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Everything posted by Yoppappop

  1. hmmm... dunno... what season is it there in late february ?
  2. don't wanna be by myself for this one... i guess i'll wait a bit until you finish
  3. :yay: so that makes 2 of us going !!!! who else ? should we make an event thread and have a rsvp ? :naughty: too bad 32th february isn't on the calendar...
  4. thank you !! but just give it a try, english is not my 1st languages either oh, and you can say you feel bad for them of course, i was not telling you to shut up and say nothing, but just that we would not start the "why oh why" discussion here, so if you that's what you wanted, you had better gone somewhere else... but you're welcome if that's not what you want !!
  5. better ask than spread rumours starting scandalous threads
  6. there are not a lot, though, just enough to insert the doubt in me
  7. i'm joking : i said that the power of interpretation of the people here got some naughty messages between friends interpreted into a lovers relationship... but the truth is : we don't know, they MIGHT as well have been in a lovers relationship
  8. FANTASTIC EXCEPTIONAL GIG IN ANTARCTIC ON FEBRUARY 32TH 2008 tickets on sale at 3am on march 1st 2008 reactions from the MFCers : Antarctic ?! ain't it a bit cold for his health ??? how the hell does his management schedule his concerts ??!! *goes and buy a ticket* *plans flight*
  9. here is a "cancellations serious discussions" free zone (like "can't believe they started selling tickets before the confirmation" cause they may have had the confirmation then the cancellation announcement, or "his management is dumb", etc.)... to have serious questions and serious answers about the way it works, i would direct you to the "he's not performing there anymore" threads... but to answer your question (again, even if you were not the one who asked it before and before that, and before before that) : you don't go to a festival for 1 artist in general, so the fact that mika cancelled his performance shouldn't be a big deal, and the impact on the ticket selling shouldn't be that huge... MFCers appart...
  10. hey, just a little doubt : when is her birthday ? she has birthday wishes on her myspace, and it's not today, is it ???
  11. chicken is the word some of the MFCers use to say s.e.x. cause it's a taboo word (appears with stars when you write it i think, let's try : sex) or just because it's "friendlier" since they talk about it all day long, it would seem weird seeing the word sex all over this forum... the penguin is RAK1, a member of the forum, who went to all her latest gigs with a penguin costume on... and she's done a lot of gigs lately
  12. i think she meant that jane birkin being famous in europe, mika knew who she was ! hence the "she's not a stranger to mika or the audience". don't know if he met her before that evening, though... am i so bored that i reply to old posts i've never read before ???
  13. you're right all the way : from the fact that i'm indeed wonderful to the fact that what i wrote about my "you're all dumb" phase could be interpreted the way it has been... and for that i said a few pages before that i was sorry... or i think i did but something else : people have to stop being afraid of what someone else can say about him/her ! none of us is here to be mean to anyone, and to me, it's pretty obvious... and i think people should be aware of that before taking every mocking seriously... some of us are sarcastic and that's the way we are. why would we be the only ones to change the way we are ? why people who don't get the mocking wouldn't make an effort to think before taking everything seriously ? it's a both-ways thing, we can make an effort and slow down the sarcasm, but others have to calm down and stop taking everything as plain BLACK or plain WHITE... and the "metal thing" calling wasn't meant to be mean (just a little bit kidding), it's just that i would have taken 1 hour and a half to write it correctly, so it was sort of affectuous lol and above all, easier for lazy me... but in no way "meany"
  14. oooh ok... the things you quoted were written yesterday... and i just said that if people were interested to investigate wether the song "Simple" was about mika or not, they should just check if the date they met (introduced by their common producer) was before or after the date she wrote the song... if they were introduced before she wrote it, so MAYBE it COULD be about him (partly or totally)... if they were introduced after she wrote the song, the "mystery" was solved and it was absoloutely not about him... violet_sky said she was taking it as a "yes" cause she knows i like the girl and know pretty much about her, so she thought i was teasing them, but she was wrong, i was not giving any answer, simply cause i don't have it ! that's the whole story As a part of the answer, Simple is on the OST of the movie Sisterhood of the Travelling pants (which i haven't seen and i don't plan to see), and she proposed the song to them for it to be part of the OST... I don't know the year this movie was out, but there lies your "mystery solution" peeps ! And only for your information, Katy is a singer, recently signed under a label that some of us like cause her lyrics are simply hilarious and true... well, that's why i like her, though. and she has a good voice too, of course, in the opinions of people who like her. She also works with Greg Wells, who is Mika's Life In Cartoon Motion producer, and he introduced them (as she says in the article) in 2006 : she was already working with Greg Wells, and Mika had just arrived for him to produce LICM : he thought they could get along and that's what happened for the little story... Another part of the story and why Katy Perry first arrived on this forum is that on her myspace, you can find old comments from Mika's private myspace, and those comments are quite explicit... and as you know, people tend to interpret everything, so here we go : Mika and Katy were in love... that's why the forum first heard of her... the thing is : we only have half of the conversation (we can't see her replies on MMMM's profile) and having a guess on how both are, i don't think those comments are to be taken raw ... who knows ?
  15. oh and i forgot, sorry !! the "you" was a general "you", like in "here in this forum, as i've noticed many times, you take things too raw", absoloutely not directed at you ! just realized you thought i had written it for you...
  16. never said it was about mika. i don't know what i wrote that could make you think that, or if i was drunk when i wrote it ... if you could quote what you found, please ? (not being sarcastic or anything, just really surprised, and not knowing what you're talking about ) and there is another thread about Katy, created before this one, where you can find info too, this one is just since the article... and i certainly posted my reply somewhere else (in the other thread or anywhere else) and this thread just went on without me cause i stopped posting here for a few weeks until about 1 month ago i don't know what to tell you...
  17. EP available on youtube with 3 versions of u're so gay (i think) + use your love (cover) + lost album released spring 2008 with capitol records
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