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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. well... i guess i have a thing for drummers in general :blush-anim-cl: and greta's pics widenth the window
  2. noted where's my t-shirt fred ?
  3. how nice of you then... maybe you could have written the explainations with it, then !
  4. you are !!!! poor little thing
  5. greta, how could you post such a thing to cherisse on myspace ?! :roftl:
  6. not sure she released anything, but she has a myspace with her personal work : http://www.myspace.com/saranaydemusic
  7. well, sometimes i do think mika should hide, you're 9000 and i'm 1
  8. she's still in contact with civilization... she visited her myspace today all is not lost...
  9. she said she was still too emotional to make her report, and she's on the road back home... i guess we'll have it all when she's safely back home !
  10. i guess we'll have the answer at the brits ! if she's there, she's there, and if she's not, i think we'll have some info...
  11. let's turn this thread into a "actually deano is a cutie" thread... cause he IS !!
  12. come back sweetyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!
  13. i would appreciate you to tell me if you're not coming anymore since I have your tix !! :blink:
  14. ooooooooooooooooooh !!!!!! :flowers2: :flowers2:
  15. parent's basement house is his flat... was his flat at the time he said it... not sure if he still lives there, and honestly, don't care... people just kept asking, so i wrote it... he also said he found it freaking weird to find gifts at his front door...
  16. don't care about the brits... i just want her on the 25th (and 26th and 28th of course...) even if Greg ROCKS MY SOCKS !!! :punk:
  17. NO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY !!!!! :shocked: that's AWESOME !!!!!!!
  18. ok... i got it booooooooooooooooooh to the new drummer !!! :naughty: i hope she finds it back for london !!!!! :shocked: *panicks*
  19. everything in "my" FAQ was taken from interviews of the M himself, so... it's what he agrees with people to know ! anyway... he deleted the MMMM myspace, for sure, and some faker made a fake one a few minutes (should i say seconds) after he deleted it... if you're asking what his weight is, it's because you haven't read the FAQ, and haven't understood the point of this thread ! you should have a look
  20. WHAT ??? WHAT ?? WHAT ???? I MISSED SOMETHING !!!! WHAT ???
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