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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. lol !! i'm certainly not bringing the new one to the gigs, and i won't be doing pics of the gig itself, i think... so you won't have nothing... but the pics i post on myspace...
  2. simple : geek internet fan stalker it must be sort of relaxing for him to read all of the stupid things we (you ) can put on myspace !!!
  3. thanks Rani !! hey !! lots of big girls on stage and greg wells is cool (who said "she would say that for any drummer" ??????? )
  4. have you already asked that ?? never saw it... my new camera is a Panasonic FZ50 (digital) with a LEICA lense 18-135mm i guess (should get up and check but my lazy ass won't do it)... i've only started to use it recently, so quite a lot of my pics are less good than with the old one (even if the camera is better) cause i'm not used to all the settings yet... it's a bridge... step before the reflex... the "old" one is a Canon Ixus 40. it's a compact. you miss all the fights... you look like a pacific girl for your future cat !!
  5. ok... so you're really as good as you pretend you are... the 2 nice pics were just accidental...
  6. having a life, so... not that bad ! as for me, i'm taking pictures... with my absolutely super new camera and twat has given no news about germany... just amsterdam and france so far in july...
  7. and i forgot to say : so you actually KNOW how to take pics !! :shocked: a myth just crashed down...
  8. well... being off mika doesn't imply being impolite and not replying to nice people ! does it ??? or maybe i'm not nice ???
  9. OH YES YOU ARE !!! Don't act innocent, meanie !! EnFa !!! We just need to find Yuppy now... Vally having a real life, and Haeschen popping up from time to time... Yuppy is still alive, but doesn't reply my messages
  10. come on vancouver peeps !! you're doing it slow, aren't you ?!
  11. i agree with you, it would be quite a good idea... But i'm sure they're thinking about it i would say as an extra with the next dvd...
  12. he's expecting :naughty: as to say pregnant, but THAT would be too weird
  13. i agree with pretty much all you said here : - i don't know what they're talking about in fact of "bad atmosphere", i just know it's partly talking about me since... well... i don't know... i'm always close when it's about bad mood - not sure of the interest of such a thread since there are other ones talking about it... and apparently, it didn't go very well in the end of those... especially when the starter with her good intentions "bullies" (ok, "teases" if you want) someone in her own thread - being too censored (or feeling that i can't post what i think because people won't get it) had me away and not posting a lot of times - i agree there is an intermediaire between care-bear land and sarcasm-land, but when people are used to your sarcasms, they find it everywhere, even when there is none to find... and take it as something mean... i guess we get what we deserve but well... i think it's a bit "easy"...
  14. first page or so of the thread : cherisse lost her passport so was stuck in the US, they had to find another drummer, and i guess they're lucky that greg wells is canadian... he knew it all since LICM is his baby...
  15. are you saying that the "bad mood" everyone seem to notice has had some old members leaving ?? just to be sure i got it...
  16. i don't get that part ? but i liked the 1st part of your post...
  17. and we're the meanies after that :sneaky2: as considered as a meany, i don't think i EVER said something like that (on here )
  18. i forgot to say that i had been making a lot of efforts lately either NOT to post when i think what i'm gonna post is gonna be like a bomb OR posting something with very carefully chosen words, so carefully chosen that when i press the "reply" button, noone is talking about what i'm talking about anymore :naughty: and it has the effect of a bomb cause people think i'm digging up the sh*t !! so either way : posting or not posting, i'm stuck well, stop the joke... honest, i've been trying, but it's obvious that when i post something that is not decorticated and justified for each word i used, and MIGHT possibly be taken the wrong way, the wrong way is always the one chosen by the people who read it and รด suprise, find it "aggressive"... talking about my posts only... but i'm sorry, i'm not gonna make 1000 words post everytime i want to say something just because a minority of touchy people could be offended by NOTHING ! so for god sake i'm not mean, and nothing i post on here is intended to be mean. so stop thinking that, and think about what i want to say, not about "who i am attacking with that post". i am saying that cause i HAVE EXPERIENCED the situation where i posted something very simple, nothing wrong, nothing important, and someone found a way to think it was mean :blink: the situation is over and it's all good, but i'm tired of having to justify myself after everything i post just because i'm saying things not in all bright pink words...
  19. yeah yeah, ok, i get it but as i said in a pm yesterday or so, when i read something that MIGHT be interpreted as "an attack", if i think i'm not concerned, i just read it, and it doesn't affect me... as to say people who read "so to be interpreted as attacks" AND feel attacked maybe have something to reproach to themselves ? but i'm not debating... tired of all those useless debates that end up as... nothing constructive ! i think people should think about "is the person who's writing that a mean person ??? and would a mean person write that and then/before something else that i didn't find mean at all, even nice ??? is that person only writing mean posts ??? or am i only remembering "so-called" mean posts ??? is that being mean or sarcastic ??? do i have a reason to feel attacked by this post or is it just because it's HER/HIM who wrote this post that i think it's mean and i take it as mean ??? lots of questions, huh ? too complicated... so easy way : she/he's mean... this is a mean post.
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