider as abusive denunciation of your posts because they were nothing like offensive to the people they were directed at and who got them as the joke they were, but people who read them and are absolutely not concerned by them find them "aggressive" i think that's pretty abusive cause well, i could sum it up as "i wasn't talking to you, why do you report my post ?"
  16. i'm still there i don't think i'm going to work tomorrow agree and agree... but i haven't seen a lot of interviews of PW... i just thought he just looked like a little cute child... which actually prevented me from listening to what he was saying i was going all "oooooooh !!! he's so cuuuuute !!" (which is ABSOLOUTELY not me, btw ) i'm waiting for him to do a show here, cause the only thing i've seen from him is the support mika thing, and i haven't had enough... NO WAY
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