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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. can't say anything without being categorized as "mean" so i pray and cry
  2. yes, there was... and now, i think there's a "back fans" thread
  3. i don't think anyone doubt it i think i'm going to bed too, girls... gotta work tomorrow... sometimes, i forget it's sooooooooooooooooooo un-interesting
  4. i guess that's what makes you an apples, wether you love him or not
  5. well... that's not what happened with me... or maybe he actually hates me, then oooops
  6. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!!!! :roftl: :roftl:
  7. yes... people are being a bit touchy these days even the best ones we'll tell her, but there's a chance she will not be in a state of mind to understand it when we meet :roftl:
  8. the thing is most of all, that she's re-posting the same pics again and again, and again... and again... quoting them :blink:
  9. she sure is he won't appear no expectations, no disappointments... about some translation tool that a russian member whose name i forgot... that translated what she wanted to say into something quite funny... apparently... can't say more, not into the K and F thing though... read, dear, read !
  10. i'm sorry, may i ask you why you keep on quoting this ??? is it THAT interesting ?? not that it's not, but... it's ok ! we saw it ! pics now ! drummers !!
  11. they also say we're mean... they just don't know what they say and we all like him... we just don't say it !
  12. i'll be there... and it's true, i must admit your signature is quite... erm... distracting he's cute, isn't he ?
  13. what the f*ck are you doing Rani ?!?! teasing me like that with your pretended videos and now NOTHING ????
  14. yes, and anyway, we can't see anything except mika when he's front stage... and that's not what i want to shoot LOL
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