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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. but i think being aware of the situation, you can't help everyone, and have to know it to stand it. but doing nothing instead of helping this or this cause whereas the other is "left alone" can't be right for me. i mean nobody's gonna save nobody taken one by one ! but all together, maybe there is a chance to make things better... MAYBE ! and that maybe helps me going on in that spirit...
  2. nothing, i'm just aware of it, and have the idea to do whatever i can to add my 50 cents to international help... being a med student, it would be on a medical bond... i just don't think that "ignoring it" will make me feel better, so i don't i only do what i think will make me feel better... could be seen as a selfish thing too !
  3. and i'm certainly not gonna condamn you for that i do understand... i just can't do the same... could be just a question of point of view !
  4. each to their own mine is to help a tiny bit those people... as much as i can... maybe just to convince myself i'm not so useless in the world how selfish of me, if you look at it closer...
  5. this is partly why they're still dying, because the whole world thinks "those are different worlds", "we can't do anything for them", etc. i'm not saying i'm gonna save africa or anything in this style, i was just comparing the emotion raised by HL's death with the lack of emotion raised by all these people dying, just because it's been too long, and now it's kinda proven that we can't do anything... everybody is sort of giving up one after the other, etc. me and my big thoughts... certainly not the fun bab was dreaming about sorry dear...
  6. don't forget it's a movie there's of course a lot of romane in it, but it's quite interesting imo.
  7. oh no no !!! i didn't say that !! i was just expressing MY thoughts about this death... but as usual, we're all free to think what we want to and feel what we can ! i wasn't taing "in general" with my 1st post about Heath Ledger, i finished with something saying it was only my opinion, and that I wouldn't feel the same as they're feeling... but never said it was right or wrong, or at least, never intended to ! it's been a while now that i haven't given a sh*t about what people think and haven't tried to get them back to "reason" otherwise, someone would create a group therapy thread because i tried to get her/him out of his/her dreams
  8. in my opinion, which is not the general opinion, and i'm aware of that, the reason you gave (the children have no specific names, they are "just" the children) is what people HIDE behind to cope with that... still in my opinion, which is still not the general one, it's being selfish... it's not because you can't put a name on people that you need to "ignore" their death and suffering... and if you (not you, you in general) need a celeb to die to remember that it could happen to someone you know in life, then you (still general) have a problem that you can't put on just "the children have no names, and Heath Ledger i know who he is"... still my controversial opinion... actually, i'm quite an idealist and a utopist behind my sarcastic comments... well, we would just get back to our lives, whatever it was before, after a little time of sweet souvenirs... once again, i think (my opinion) that we're all here because we want to escape from real life, that we even managed to diminish to RL "not to say it loud"... so we woul go back to hard RL, or find another escape until we're ready to face it... i mean : we never needed MFC to make new friends ! but here, it's easier... we have the advantages of friends : sympathy, good mood, etc. without the inconvenients : we an come when WE want to, not because one or one calls us and needs us, we're behind a screen, comfy, home, in pyjamas, etc. no need to go out and facethe rain, the cold, whatever to "see" those friends and have a good time, etc. of course, it's taken to edges, but it's not that wrong...
  9. a "famous" (in france) exemple of castrati lives could be seen in the movie Farinelli... that was moving... and quite realistic i liked it...
  10. would be a bit sadder than for Heath, yes... but still... he's not my friend and doubt he would give a tiny f*ck if i ever came to die (what i will )... but i'm aware of that, and not angry ! that's normal. i just want to spend my time helping and "crying" for those who really need some help and positive thoughts and acts...
  11. i didn't say that... i'm way not intelligent enough... but that's true... maybe that's why i'm not that upset
  12. ok... once again, i'll be the grief-party breaker ( ) but people die everyday, and nobody care... i find it hard to "have tears in my eyes" or "be gutted" or whatever for someone i've never met, and with "great actor talent" i'm not aware of... while thousands of children die everyday just because - they can't eat, - they can't have access to HIV/malaria/whatever treatements - they run and put their feet on a forgotten bomb while playing soccer with friends IN FRONT OF PEOPLE EYES without nothing (way not enough) is done... not even going that far... get out of your flat, get your eyes off of this f*cking screen, and open them up just in front of your f*cking door... walk a few meters, and then cry for a reason. sorry Heath, R.I.P. but don't expect me to cry upon your death... sad, but. well, of course, this is not the place to talk about this...
  13. :roftl: :lmao: if you haven't seen brokeback mountain or have never heard of this movie (2 gay cowboys running naked in the fields with jake gyllenhaal), you can't know who he is (was)... he's done that and another teen movie called "10 things i hate about you" which is not the worst teen movie in the world, imo, i think i liked it... entertaining... and he was australian...
  14. how shocking !!! this thread is getting pornographic !!! :thumbdown: love the flowers angel pic, jennie !
  15. :roftl: sorry... i love west side story too... and there are no jets/sharks rixe between any threads ! i think kata just thought about this thread because of all the identity changes she was talking about... but it all messed up everything ! forget it... so, apple, you say ?
  16. what ????? how "unexpected" !! (if such a thing can be expected...)
  17. i'm planning to say with christine and others n a flat she rented... for 2 reasons : - i can go there from the 1st day i'm arriving (whereas i would have stayed with you only from wednesday, with nowhere to stay on monday and tuesday nights) - i hope it's cheaper (she hasn't told me the price yet ...) but the 1st reason is important too : i will arrive on monday morning at 8am, and woldn't like to be homeless then even if i could have found another solution by then, but now it's rather sure, so i prefer...
  18. that i have no idea... but somehow, i'm not sure iwant to know... let's let last week behind...
  19. Mucho Macho posted something quite surprising as a first post here Kata didn't like the post We dig up the whole Deek story and Kata's paranoia Then kata calmed down Then we talked about something not fun that made Bab wishing the fun was back in here And this is all i know...
  20. well, ok, sorry for the glacial "welcoming"... even if i wasn't part of the welcoming act. kata is a bit upset at what happened with deek (i admit it's been a while, but some people have hard time with certain sort of things and others with other things, that's for a fact). i hope she'll get over it soon... it's terrible about your private info, and i hope it's not something currently done in here, and if it's not, sorry it was done with you. if it's curent, on the other hand, it shouldn't be. listen, it's a bit hard after all that fuss, but post whatever you want to post in here, but like you would (maybe) be careful not to offend the people you're talking to in general, you could try and do that here too... just a suggestion though, if you're pleased getting on kata's nerves, be my guest :roftl: quote of the day !! congrats jen !!! and please, let the fun come back in here...
  21. i'm so sorry, but it's out of my prices but i think it's not too short notice, and 2 friends who don't want to stay alone may be easier to find than just one... i think... i wish you luck !! COME ON PEEPS !!! it will be fun !!! i'm just broke money-wise, it's the only reason why i don't go !!!
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