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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. well i looked in the dictionary, and it told me traits in english and braid in american or something like that... it would be like rasta's dreadlocks, but fixed to the skull... understand ? well... what she usually has at the beginning of her hair and that she didn't have that night... and it shortens hair a lot ! that's why everybody's surprised, cause it's hard to tell someone's hair lenght when having traits/braids...
  2. - am i standing for the 1.3% left ???? - yes, it looks like it's a plumbage... so what ? - nobody hates saranayde, most of us just think she should take down coffee, sugar, redbull, coca-cola, etc. - i'm bringing my x12 zoom in london, you'll all have your right deserved close-up picture :naughty: i'm not bringing it to the concerts, though, it wouldn't be allowed i think... - don't know who "the guy" is but i doubt you hug your french manager that way - the jacket is not... awful... imo it's just hilarious and really DESERVES some warning... surprising, that's all !!
  3. i don't know why, but the radish jumped to me eyes (not a fan, usually) and the peeled banana is just what i need :naughty: but i think i'll stick to the apple necklace, the badge and the earings i already have...
  4. pfffffffffffffffffffff i'm sorry, you'll have to find another reason to marry me again cause 1) i staighten my hair (chemically) 2) even without straightening it, it's not the same as hers, i can't do an afro, mine is just hyper-frizzy but my hair is about that long... if that can help a little shorter i think... and she would be just a SAYAN, not a SUPERSAYAN, she would have to do it blonde if she wanted to be a super sayan
  5. it was cherisse and i'm pretty sure it was her real hair longer and without traits at the base...
  6. i edited my post with the videos on the 1st page with "Dr Mika" and "Kylie's award"
  7. i personally think saranayde performance was hilarious more than want to kill her... but i thought of you who always want mika to be the only one on the screen :naughty: NOT THAT NIGHT :roftl: she was like EVERYWHERE !! :lmao:
  8. yes, but she did some traits/braids at the base of it... and she didn't braid/trait it yesterday i'm pretty sure it's her real hair...
  9. i explain it in the cherisse thread :naughty: it was her real hair longer...
  10. so that's it ??? i'm just a synonym of sarcasm for you ?????!! :sneaky2:
  11. i explained to you !!! right after the post you just quoted !!!
  12. here we are (the 2nd quote is pure personal pleasure )
  13. that's what i said earlier... i'll look for my post and quote it
  14. i know what dyslexia is and lead to but he said once he couldn't read french at all or barely... i think he learnt the text and was reading the parts he had forgotten but it all messed up... and it's even harder cause he is not the one who wrote the text, so it can't be "natural"
  15. i had thought once about "dressing up" as cherisse to a gig, but i gave up... which hair pieces ?
  16. going to 10 gigs that are exactly the same... or so close (same album)...
  17. lol ! no, don't worry, he likes me... he would come only to see if my hair didn't change to have some fresh news of it... can't believe he asked me how MY HAIR was, and not ME !!! :sneaky2:
  18. kylie dated olivier martinez several years until they broke up... and he's french... so she POSSIBLY speaks a bit of french
  19. and i'm going to this one !! :mf_rosetinted: i would say "people, don't get out of your house, it's not worth it", but no one would listen to me
  20. that's what she said, you think like kylie :naughty: and they seem to appreciate each other... mika was obviously impressed and kylie likes him that was a cool moment and ALMOST spontaneous in the whole boring pre-typed evening... and oh sh*t ! he's dyslexic and said reading french is almost impossible for him... sorry dude...
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