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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. i think they met at the NRJ music award, played friends, and will do the same next time they meet at any show...
  2. he he he quite a good evening... so, who's going to the future cancelled festival in Arras ?!
  3. oooooh... that one star... i kinda focused on the orange-yellow-red cutie on your right :roftl: she's got pretty good damn hair !!
  4. loooooooool !! sweat turned it down...
  5. i have a seated ticket for the 26th have a look at http://www.ticketweb.co.uk maybe they still have some !
  6. oh yes i was looking at cherisse when everybody was looking left, i was looking in front of me :roftl: anyway... 4000 people it was
  7. SHUT UP AND PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS !!!!! :punk: :punk: i just can't get enough...
  8. then shut up and go to your youtube favs :bleh:
  9. whooooo ??? :blink: actually... we want an album :naughty: you can have simple on youtube, there is a video for it !
  10. and you like it, right ?! :punk: thanks for the article, suzie, never read it... well, i don't look for articles, so i could barely read them before someone put them up here
  11. wow... looks like nobody's coming anymore ?? :blink:
  12. HA !! it worked !! :biggrin2:
  13. WAKING UP IN VEGAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHE PUT UP WAKING UP IN VEGAS BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "for the people craving" : it's ME !!!! SHAKE THE GLITTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!! :punk: :punk:
  14. good ! i thought i was taking my desire for reality :naughty: nooooooooooooo just kidding !!! i love her voice, really, and the missionary man cover is the best part of the show (after love today OF COURSE) for me... and maybe i should think about what i write before posting then :blink: YOU WISH
  15. i don't know if you noticed, but sara is much more "hidden" that she used to be during her non-singing parts... i mean, she's much more at the back of the stage out of the light than when i saw the first shows of this tour in october... maybe what we say actually has a tiny little impact... or maybe it's just the pictures that are taken at the moments she's at the back... and the comments people were making in their reports saying that they barely noticed her until her part made me think about it too...
  16. maybe he's really the control freak he says he is... obsessed about the timing on stage, etc. someone noticed and tld me after one of the gigs we've been to that he was counting ALL THE TIME, giving signs to the whole band as when to start, when to stop, what to do, etc. that gives not much room for interaction but he's improving. evolution the since april is globally positive regarding the audience interaction, and it was SOMETHING (or was NOT) in april :blink: (well, in paris, though... seems that he was better everywhere else in europe then... but i'm only talking about what i see and what i know )
  17. me too (repkying to the title of the thread...) not that i "like him a little less" but i find it more and more ridiculous... well... a bit ridiculous, but once again, i think the 7 gigs i have behind me might have something to do with that...
  18. he paid our drinks after a gig after i yelled at him for the first time i was meeting him... though he had known who i was for 4 months then 15 days after he let the 10 people waiting for him to have a look at them to say "hi olivia how are you" and came to kiss me whereas i was away waiting for cherisse he asked me how my hair was while i was away looking at the people queuing for an autograph, waiting for cherisse he pointed his finger at my forehead saying he thought i wouldn't come to his gigs anymore... and i asked him if he could remember cherisse she promised me her drumsticks (that i got after the gig) do i go on ? do you hate me ? what a nice bwoi...
  19. well... you'll have to get over mister #1 fan of my hair, of course i hope you'll have a wicked party !!! :yay: i'll be with you all with my mind... drinking and dancing all alone at home
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