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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. what pic ??? do you mean you never showed us your pic with her ??? how come i didn't even notice that !!! do it do it do it !
  2. all festivals expect Parc des Princes
  3. Due on June 10 !!! :yay: :yay:
  4. i would say no group but a bunch of independant lovers
  5. no group for me but ME would be #1 fan, please
  6. a shacking toy : a japanese character sitting on the toilets :naughty: with "made me think of you" as a message WHAAAAT ??? it's supposed to be "feng shui" and relaxing !!!!!! :roftl: never knew what he thought of it, though... i was thinking about buying it for me when i first saw it... so i also put "give it back if you don't like it" on the message... maybe he liked it ?
  7. he looks like an anorexic on the very first picture posted (the angle from which the picture was taken, from aside) and he looks f*cking bored on the second pic... but he just looks uncomfortable on the next ones
  8. we haven't been very good at that recently and therefore, she's sad and doesn't come out to meet and greet after gigs anymore COME BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK CHERIIIIIIIIIIISSE !!!!!!!!!
  9. Taboo !!!!! best game EVER thanks for finding and posting !
  10. am i "older" here than kata and bab ??? celebrated my 1 mfc yo on jan 20th... how was i doing without you ??? :blink:
  11. i was allergic to cats (like VERY allergic, looking like a balloon everytime a cat was around) until i got one i was born with a cat at home, no problem... then she died, and i started being allergic, itchy crying double sized red eyes, running nose, sneezing, etc. until i got the one i was begging for for years... but my mom (logical thinking, doesn't work woth me) was telling me "see what you look like when there is cat around, and you want one in the house ?! "... i won, got a cat, and never been allergic again got 3 cats since then...true story !! well... unless some intrepid hair go directly into my nose... can't fight against mother nature, i guess
  12. ok... now that we kinda know tat everything is kinda ok... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!! :crybaby: :crybaby: I WANTED TO GO THERE next tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime !!!!!!!! :crybaby:
  13. are they ?! they used to be adored like gods ! i mean were considered as alive representations of egyptian gods... when a cat died in a family, every member had to shave their eyebrows in sign of mourning... and hurting/killing a cat could lead to death penalty... has it changed, then ?? well, i mean it sure has :naughty: but from one side to the opposite ?! now they're considered as unlucky things ?! weird... well, they are my lucky things... i'm still living in ancient egypt
  14. can someone say the day of the next exhibition ? in brussel ? do you think he's talking about this one when he says "the next" ?
  16. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!!!! her album is due on June 10 !!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!!! :yay: Viper Room review what am i gonna do with my life once it's out ?? oh yeah ! listen to it :punk:
  17. well... as you want, i have a seated ticket for the 26th, what date do you want ? but i'm not sure it's worth it...
  18. general admission is downstairs standed... upstairs (balcony) is "seated unreserved"
  19. well... not under the pression i'm going through i guess i'll have to make first my own money to change anything in my life...
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